There are 4,512 nonprofits in Phoenix, Arizona.

Name EIN Income Assets
The Arizona State Capitol Museum Guild 860554728 $0 $0
The Beginning of a Woman Global Ministry 043789015 $0 $0
The Better Business Bureau Incorporated 860006552 $4,722,683 $3,780,899
The Board of Visitors 866052766 $1,279,110 $1,117,291
The Branden Lombardi Foundation 861022668 $0 $0
The Caleb Center 820585939 $0 $0
The Catholic Retreat for Young Singles Incorporated 860882101 $0 $0
The Church Alive 942924751 $0 $0
The Church of Christ the Redeemer Dba Redeemer Fellowship 860358148 $0 $0
The Church of God at 3450 W Grovers Ave Incorporated 860518207 $0 $0
The Coastlands 860569386 $0 $0
The Cornerstone Center a Christian Meditation Community 753045890 $0 $0
The Cornerstone Church 860566989 $0 $0
The Cowley Family Foundation 261627225 $467,877 $440,921
The Dons of Arizona 861006046 $166,714 $655,094
The Downtown Phoenix Community Development Corporation 861027337 $21,005 $12,502
The Dwelling Place Church 860602496 $0 $0
The Endowment Fund for the Val a Browing Technology Learning 876224253 $133,484 $1,164,209
The Facts of Life Group Home Incorporated 861078466 $0 $0
The Family History Society of Arizona 742376256 $0 $0
The Franciene Sikora Sznewajs Foundation 911810973 $21,032 $55,549
The Friends of Arizona Highways Magazine Foundation 860522951 $648,003 $353,117
The Friends of Our Lady of Quito 860708643 $0 $0
The Garuna Foundation 861037570 $278,170 $356,114
The George Roskruge and S Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library and Museum 861032724 $1 $5,500
The Gift of Life Arizona Incorporated 860529773 $138,612 $207,238
The Harp Foundation 860993057 $128,761 $55,930
The Healthy Smile Foundation Incorporated 861013775 $0 $0
The Indus Entrepreneurs Arizona 861044449 $48,512 $22,205
The Ingebritson Family Foundation 860800012 $1,118,520 $1,511,942
The Institute of Harmonic Science 861004354 $18,191 $6,171
The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 943323285 $1,177,805 $557,013
The International Genomics Consortium 