There are 4,512 nonprofits in Phoenix, Arizona.

Name EIN Income Assets
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona 237512437 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona 237512443 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona 237512455 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona 900790440 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona Grand Chapter 860024026 $719,727 $11,799,485
Order of the Founders and Patriots of America 363971028 $0 $0
Ordo Rosae Aureae 860716879 $0 $0
Ordo Templi Orientis USA 463998191 $0 $0
Organization Design Forum Incorporated 611159540 $76,760 $79,670
Organization of Wildlife Planners 830262575 $0 $0
Orpheus Male Chorus of Phoenix 866053100 $120,541 $207,020
Orthoarizona Foundation 454029297 $86,552 $92,214
Orthodox Social Services 860895952 $0 $0
Osage Foundation Incorporated 860978736 $0 $0
Osborn School District Educational Foundation Incorporated 860559973 $45,959 $123,813
Ottosen Foundation 860778785 $2,421,369 $9,673,397
Our Coastal Village Foundation Incorporated 264584304 $208,601 $1,472,864
Our Daily Bread Community Outreach Services 261553946 $0 $0
Our Lady of Czestochowa Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300515230 $0 $0
Our Lady of the Valley Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 364643659 $0 $0
Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Arizona 261399967 $0 $0
P P a C - Phoenix Police Athletic Club 860679942 $91,762 $58,545
Packages from Home 201124013 $839,326 $153,118
Pafco Education Fund 200658846 $93,650 $7,946
Page One Literary Center 462309375 $0 $0
Pakis Family Foundation 860846617 $26,719,874 $17,721,895
Pakistan Information and Cultural Organization 860980796 $5,007 $15,625
Pal Experiences Incorporated 461725248 $20,000 $16,211
Palms Clinic and Hospital 860091505 $15,118 $142,726
Palms Cpp 860583692 $0 $0
Palms Gospel Chapel 866053603 $0 $0
Palo Verde Recreation League Incorporated 860597070 $0 $0
Pals Charities - Pet and Animal Lovers Service 463429444 $0 $0
Pan-american Elementary Charter School 861030627 $4,185,554 $6,584,853
Papago-salado Tourism Association Incorporated 860727305 $69,764 $38,777
Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation 202581623 $722,544 $836,882
Paradise and Pacific Railroad 273800878 $0 $0
Paradise Community Church 942689887 $0 $0
Paradise Hills Assembly of God 860397939 $0 $0
Paradise Oasis Neighborhood Network Block Watch 860919530 $0 $0
Paradise Springs Community Church 860594237 $0 $0
Paradise Valley Christian Church 860213127 $0 $0
Paradise Valley Christian School 860283924 $3,161,394 $5,885,837
Paradise Valley Community Covenant Church Phoenix Az 860487631 $0 $0
Paradise Valley Education Association 860313783 $142,462 $265,078
Paradise Valley Girls Softball League Incorporated 860315443 $84,373 $53,070
Paradise Valley High School Pto Booster Club 860673105 $129,333 $60,135
Paradise Valley Hospital Medical Staff Incorporated 861027537 $82,697 $244,722
Paradise Valley Lutheran Church 860357742 $0 $0
Paradise Valley Mennonite Church 860719416 $0 $0
Paradise Valley Rotary Foundation 942885087 $44,937 $382,873
Paradise Valley Support Employee Association 860436545 $0 $0
Paradise Valley United Parent Council 860562359 $0 $0
Paralyzed Veterans of America 237174779 $383,208 $839,375
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 451601969 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 453574372 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 453749331 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 461200808 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 462287121 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 462780154 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 462894227 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 463050362 $0 $0
Parent Child School Support Services Incorporated 371659873 $0 $0
Parent Organization of Valley Academy Charter School 050535301 $87,280 $21,382
Parents and Relatives of Murdered Children 611660626 $0 $0
Parents and Teachers at Meadows Incorporated 742401305 $132,804 $90,727
Parents and Teachers at Simis Incorporated 953545873 $147,744 $150,949
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 953539438 $0 $0
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 463075579 $0 $0
Parents Taking a Stand Incorporated 651230710 $0 $0
Parties for Purpose 465725262 $0 $0
Partnership for a Drug Free Americaarizona Affiliate 260507107 $989,965 $585,291
Pas Charter Incorporated 721524205 $1,610,454 $431,123
Passage Transition Coalition 270515032 $0 $0
Pastime Softball Incorporated 274160438 $0 $0
Pastoral Care Associates 860893815 $0 $0
Pateman-akin-avery-kachina Foundation Paak Foundation 237057659 $152,981 $64,744
Path Community Services Incorporated 680553207 $0 $0
Pathfinder Charter Foundation 331034701 $4,870,738 $1,631,790
Patrick Henry Ministries Incorporated 522387860 $0 $0
Patterdell School for Girls 860119985 $0 $0
Paws and Claws Pet Fostering 593817398 $0 $0
Pbhmc Incorporated 860187194 $1,362,602 $1,104,985
Pbhmc Incorporated 953239789 $4,972,783 $131,232,919
Peace and Justice Center 134324274 $85,532 $20,653
Peace House 311645466 $0 $0
Pearce Family Foundation 352485098 $0 $0
Pedal Power Foundation an Arizona Non-profit Corporation 331061005 $21,074 $1,430
Peer Solutions Incorporated 861015729 $196,520 $32,026
Pegasus Equine Center for the Blind Incorporated 453687669 $0 $0
Pemex Procurement International Incorporated 760506563 $1,235,769 $434
Pencil Point Foundation 200534484 $0 $27,084
Pendergast Education Foundation 263207544 $29,900 $40,110
Pennzoil-quaker State Company Employees Healthcare Plan 760634930 $11,206,911 $953,049
Pentecost Church of Jesus Christ Incorporated 860469320 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God 860871388 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 107rpaz 262529033 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 14rpaz 262535395 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 43rpaz 262529024 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 65rpaz 205115432 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Incorporated 760784114 $0 $0
Pentecostal Evangelical Church 943240017 $0 $0
Pentecostal Holiness Church 860723540 $0 $0
Pentecostals of Phoenix 201277374 $0 $0
People of Color Network Incorporated 860976654 $34,251,569 $5,420,936
People of the Way Ministries 271583038 $0 $0
Peoples Fraternity 463784733 $0 $0
Peppedup Incorporated 453864416 $70,976 $22,221
Perfect Word Ministries Incorporated 300174325 $88,718 $23,462
Perfecting the Saints Ministries 262794453 $0 $0
Petsmart Associate Assistance Foundation 454101736 $464,208 $190,216
Petsmart Charities Incorporated 931140967 $71,932,238 $44,931,819
Phi Phi Zeta House Corporation 383219513 $73,210 $325,282
Philippine Orthodox Catholic Church of Jesus 860705525 $0 $0
Philippine Senior Center of Phoenix 942921038 $0 $0
Phoenix Advantage Charter School Incorporated 043309215 $4,935,381 $8,851,140
Phoenix Agape Christian Church 271249769 $0 $0
Phoenix Air National Guard Patriots 383679797 $0 $0
Phoenix Akarama Foundation Incorporated 860774093 $105,433 $56,568
Phoenix Animal Care Coalition 205153613 $383,549 $439,239
Phoenix Area Quilters Association 860791337 $0 $0
Phoenix Art Museum 860072608 $9,540,336 $10,575,318
Phoenix Art Museum Endowment Fund Incorporated 860765761 $5,898,243 $24,858,824
Phoenix Association of the Deaf Incorporated 237391672 $0 $0
Phoenix Astronomical Society Incorporated 860472770 $0 $0
Phoenix Block Watch Advisory Board Incorporated 860683026 $0 $0
Phoenix Blues Society 860656937 $0 $0
Phoenix Bobcats Track and Field Club 860573128 $0 $0
Phoenix Bonsai Society 550887284 $0 $0
Phoenix Boys Choir Association 860256421 $1,164,171 $1,980,384
Phoenix Brick Laying and Tile Setti Ng Joint Apprenticeship and Training 860146294 $50,791 $218,341
Phoenix Buchori Jewish Community 860917784 $0 $0
Phoenix Camelback Rotary Foundation 742730307 $67,277 $27,453
Phoenix Camera Club 860215686 $0 $0
Phoenix Center Arts Association 860712649 $495,229 $201,477
Phoenix Center for Community Development Incorporated 742577737 $10,625 $38,015
Phoenix Chamber Music Society 866052614 $385,709 $698,045
Phoenix Chamber Music Society Endowment 953474699 $257,072 $920,314
Phoenix Chapter Business Marketing Association 461257014 $6,300 $13,640
Phoenix Chapter of Nordmanns Forbundet Norsemans Federation 860458638 $0 $0
Phoenix Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute Incorporated 860439727 $57,250 $74,964
Phoenix Chapter of the Western Pension and Benefits Conference 860392468 $68,844 $63,454
Phoenix Chapter of the Womens Council of Realtors 860928297 $0 $0
Phoenix Childrens Chorus Incorporated 900470136 $483,264 $135,125
Phoenix Childrens Hospital 860422559 $678,100,645 $968,266,292
Phoenix Childrens Hospital Foundation 742421549 $36,320,901 $83,980,350
Phoenix Childrens Project 900137202 $0 $0
Phoenix Chinese Senior Citizens Association 860369173 $81,939 $837,479
Phoenix Chinese United Association 860657724 $50,489 $266,186
Phoenix Chinese Week 860801382 $61,346 $22,259
Phoenix Christian Assembly 860264849 $0 $0
Phoenix Christian Day Care 860634486 $0 $0
Phoenix Christian Grace Church 860811918 $0 $0
Phoenix Christian Institute 942400355 $0 $0
Phoenix Christian Reformed Church 860227747 $0 $0
Phoenix Christian School Society Incorporated 866006357 $0 $0
Phoenix Christian School Society Ladies Auxiliary 866053787 $14,731 $8,215
Phoenix Christian Unified Schools Incorporated 860103283 $3,935,873 $1,666,482
Phoenix Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association 861031178 $0 $0
Phoenix Collegiate Academy 900364347 $2,632,646 $6,318,698
Phoenix Community Alliance Incorporated 860492098 $435,641 $52,724
Phoenix Community Development and Investment Corporation 352175243 $1,185,829 $9,556,022
Phoenix Community Eruv Incorporated 860770579 $9,202 $7,555
Phoenix Community Kollel Incorporated 860964706 $0 $0
Phoenix Conservatory of Music 860917748 $321,390 $94,286
Phoenix Cotillion 860466784 $80,483 $4,396
Phoenix Country Club 860047000 $11,045,851 $24,966,200
Phoenix Coyotes Booster Club 260518582 $0 $0
Phoenix Creative Planning Centers Foundation Incorporated 861045290 $0 $0
Phoenix Dance Cooperative Incorporated 453015297 $186,918 $40,226
Phoenix Day 860096782 $1,528,692 $1,973,371
Phoenix Derby Brats 453857134 $0 $0
Phoenix Desi Sports and Cultural Club 270889463 $28,945 $7,997
Phoenix Downtown Lions Club Foundation 237096793 $16,047 $170,392
Phoenix Dream Center Foundation 451456334 $270,137 $163,580
Phoenix Early Music Society Incorporated 942919566 $0 $0
Phoenix Economic Partners 742364297 $43,286 $105,532
Phoenix Electrical Joint Apprentice Phoenix Electrical Jatc 262578221 $986,320 $4,216,228
Phoenix Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program 866053545 $800,673 $5,000,753
Phoenix Faith Church of the United Bretheren in Christ 860424997 $0 $0
Phoenix Falcons Fencing Club Incorporated 870689500 $49,801 $4,890
Phoenix Federal Womens Program Interagency Council 800106533 $0 $0
Phoenix Feline Fanciers 860718472 $32,861 $13,478
Phoenix Film Foundation 861012666 $240,399 $14,914
Phoenix Fire Community Outreach 203837608 $0 $0
Phoenix First Assembly of God 860139651 $0 $0
Phoenix First Foursquare Church 942960329 $0 $0
Phoenix Flyers Incorporated 860210532 $140,395 $261,780
Phoenix Foundation Trust Fund 959013325 $506,884 $1,065,995
Phoenix Friends of C G Jung 742406056 $0 $0
Phoenix Fringe Festival 262340067 $0 $0
Phoenix Frontrunners 462926995 $0 $0
Phoenix Full Gospel Church 860736359 $0 $0
Phoenix Girls Chorus Incorporated 860621710 $474,990 $989,944
Phoenix Gospel Hall 237016793 $0 $0
Phoenix Gospel Mission 866057771 $10,756,450 $17,590,681
Phoenix Grace Bible Church 860705181 $0 $0
Phoenix Greyhound Racing Foundation Incorporated 237400264 $30 $39,819
Phoenix Guide Dog Raisers 860991462 $18,898 $36,420
Phoenix Gymnastics Associationbooster Club 205521233 $105,177 $42,524
Phoenix Harley Owners Group Charities Incorporated 731670063 $0 $0
Phoenix Harm Reduction Organization 300760098 $0 $0
Phoenix Hebrew Academy Incorporated 860199058 $0 $0
Phoenix Heroes Endowment Fund 860797160 $0 $0
Phoenix High Functioning Autism-asperger Family Network 263391458 $0 $0
Phoenix Holocaust Survivors Association 860517079 $0 $0
Phoenix Indian Center 866006566 $2,508,184 $639,143
Phoenix Indian Medical Center Auxiliary Incorporated 860332702 $94,169 $119,973
Phoenix Inner City Kids 861043473 $142,514 $400,654
Phoenix Innovation Foundation 264753671 $0 $0
Phoenix Institute of Contemporary Art 942744357 $0 $0
Phoenix Interfaith Counseling 860275295 $830,685 $2,146,599
Phoenix J C Welfare Foundation-2815 866020688 $0 $0
Phoenix Jewish Community Kivel Nursing Home 860136129 $1,994,072 $4,735,304
Phoenix Jewish Free Loan Association 866052446 $425,003 $1,204,728
Phoenix Law Enforcement Association 510189787 $1,641,218 $2,013,506
Phoenix Law Enforcement Association Charities 680615615 $29,175 $46,653
Phoenix Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee Incorporated 860670912 $1,019,468 $251,388
Phoenix Lodge 2 Fraternal Order of Police Foundation Incorporated 010904345 $5,211 $23,512
Phoenix Mens Arts Council 237101528 $1,307,192 $1,010,951
Phoenix Military Veterans Commission Foundation Incorporated 203476171 $0 $0
Phoenix Monarchs Alumni Association of Az 860472920 $103,193 $27,589
Phoenix Northwest Foursquare Church 942984428 $0 $0
Phoenix Old Boys Rugby Football Club Incorporated 860572990 $0 $0
Phoenix One Foundation 260687878 $10,585 $81,433
Phoenix Ophthalmological Society 953560011 $54,580 $59,576
Phoenix Painters and Allied Trades Apprenticeship Trust Fund 860191802 $192,768 $297,584
Phoenix Painting Industry Trust Fund 866051048 $4,401,207 $3,750,175
Phoenix Parks Foundation 953413342 $575,792 $399,358
Phoenix Patriots Lacrosse Club 260906091 $0 $0
Phoenix Performing Arts Center Incorporated 860477969 $1,243,327 $491,422
Phoenix Philanthropists 270861466 $0 $0
Phoenix Police Foundation Incorporated 861014450 $0 $0
Phoenix Police Honor Guard 320159165 $0 $0
Phoenix Police Museum 860766781 $162,269 $118,877
Phoenix Police Reserve Foundation 261508628 $0 $0
Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieuenants Association 860998614 $222,812 $415,610
Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association Charities 510603509 $7,388 $3,645
Phoenix Primera 860364964 $0 $0
Phoenix Public Library Foundation 860835463 $317,537 $471,530
Phoenix Residential Improvement District Enterprises Incorporated 860690751 $0 $0
Phoenix Residential Investment Development Effort 860654497 $2,031,301 $13,566,334
Phoenix Revitalization Corporation 860663748 $662,319 $210,001
Phoenix Rod and Gun Club Incorporated 860398723 $140,732 $295,474
Phoenix Rotary Club Foundation 866057676 $540,872 $1,040,616
Phoenix School of Academic Excellence 860909286 $905,780 $95,345
Phoenix Scottish Rite Foundation Incorporated 860605983 $52,535 $288,612
Phoenix Seminary Incorporated 860711495 $3,726,549 $3,826,214
Phoenix Shanti Group 860592079 $2,395,556 $1,718,909
Phoenix Sister Cities Incorporated 510169319 $794,317 $375,462
Phoenix Ski Club Incorporated 510196108 $175,596 $84,194
Phoenix Society of Gastroenterology 860621361 $49,099 $70,507
Phoenix Storm Rugby Football Club Incorporated 710971537 $0 $0
Phoenix Sunfish Swim Club Incorporated 205191833 $0 $0
Phoenix Suns Charities Incorporated 860633919 $1,898,819 $1,553,115
Phoenix Surgical Society 860340521 $73,191 $20,854
Phoenix Symphony Association 866000134 $13,008,892 $2,010,145
Phoenix Symphony Guild 866051136 $315,960 $741,543
Phoenix Symphony Support Foundation 262741009 $411,318 $3,643,262
Phoenix Table Tennis Club 860926489 $33,125 $24,426
Phoenix Theatre Guild 860126593 $0 $0
Phoenix Theatre Incorporated 860108839 $4,686,612 $6,442,595
Phoenix Tool Shed 455285782 $0 $0
Phoenix Traditional Music and Dance Incorporated 860645490 $0 $0
Phoenix Triathlon Club Incorporated 300284882 $14,510 $2,657
Phoenix Union High School Alumni Association 860546041 $25,436 $406,119
Phoenix Union High School District Classroom Teachers Association Incorporated 860218429 $141,511 $504,728
Phoenix Union Partnership of Business and Education Incorporated 860523265 $265,335 $639,264
Phoenix Urological Society 860557484 $0 $19,332
Phoenix Vaad Hakashruth 860199657 $50,289 $10,603
Phoenix Valley Church of Christ 860526171 $0 $0
Phoenix Virtues Association 270830590 $49,651 $363,966
Phoenix Volunteers 800682549 $0 $0
Phoenix Womens Chorus 860935279 $94,685 $23,068
Phoenix Womens Sports Association 861040916 $0 $0
Phoenix World Outreach 860945066 $0 $0
Phoenix World Outreach Incorporated 860531132 $0 $0
Phoenix Zoo Auxiliary 201917394 $23,952 $57,407
Phoenix-metropolitan 860903640 $0 $0
Phoenixlaw Foundation 270232351 $0 $0
Pi Beta Phi Fraternity 860648252 $88,802 $59,649
Picerne Charitable Trust 050487100 $1,202,717 $1,747,624
Pilgram Rest Foundation Incorporated 860885862 $5,504,906 $15,929,763
Pima County Automobile Dealers Association 866052450 $39,646 $451,594
Pinnacle Girls Lacrosse Incorporated 800276934 $0 $0
Pinnacle High Booster Club Incorporated 860994121 $485,074 $206,588
Pioneer Arizona Foundation 860182044 $247,178 $1,001,544
Pioneer Preparatory School- a Challenge Foundation Academy Incorporated 200209951 $4,094,171 $1,956,448
Pioneers Cemetery Association Incorporated 860462117 $0 $0
Pivotal Foundation 203959093 $20,015 $6,748,519
Placet Development Corporation 752817205 $4,622,868 $24,388,964
Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Arizona Incorporated 860773049 $251,514 $26,307
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona 860701472 $311,165 $235,275
Planned Parenthood Arizona Incorporated 860146520 $12,728,762 $7,817,232
Plazas De Merced 860758961 $175,787 $725,044
Pna Centers for Neurological Research 262553380 $474,832 $358,651
Poiema Church 201992276 $0 $0
Point Man International Ministries 900045106 $0 $0
Point of Refuge 861044590 $49,540 $118,203
Polio Echo 742511836 $0 $0
Polish Scouting Organization-zhp Incorporated 270810489 $0 $0
Polka Katzen Incorporated 460779813 $0 $0
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 942506662 $79,405 $6,324
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 860906186 $105,280 $19,974
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 860950537 $90,178 $1
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 861007598 $41,296 $2,561
Porsche Club of America Arizona Region 860877550 $89,536 $107,302
Portland General Electric Company Veba for Health Reimbursement Arra 202009365 $2,549,195 $6,707,202
Portrait Artists of Arizona 263477098 $0 $0
Possibility Place Christian Mission Incorporated 453235717 $0 $0
Postal Workers Social Club Incorporated 860285957 $46,063 $77,735
Potato Chips Pomeranian Rescue 800739984 $12,419 $1,323
Potters Field Ministry Incorporated 860716929 $49,178 $20,035
Potters House Restoration Ministries Incorporated 202600451 $0 $0
Potters House Substance Abuse Center 201579898 $602,219 $27,584
Povertys Pets Incorporated 900600475 $0 $0
Power of One Good Deed Incorporated 274467927 $0 $0
Prayer House Sanctuary Church of God in Christ Incorporated 860500746 $0 $0
Precision Academy 860931673 $3,880,422 $454,946
Predictive Health Analytics Institute 800927467 $0 $0
Pregnancy Resource Center of Arizona 454756394 $187,521 $74,978
Premier Healthcare Incorporated 860770732 $292,467 $6,985,460
Premier-career Success 861030251 $2,102,319 $2,370,222
Presbyterian Ganado Mission Foundation Incorporated 274880180 $0 $0
Presbytery De Cristo 860621513 $0 $0
Prescott Chapter No 2 - Royal Arch Masons 454998866 $0 $0
Preserving Community Aquatics Incorporated 462279117 $0 $0
Prime Timers of Phoenix Incorporated 113768690 $0 $0
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Foundation 860592846 $0 $0
Pro Bono Foundation 455475564 $0 $0
Pro-visions for Life 860896575 $0 $0
Proclaiming Christ Incorporated 860841734 $0 $0
Professional Association of Senior Referral Specialists 274384556 $6,836 $3,094
Project America 460696170 $0 $0
Project America Development Company 860947960 $869,643 $5,586,412
Project Hard Hat 200731087 $0 $0
Project Shoestring Incorporated 208524290 $0 $0
Promise Arizona 452081460 $0 $0
Promusica Arizona Chorale and Orchestra 510503175 $112,989 $39,086
Prop 13 Arizona 510646401 $0 $0
Property Corporation of Arizona Cities and Towns 237063691 $135,667 $379,100
Prosperity International Missionary Outreach 200126400 $0 $0
Protecting Arizona Resources Andchildren 205763437 $91,400 $3,210
Protecting Arizonas Family Coalition 200658905 $0 $0
Protestant Episcopal Church Diocese of Arizona 860096785 $0 $0
Providence Baptist Church Phoenix Arizona 237434989 $0 $0
Psa Behavioral Health Agency 860220306 $9,541,326 $6,587,291
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 931178261 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congres of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900336170 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers 462305608 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 455371312 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860895712 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860919410 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860957547 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 861040642 $65,650 $32,272
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 866053792 $463,898 $173,047
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 866054764 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900252963 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860599282 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860604145 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860609679 $67,010 $32,780
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860633162 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860661211 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860706936 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 464266135 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 742406734 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 742427997 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 742576558 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 760836685 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 860101077 $129,401 $138,286
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900403818 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900604272 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900730437 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900753700 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900755913 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900758964 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900765319 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900765320 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900813190 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 900820450 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 942506308 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 942506345 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 942844273 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 942844291 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 942844304 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 200468481 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 237072640 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 237120510 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 260064903 $0 $0
Pta Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 260848523 $62,957 $27,364
Public Affairs Professionals of Arizona Incorporated 860595028 $0 $0
Pueblo Grande Museum Auxiliary 860405182 $151,577 $242,270
Pueblo Senior Housing Incorporated 860757227 $281,071 $1,799,752
Pul-coral Gardens Apartments Incorporated 860795486 $0 $0
Pulaski Club Incorporated 860099808 $75,079 $66,764
Purina Mills Benefit Association Trust 431435662 $137 $136,970
Purple Carrot Gardens Incorporated 462518306 $0 $0
Purradise Ranch Incorporated 453665465 $0 $0
Pwc Hockey Club 264821244 $116,160 $53,240
Que Group Incorporated 680509098 $0 $0
Questar Corporation Employee Benefit Trust 870392987 $23,514,165 $1,107,331
Quincea Incorporated 452687984 $0 $0
R and Q Dog Sports Incorporated 261605207 $0 $1
R S Hoyt Jr Family Foundation 860958722 $513,455 $5,770,878
R U Prepared Foundation 263944786 $5,286 $14,806
Raciborski Family Foundation 071901 861036530 $1,372,993 $1,507,573
Racing Home Greyhound Adoption 201206412 $0 $0
Radio Family Rosary Incorporated 860720879 $49,994 $110,582
Rag Collection 454358098 $0 $0
Rahman Ministries Incorporated 861003656 $1,710,670 $180,896
Rainbow Valley Bible Church 860317738 $0 $0
Raising Special Kids 860517082 $1,064,323 $398,420
Ramah Full Gospel Church 861021601 $0 $0
Ramana Marashi Spiritual Center 237367695 $0 $0
Randy Thompson Ministries Incorporated 860660066 $5,025 $1,382
Raye of Hope Outrreach 743055654 $0 $0
Raymond Family Foundation Trust Indenture Agreement 566502391 $334,485 $11,226,491
Raza Development Fund Incorporated 521954196 $8,225,481 $118,341,005
Rci Incorporated 263266801 $0 $0
Reach Council Incorporated 562671422 $0 $0
Reaching Kids International 200658856 $0 $0
React International 866056055 $0 $0
Read Aloud International 208917751 $0 $0
Real Estate Investment Adivisory Council of Arizona Incorporated 861012812 $74,495 $88,555
Reawaken Incorporated 454823296 $0 $0
Reborn 860909419 $397,892 $48,506
Rec Fx Foundation 113745563 $0 $0
Recognition Roundtable 383674342 $15,099 $99,033
Reconciliation Church of God 030612272 $0 $0
Recovery Empowerment Network of Maricopa County Incorporated 870751247 $1,730,490 $1,763,702
Recovery Innovations Incorporated 711018775 $28,948,241 $13,429,601
Recovery Innovations of Arizona Incorporated 860671446 $13,626,149 $6,128,873
Recovery Innovations of Californiainc 208399176 $3,999,401 $507,981
Recovery Innovations of Northcarolina Incorporated 208516593 $3,637,846 $582,612
Red Mountain Academy Incorporated 860779671 $88,836 $12,191
Red Rocks Music Festival 861035975 $53,398 $5,725
Redeemed Christian Church of God Sure Foundation Parish 263227534 $0 $0
Redeemed Christian Fellowship Incorporated 860928425 $0 $0
Redeemed Outreach Center 204560332 $416,163 $19,225
Redemption Martial Arts Foundation Incorporated 464102682 $0 $0
Redi Foundation 860973894 $133,921 $447,210
Redimidos 200925741 $0 $0
Refuge Foundation 455493296 $0 $0
Refugee Immigrant Relief Center 371525253 $365,179 $57,951
Refugio Casa De Dios 452635615 $0 $0
Regional Attorneys Guild 742343387 $0 $0
Regional Community Partners 860998822 $310,434 $586,131
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf 943371307 $0 $0
Rehoboth Community Development Corporation 861114590 $780,860 $147,370
Rehoboth Saints Center Church of God in Christ 860957840 $0 $0
Reia 273587865 $0 $0
Reid Traditional Schools Painted Rock Academy Incorporated 453868417 $2,316,735 $9,809,964
Reid Traditional Schools Valley Academy Incorporated 860784125 $5,063,467 $14,258,933
Reister Conservation Foundation 861033524 $21,643 $38,934
Release the Fear 861040579 $117,610 $93,733
Religious Science Church of Phoenix 860647629 $0 $0
Remember the Poor 263948935 $68,659 $28,960
Remnant Media International Incorporated 470901797 $0 $0
Renewal in the Desert Incorporated 273581775 $0 $0
Renewal Performing Arts 203205737 $0 $0
Republic Services Employee Relief Fund 203395272 $99,287 $455,633
Rescue a Golden of Arizona 860935374 $185,553 $199,094
Rescue League 461058320 $0 $0
Rescue Team 860780621 $235,256 $142,591
Research Institute International Incorporated 593186999 $0 $445,867
Restauracion Y Vida Eterna Asamblea De Dios 262421207 $0 $0
Restoration Community Ministries of the Assemblies of God 860429562 $0 $0
Restoration Literary Project 710965054 $0 $0
Restoration Ministries Incorporated 860563270 $118,604 $275,347
Restore Arizonas Future 462285442 $0 $0
Resurrection Lutheran Church 860292420 $0 $0
Retired Enlisted Association 860530195 $0 $0
Retrouvaille-rediscovery of Arizona Incorporated 860519460 $51,385 $15,874
Revelation Wellness Foundation 274195376 $187,889 $69,199
Revitalizing Churches Incorporated 860633943 $75,145 $82,200
Revival Center of Love Ministries Incorporated 943469845 $0 $0
Rexnord Industries Llc-supp Life 566351452 $1,258 $1,328,637
Rhema Christian Center 860776675 $0 $0
Rho Chapter Foundation Incorporated 262139419 $0 $0
Rice and Beans Foundation 261213740 $0 $0
Richard a Odom Family Foundation 860898996 $5,636,643 $5,206,790
Richard C Adkerson Family Foundation 721353058 $12,781,933 $10,820,166
Richard E Miller Parent Teacher Organization 412050702 $32,105 $16,739
Richard F Caris Foundation 453734978 $1,870,212 $3,205,000
Ricky and Suzanne Barnes Foundation 464579695 $0 $0
Ridgeline Academy a Challenge Foundation Academy Incorporated 860698441 $2,772,321 $699,997
Rightcare Foundation Incorporated 800667676 $0 $0
Rimrock Housing Group 270058463 $0 $0
Rio Salado Behavioral Health Systems Incorporated 860717396 $579,772 $95,191
Rio Salado Foundation 860471616 $64,435 $201,559
Rio Vista Center Incorporated 201569551 $423,334 $36,142
Rising Youth Theatre 454324350 $0 $0
Risk and Insurance Management Society of Central Arizona Incorporated 860671525 $32,774 $14,197
River Bottom Ministries 861018957 $0 $0
River of Dreams 860749240 $157,029 $101,000
River of Life Tabernacle Incorporated 860647606 $0 $0
Roadrunner Prospectors Club Incorporated 860452068 $176,407 $431,781
Roaring Fork Reinsurance Limited 860894558 $0 $0
Robert and Susan Katz Foundation for Children and Families 464281758 $0 $0
Robert Brooks Ministries Incorporated 582447656 $0 $0
Robert D Fisher Foundation Incorporated 204356942 $9,501 $334
Robert E Simpson Memorial Trust Fund 866022887 $29 $11,235
Robert H Mckee and Mary Ellen Mckee Charitable Family Foundation 431799994 $481,275 $23,385
Robert J Wick Family Foundation 860782796 $30,779 $402,061
Robert Kemper Corrigan Foundation 263652876 $101 $641,344
Robinson Ranch 263216499 $84,383 $21,782
Rock Community Development Corporation 460604052 $0 $0
Rock of Jesus Pentecostal Mission 860672110 $0 $0
Rock of Salvation Ministries 860761384 $0 $0
Rocky Mountain Information Network Incorporated 273270017 $4,754,391 $371,981
Rodel Charitable Foundation-az 860941890 $5,688,018 $21,933,936
Rodney H and Carolyn Brady Foundation 742571965 $706,425 $1,353,584
Roger Leland Goudie Foundation 876245528 $421,098 $854,539
Romance Slam Jam Incorporated 263693408 $0 $0
Romanian Pentecostal Church 860565867 $0 $0
Romelia Aerospace Incorporated 860904511 $0 $0
Romelia Candle Mfg and Bookstore 860895951 $0 $0
Romelia Housing for the Poor and Distressed Incorporated 860924610 $0 $0
Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Phoenix 860483792 $5,296,868 $12,659,935
Ronan Thompson Foundation Incorporated 273409074 $200,972 $224,031
Roney Family Foundation 262884937 $245,921 $1,771,307
Rooming Incorporated 208942059 $423,687 $0
Roosevelt Foundation for Our Childrens Future 274948236 $0 $0
Roosevelt Neighborhood Womans Club 860497912 $0 $0
Roosevelt Row Community Developmentcorporation 205937475 $156,081 $19,377
Rose Lane Parent Faculty Club Tracee Antley Mceluogue 866052088 $78,009 $46,628
Rosies House a Music Academy for Children Incorporated 860650451 $426,116 $336,723
Rosson House Heritage Square and Foundation Incorporated 860378502 $249,710 $352,325
Rotary Club of Ahwatukee Foothills Foundation Incorporated 134368416 $0 $0
Rotary International 141916227 $83,983 $21,390
Rotary International 237244908 $0 $0
Rotary International 866089058 $23,627 $12,707
Rotary International 860052135 $266,440 $42,150
Rotary International 942919543 $0 $0
Rotary International 860769164 $187,858 $112,703
Rourke Family Foundation 911818186 $152,384 $673,934
Royal Neighbors of America 272664990 $0 $0
Royal Neighbors of America 451268565 $0 $0
Royal Neighbors of America 452392071 $0 $0
Royal Neighbors of America 454239888 $0 $0
Royal Palm Parent Teacher Organization 860481930 $30,851 $21,439
Rubber Pavements Association Incorporated 521817148 $272,591 $118,206
Rubenstein Foundation Endowment Fund 860309818 $0 $0
Russell and Edna Knapp Foundation Trust 942938337 $63,498 $1,075,733
Russian American Consortium for Excellence in Rheumatology 463161080 $0 $0
Rusty Spoke Bicycle Collective 453996816 $0 $0
Ryan House 201852393 $1,454,666 $4,842,284
Ryan Thomas Foundation 263764684 $40,266 $3,162
S and M Corporation 860359795 $0 $1
S E Reinsurance Company Ltd 980379278 $0 $0
S T a R-stand Together and Recover Centers Incorporated 860586210 $2,857,820 $1,069,503
Sacred Heart Foundation Llc 205530781 $0 $0
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 364643816 $0 $0
Safari Club International Foundation 860473886 $140,632 $228,629
Safe Haven Incorporated 860755371 $0 $0
Safe Kids Coalition of Maricopa County 860761964 $15,216 $35,067
Safely in Mothers Arms 860981320 $0 $0
Sagewood Residents Foundation 462328702 $17,375 $16,134
Saguaro High School Cheer Booster Club 113814534 $0 $0
Sailbear Labs 452566635 $0 $0
Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Monastery Incorporated 742527435 $0 $0
Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Publications 860895955 $0 $0
Saint Mark Lutheran Church 860326998 $0 $0
Saint Marys High School Scholarship and Benefit Fund 742547562 $124,232 $1,349,613
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe School 861038374 $202,340 $184,765
Saint Paul Lutheran Church 860282832 $0 $0
Salon National Laboutique Des Huit Chapeaux Et Quarante Femmes 860730559 $0 $0
Salt River Intergroup Incorporated 860138205 $231,594 $90,255
Salt River Project Employees Recreational Association 860652064 $927,489 $672,405
Salt River Project Employees Recreational Association 860652066 $462,431 $518,793
Salt River Project Employees Recreational Association Incorporated 860113325 $4,287,197 $1,721,855
Salt River Valley Alanon Information Services 860903361 $59,113 $27,006
Sam and Judy Linhart Foundation 860813561 $141,912 $512,905
Samuel C and Myra G Powell Foundation 876163275 $429,621 $3,551,766
San Felipe Animal Rescue Incorporated 432032487 $1,001 $1
San Juan Diego Institute Corp 030500912 $9,453 $1,840
San Tan Racing Team 261590820 $0 $0
San Xavier Del Bac Assembly Fouth Degree Knights of Columbus 237546442 $0 $0
Sanatan Seva Samiti 205500082 $0 $0
Sanborn Reinsurance Co Ltd 980362991 $0 $0
Sanderson Museum and Village 261558976 $7,218 $3,298,110
Sandra and Harvey Belfer Foundation 900035611 $1,979 $74,491
Sandra Day Oconnor High School Band Booster Club 050584696 $40,891 $32,431
Sanghi Family Foundation 208338277 $21,042 $667,175
Santa Cruz Apartments Incorporated 860712873 $767,834 $522,824
Santos Soccer Club 860599534 $81,674 $721
Sarahim Foundation Incorporated 205150735 $57,305 $46,388
Save Our Mountains Foundation 237292599 $53,093 $35,630
Save the Animals 453327957 $761,443 $1,003
Saving Paws 454279574 $110,148 $6,328
Sc Insurance Company 273312053 $13,035,327 $14,598,134
Sc Jensen Corporation Incorporated 421533919 $648,094 $227,720
Scholarships for Gcu Students 460959318 $0 $0
Scholarships to You 263960625 $0 $0
School District of Maple Veba Trust 456341962 $202,550 $69,859
School Nutrition Association of Arizona 866054525 $270,881 $194,229
Schools Incorporated 710911968 $0 $0
Schools with Heart Foundation 860967975 $412,430 $119,674
Schwans Sales Enterprises Voluntary Emp Beneficiary Association Trust 411851523 $71,731,529 $7,447,500
Science Foundation Arizona 204365711 $18,486,657 $21,054,057
Scorpius Dance Theatre 860954589 $126,781 $966
Scott and Laura Eller Family Foundation 743050515 $8 $78,279
Scottdale Mannam Presbyterian Church 010663753 $0 $0
Scottsdale Business Development Forum Incorporated 452037066 $50,200 $22,793
Scottsdale Christian Academy Incorporated 860269193 $10,090,482 $11,036,943
Scottsdale Honors Cotillion Incorporated 510137721 $99,368 $43,747
Scottsdale International Film Festival Incorporated 261804044 $201,193 $97,620
Scottsdale Reinsurance Co Limited 980162269 $0 $0
Scottsdale Saddle Club Incorporated 237432819 $0 $0
Scottsdale Silverhawks Baseball Club Incorporated 455114137 $0 $0
Scottsdale Torah Center 113750517 $0 $0
Scottsdale Torah Institute Incorporated 860665700 $0 $0
Secular Coalition for Arizona 273469200 $0 $0
Secure Arizona 461075743 $0 $0
Secured Futures Incorporated 262396880 $794,169 $55,321
Security Reinsurance Company Ltd 980214194 $0 $0
Sedona Conference 411893658 $1,934,145 $2,180,240
Seed Money for Growth Foundation Incorporated Smfg Foundation Incorporated 942919372 $5,917 $215,516
Seeds for a Future 412206020 $0 $0
Seeds for Autism 272401783 $150,670 $83,558
Seedspot 454098436 $347,593 $66,082
Selah Ministries Incorporated 742563817 $0 $0
Sendero De La Cruz Mision De Las Ad 260072358 $0 $0
Sending Hope Through Missions 264836055 $0 $0
Senior Saints Softball Incorporated 860339055 $0 $0
Seniors for Children 452825008 $0 $0
Sensory Research Center 262412990 $4,463 $1,667
Sereno Soccer Club Incorporated 860356430 $1,792,916 $264,948
Servant Leaders International Incorporated 270879470 $0 $0
Servants of Christ 510182122 $0 $0
Servants of the Most High Org 900951993 $0 $0
Services for Families First 860373280 $0 $0
Set Free Baptist Fellowship 651208607 $292,708 $911,963
Set Free Relief Program 352407075 $0 $0
Seven Places Ministries Incorporated 273006745 $0 $0
Shaarei Tzedek Incorporated 942693307 $0 $0
Shaarei Tzion Ohel Bracha of Arizona 201554157 $0 $0
Shadow Mountain Baseball Booster Club 861025356 $0 $0
Shadow Mountain High School Matador Parent Teacher Club 860469900 $0 $0
Shadow Rock Congregational Church 860279463 $0 $0
Shadow Rock Foundation Incorporated 942580556 $0 $0
Shamrock Foods Foundation 942856195 $2,354 $94,126
Share His Love Missions Incorporated 311594729 $35,927 $86,087
Shared Life Fellowship 953335426 $0 $0
Sharing His Word Ministry 454603158 $23,229 $380
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Trades Industry Program 860182197 $220,136 $389,128
Shell Medical Plan 742200128 $488,765,569 $16,477,327
Shell Oil Dental Assistance Plan 746290614 $27,781,640 $2,410,360
Shemer Art Center and Museum Association Incorporated Sacama 742440322 $115,023 $61,383
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church 860167918 $0 $0
Shepherd of the Valley United Methodist Church 860465974 $0 $0
Shepherds Canyon Retreat Incorporated 263930639 $392,110 $643,896
Shepherds Foundation 860148190 $179,709 $1,109,788
Shepherds Ranch 352275431 $0 $0
Sheriffs Mounted Posse of Maricopa County 510197273 $198,984 $67,265
Sherman Peak Reinsurance Company Ltd 522302682 $0 $0
Shield Foundation 953351635 $36,117 $180,000
Shiloh Community Church 860542190 $0 $0
Shine Scholarship Project 454799633 $23,769 $12,978
Shirdi Saibaba Temple Arizona 274662101 $124,229 $191,585
Showcase Concerts Incorporated 860630341 $0 $0
Shri Hiralaxmi Memorial Foundation of USA 261788342 $1,013 $103,129
Shri Krishna Pranami Association of USA 760545202 $0 $0
Shriners International 510153996 $51,293 $47,905
Shriners International 581911710 $0 $0
Shriners International 830487188 $0 $0
Shriners International 830487189 $0 $0
Shriners International 830487195 $0 $0
Shriners International 860018510 $1,172,510 $4,042,542
Shriners International 200259462 $0 $0
Shriners International 200259547 $0 $0
Shriners International 200259621 $0 $0
Shriners International 200259772 $0 $0
Shriners International 237328142 $0 $0
Shriners International 237328143 $0 $0
Shriners International 237345374 $0 $0
Shriners International 237362611 $0 $0
Shriners International 237362741 $0 $0
Shriners International 237362742 $0 $0
Shriners International 237415738 $0 $0
Shriners International 860886606 $0 $0
Shriners International 860915740 $0 $0
Shriners International 861003959 $0 $0
Shriners International 953497953 $0 $0
Shriners International 860330889 $0 $0
Shriners International 860394453 $0 $0
Shriners International 860536690 $0 $0
Shriners International 860552668 $0 $0
Shriners International 300563705 $0 $0
Shriners International 300563710 $0 $0
Shriners International 300806643 $0 $0
Shriners International 364639979 $0 $0
Shriners International 383830071 $0 $0
Shrm of Greater Phoenix 860198072 $147,638 $149,909
Shultz Family Foundation 205158436 $250,071 $248,783
Sickle Cell Anemia Society of Arizona Incorporated 860325799 $0 $0
Sierra Petlap Reinsurance Company L 954212831 $0 $0
Sigma Chi Zeta Omicron Alumniassociation 208680069 $500 $0
Sigma Theta Tau International Incorporated 351928451 $0 $0
Sikh Dharma of Phoenix 237366749 $0 $0
Sikh Religious Society of Arizona 860819841 $0 $0
Silambam Phoenix 263390254 $0 $0
Silent Witness Incorporated 860363598 $141,315 $655,179
Silverman Family Foundation 860704259 $942,914 $2,024,120
Simply Sports Incorporated 263687544 $251,269 $9,668
Single-family Residential Nghbrhd Prsv and Protection Foundation Incorporated 860889853 $68 $98,687
Sister Ministries Incorporated 454873468 $0 $0
Sisterly Love Charitable Organization Incorporated 462108325 $0 $0
Sisters in Crime Desert Sleuths Chapter Incorporated 454356216 $12,084 $4,308
Sisters of St Benedict of Maricopa County Az Incorporated 860858480 $0 $0
Skills USA Incorporated 860223610 $0 $0
Sky Harbor Interfaith Chaplaincy Incorporated 860598094 $64,412 $2,659
Skyline Techincal High School 860986288 $2,369,998 $4,872,745
Skyline Wish Builders Incorporated 461432098 $0 $0
Sleep America Charities Incorporated 200932714 $78,483 $56,020
Slow Food USA Incorporated 510515485 $0 $0
Smart Education Foundation 272983117 $0 $0
Smfb Foundation 270277109 $2,389,028 $8,505,351
Smhs Football Booster Club 208516860 $72,627 $15,208
Snell and Wilmer Charitable Foundation 470901535 $257,713 $1,450,446
Sober Living Resources 342014554 $243,869 $10,358
Soccer Club Del Sol Incorporated 860995793 $1,794,487 $337,672
Social Intelligence Institute 463301500 $0 $0
Society for American Baseball Research Incorporated 521234482 $879,102 $611,011
Society for Marketing Professional Services 860492022 $0 $0
Society for Preservation and Encrgmnt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 860210384 $130,824 $29,771
Society for Preservation and Encrgmnt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 860835174 $0 $0
Society for the Arts 742474459 $0 $0
Society of American Business Editors and Writers 363297751 $624,753 $375,804
Society of Financial Service Professionals Greater Phoenix Chap 237140203 $27,017 $20,803
Society of Government Meeting Professionals Incorporated 860645496 $0 $0
Society of Maria Ss Lauretana 860510842 $0 $0
Society of Professional Jornalists 237145734 $0 $0
Society of Saint Plus X Phoenix Arizona Incorporated 861006147 $0 $0
Society of Women Engineers 860645210 $0 $0
Sojourner Center 942465081 $7,148,132 $18,996,764
Solar One Association 860537006 $0 $0
Solheim Foundation 742378207 $24,156 $687,325
Solid Rock Foundation 860808609 $668,805 $686,541
Solid Rock International 861024552 $100,110 $2,036
Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Church 753016272 $0 $0
Somali Associations of Arizona 860791642 $0 $0
Somali Bantu Development Community of Arizona 593826080 $0 $0
Somali Bantu United Association of Greater Phoenix 270742429 $0 $0
Somanli American United Council of Arizona 010876916 $0 $0
Son Life Community Church 860464018 $0 $0
Sonburst Discipleship Full Gospel Ministries Incorporated 860617550 $0 $0
Sonlit Foundation Incorporated 200360814 $0 $0
Sonntag Family Foundation 262876575 $290,782 $1,029,581
Sonoran Desert Foundation 202766744 $0 $0
Sonoran Foothills Soccer League Incorporated 208804715 $181,069 $24,198
Sonoran Schools 452210319 $7,927,254 $703,154
Sonoran Schools Alumni Association Incorporated 463712293 $0 $0
Sons of Italy in America 860655314 $0 $0
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 562453818 $0 $0
Sonset Fellowship 860473809 $0 $0
Sontarahlife 550884888 $0 $0
Soralee and Jerry Cohn Charitable Foundation 206256147 $11 $63,603
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 866052233 $63,046 $85,407
Sos Az-support Our Schools Az 134334657 $0 $0
Soul Sanctuary in the Desert 920193449 $63,991 $21,374
Source Assembly New Life Youth Camp 237200047 $0 $0
Source of Support Incorporated 300415023 $0 $0
South County Auto Group Reinsurance Company Ltd 980380213 $742,793 $508,320
South Dakota Elks Association Charitable and Welfare Trust Fund 466016424 $930,881 $780,302
South Mountain Village Assembly of God 860483111 $0 $0
South Mountain Village Festivals Incorporated 204579120 $0 $0
South of the Salt Ltd 953255035 $0 $0
South Phoenix Chapter 1527 Women of the Moose 860490864 $0 $0
South Phoenix Lodge No 2072 Loyal Order of Moose 860188758 $81,043 $234,618
South Sudanese Community Association in Arizona 300187987 $0 $0
Southern Ariz Intl Livestock Association Incorporated 860141934 $115,831 $135,445
Southern Arizona Nabal Dea Cadetsfoundation 204698840 $0 $0
Southminster Social Services Agency Incorporated 942310579 $0 $0
Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center 311496646 $6,503,404 $13,572,497
Southwest Behavioral Health Services Incorporated 860290033 $51,585,944 $26,480,231
Southwest Cable Communications 860279918 $392,923 $67,534
Southwest Catholic Health Network Corporation 860527381 $1,877,999,994 $353,640,643
Southwest Center for Hiv Aids Incorporated 860695862 $6,355,711 $4,542,759
Southwest Comanche Tribe Incorporated 860474044 $0 $0
Southwest Community Athletic Association Incorporated 860961150 $0 $0
Southwest Debate Institute 271524820 $68,871 $10,097
Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation 860701081 $0 $0
Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation 860715098 $0 $0
Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation 742565244 $0 $0
Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation 742642281 $0 $0
Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation 860889414 $0 $0
Southwest German Shepherd Rescue 680562350 $0 $0
Southwest Human Development 860407179 $49,177,662 $14,893,115
Southwest Impact 260045531 $0 $0
Southwest Indian Missionary Association 866052072 $0 $0
Southwest Life and Law Center Incorporated 860555493 $0 $0
Southwest Network 860966400 $85,020,629 $25,749,661
Southwest Orthopaedic Trauma Association 200267145 $46,600 $30,485
Southwest School of Chaplaincy Incorporated 943419461 $0 $0
Southwest Section of the Ninety-nines Incorporated 512005014 $0 $0
Southwest Seniors Golf Association 753124183 $133,708 $15,581
Southwest Vegetation Management Association 860978277 $0 $0
Southwestern Archaeology 860907590 $2,277 $3,000
Southwestern Business Financing Corporation 860430959 $1,574,219 $3,095,097
Southwestern Institute for the Education of Native Americans 371541185 $0 $0
Southwestern Teamsters Security Fund 866052021 $33,731,498 $15,152,365
Sovereign Grace Bible Church 866007913 $0 $0
Sozo Community Church 455092958 $0 $0
Sp Homeowners Association 861032071 $0 $0
Space 55 Theatre Ensemble Incorporated 800189543 $0 $0
Spalding Education International 860545771 $1,733,211 $2,062,049
Special Childrens Charity Incorporated 455593335 $0 $0
Special Friends Mentor Program 453806863 $0 $0
Special Olympics Arizona Incorporated 860307564 $4,934,364 $2,677,940
Spectrum Medical Care 270389889 $0 $0
Sphinx Educational Fund Incorporated 264724408 $0 $0
Spina Bifida Association of Arizona Incorporated 860355183 $130,322 $234,819
Spirit and Life World Ministries 470852123 $78,055 $2,129
Spirit of God Ministries 311643950 $0 $0
Spirit of the Senses Incorporated 860582079 $80,264 $1,646
Spirit Wind Ministries 860850882 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Phoenix 860761092 $0 $0
Spiritual Church of Ability 237241519 $0 $0
Spiritual Church of Aquarian Science 510195433 $0 $0
Spirtual Cleansing Educational Ministries Incorporated 810665509 $0 $0
Sports Financial Advisors Association 201256365 $0 $0
Sportsmans Gun Club 860650929 $0 $0
Spring Break Incorporated 860470048 $0 $0
Spring Foundation Incorporated 880483002 $0 $0
Spy in the Land Ministries 860936040 $0 $0
Srmbc Non-profit Enterprises Incorporated 455323035 $0 $0
Ss Peter and Paul Orthodox Church 860654032 $0 $0
Ss Simon and Jude Roman Catholic Cathedral Phoenix 943457074 $0 $0
St Agnes Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300514530 $0 $0
St Anthony Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 800313714 $0 $0
St Augustine Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 320267371 $0 $0
St Benedict Church 742398604 $0 $0
St Benedict Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 352350484 $0 $0
St Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300514550 $0 $0
St Edward the Confessor Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 364644287 $0 $0
St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 383792643 $0 $0
St Gregory Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 800315130 $0 $0
St Jerome Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 320267198 $0 $0
St Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 320267599 $0 $0
St John Bosco School 861001659 $0 $0
St John Institutional Baptist Church 860448117 $0 $0
St John Maximovich Mission 860895957 $0 $0
St John of the Desert Church 860799695 $0 $0
St Joseph Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 320268134 $0 $0
St Joseph the Worker 860600437 $840,331 $432,045
St Josephs Foundation 942941245 $11,123,325 $50,160,018
St Josephs Hospital and Medical Center 721561134 $0 $0
St Jude India Childcare Centres USA 263243340 $0 $0
St Kolbe Productions 208091925 $0 $0
St Luke Ebony Christian Church 320082538 $0 $0
St Luke Powerhouse Church of God in Christ Incorporated 237434105 $0 $0
St Luke Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300514512 $0 $0
St Lukes Health Initiatives 860097240 $19,997,677 $108,853,801
St Lukes Service League an Arizona Non-profit Corporation 860907496 $264,184 $2,340,736
St Mark Missionary Baptist Church 860503089 $0 $0
St Mark Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 383793818 $0 $0
St Martin De Porres Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 320267372 $0 $0
St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church 263836645 $0 $0
St Mary Roman Catholic Basilica Phoenix 300514069 $0 $0
St Mary Roman Catholic High School Phoenix 262791598 $0 $0
St Marys Christian Counseling 264638070 $0 $0
St Marys Food Bank Alliance 237353532 $145,407,005 $30,500,209
St Marys Housing Development Corporation 860711922 $302,016 $1,109,993
St Matthew Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 352350775 $0 $0
St Michaels Chapel and Mission Incorporated 510204308 $0 $0
St Patricks Day Parade and Irish Society of Arizona Incorporated 860593512 $93,940 $39,148
St Paul Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 371575692 $0 $0
St Pauls Preparatory Academy 860182627 $96,656 $794,269
St Peters Jacobite Syrian Orthodoxchurch Phoenix 208700052 $77,165 $417,941
St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church Circle of Serbian Sisters Aux 860594084 $0 $0
St Theresa Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300515085 $0 $0
St Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 364643961 $0 $0
St Vincent De Paul Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300515209 $0 $0
Stable Influence Charity Programs 860927834 $0 $0
Standing Stone Evangelical Free Church 202607239 $0 $0
Stanfield Bible Church 866054201 $0 $0
Stanfield Potters Field Cemetery 463040528 $0 $0
Star in the East 383721678 $0 $0
Star Light Community Theater 203239934 $68,713 $16,497
Starduster Neighborhood 203593799 $0 $0
Starfishers 271299367 $0 $0
Stark Martin Charitable Trust 203446537 $92,554 $2,042,186
Starlight Park Area Redevelopment Corporation Incorporated Sparc 860694353 $0 $0
Starshine Academy 542105213 $2,063,992 $6,852,595
State Bar of Arizona 866000294 $14,606,631 $16,187,308
Steele Foundation Incorporated 953466880 $3,005,407 $82,245,347
Step by Step Transitional Living Association Incorporated 383694043 $523,785 $42,389
Step One Halfway House Incorporated 861032253 $272,603 $272,276
Stepping Stones Academy Incorporated 860942230 $1,546,479 $1,842,612
Stepping Stones of Hope 421556863 $247,549 $104,163
Steps of Faith 203540682 $151,472 $92,762
Stetson Hills Community Church 200261175 $0 $0
Stevens Gregg Foundation 953407032 $0 $0
Stoleson Family Foundation 452049369 $1 $1
Stone Creek Bible Church Incorportated 860625000 $0 $0
Stop Church Incorporated 462985714 $0 $0
Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities Storm 743158062 $0 $0
Story Preservation Association Incorporated 742401303 $0 $0
Straight Forward Ministries 860832889 $27,105 $10,527
Streams Christian Church Incorporated 202418944 $0 $0
Strong Tower Worldwide Ministries Incorporated 861018308 $0 $0
Students Parents in Cooperation with Educators 860579060 $0 $0
Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research 200345903 $214,699 $21,435
Subud United States of America 263662988 $0 $0
Success4kids 331034122 $25,335 $8,954
Sudanese Church in Arizona Incorporated 201874000 $0 $0
Sudanese Education Foundation 203195739 $0 $0
Summit Dck Charities 680497856 $139,737 $11,263
Sun Devil Aquatics 860881027 $366,837 $30,606
Sun Devil Family Charities 263951192 $51,399 $20,850
Sun Devil Water Polo Club Incorporated 760785053 $0 $0
Sun Valley Christian Fellowship 860777566 $0 $0
Sun Valley Flying Club Incorporated 736502678 $0 $0
Sun Valley Intergroup Incorporated 860557249 $0 $0
Sunland Tabernacle Church 581788575 $0 $0
Sunlight of the Spirit Incorporated 470865749 $100,683 $35,689
Sunny Side Academy 270368365 $0 $0
Sunnyslope High School Band Boosters 800504657 $0 $0
Sunnyslope Historical Society 742549294 $16,165 $199,967
Sunnyslope Ministries of Hope Incorporated 453328116 $0 $0
Sunnyslope Village Alliance 742567021 $28,093 $57,414
Suns Nite Hoops Incorporated 860840557 $173,296 $17,516
Sunset Canyon Pto 860970891 $43,108 $15,773
Sunshine Angels 203369185 $103,423 $142,676
Supima 860097080 $3,235,564 $4,884,847
Support My Club 454396035 $97,198 $58,161
Support Sky Harbor Committee 810568101 $298,466 $533,073
Support Through Other Parents 651254536 $6,293 $11,445
Supreme Assembly of the Social Order of the Beauceant 237252435 $0 $0
Supreme Emblem Club of the United States of America Incorporated 866053081 $0 $0
Sustainability Conoscente Network Incorporated 461755094 $0 $0
Sustainable Communities Az Foundation 275432486 $0 $0
Swaziserve Incorporated 800611965 $68,365 $16,866
Sweet Child of Mine 272587746 $0 $0
Swift Charities 203242524 $761,396 $470,487
Swift Charities for Children 421614219 $618,971 $119,407
Tabernacle of the Lord 432011235 $0 $0
Taj Mahal International Ltd 860445357 $803 $105,285
Take a Stand Az 461474481 $0 $0
Take Back Our Church 770663073 $0 $0
Take Charge America Incorporated 860593598 $19,023,228 $32,122,973
Take Two Reinsurance Limited 980361142 $0 $0
Takin It to the Streets Ministries 860761352 $0 $0
Tammy Dykstra Foundation 453786598 $0 $0
Tanner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church Incorporated 860310590 $0 $0
Tanner Community Development Corporation 861027651 $1,340,963 $335,287
Tanner Gardens 237155004 $832,495 $2,204,770
Tanner Properties Incorporated 861023858 $357,874 $269,138
Tanner Terrace Incorporated 860344610 $1,218,719 $1,056,395
Tara Dhatu Incorporated 990321886 $190,868 $75,691
Taste and See Ministries 860741125 $0 $0
Team of Physicians for Students 263597181 $0 $0
Team Rfj Incorporated 010967355 $0 $0
Team Veteran Foundation Incorporated 461017104 $0 $0
Teamworx 271454990 $0 $0
Teatro Bravo 860993835 $0 $0
Teaumen and Grace Fuite Foundation 860744807 $2,005,105 $5,210,564
Tec Incorporated Medicalplan and Trust 866122169 $0 $0
Technical Assistance Partnership of Arizona 860975231 $525,551 $171,805
Teen Addiction Anonymous 262856198 $145,170 $48,231
Teen Lifeline Incorporated 860966427 $907,877 $871,296
Teen Reach 943158924 $0 $0
Teleos Preparatory Academy 262700807 $1,981,339 $435,840
Television Workshop 742471215 $0 $0
Telugu Christian Fellowship Arizona 273160783 $0 $0
Tempe Charter Chapter-abwa 860491230 $0 $0
Tempe Rowers Association 262847384 $0 $0
Tempe Sister City Corporation 237161625 $1,119,726 $589,408
Tempe Sister City Foundation 860896987 $0 $0
Temple Chai 942381671 $0 $0
Temple Chai Endowment Foundation Incorporated 860926685 $17,670 $664,783
Temple Wade Memorial Church of the World 860949553 $0 $0
Templo Betania De Las Asambleas De Dios Casa Grande 260072361 $0 $0
Templo Calvario Glendale 260072729 $0 $0
Templo Cristiano Central 861022238 $0 $0
Templo La Hermosa 953526959 $0 $0
Templo Maranatha Incorporated 860809097 $0 $0
Tenvaky Insurance Limited 521434863 $0 $0
Tergar Meditation Center of Phoenix 203224631 $23,560 $494,420
Terpsicore Dance 203704221 $0 $0
Terros Incorporated 860252067 $37,719,387 $18,871,231
Tesoros De Su Gracia 272500858 $0 $0
Texas Council of Foundation for Social Resources Incorporated 752536782 $0 $4,076
The 3000 Club 273295358 $34,855,427 $315,083
The Aea Foundation for Teaching and Learning 860853865 $94,755 $716,377
The American Foundation for Charitable Support Incorporated 860857725 $3,157,325 $23,917,660
The Americas Foundation 943105787 $10,004 $16,400
The Arizona Agricultural Education/ffa Foundation 860531662 $557,168 $1,052,155
The Arizona Charter Schools Association 860791960 $2,519,785 $1,309,013
The Arizona Christian Womans Missionary Society 866051768 $0 $0
The Arizona Courts Association 860627666 $0 $0
The Arizona Floodplain Management Association 860531611 $83,197 $101,465
The Arizona Government Services Foundation 860699261 $30,910 $119,063
The Arizona Highway Patrol Associaton 866052087 $660,341 $1,018,369
The Arizona Highway Patrol Associaton Charities 311678321 $344,744 $368,841
The Arizona Informant Foundation 861031610 $0 $0
The Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association 860003185 $1,100,031 $968,093
The Arizona Power Exhange Corporation 861037963 $57,467 $19,009
The Arizona Scouting Museum 861046960 $0 $0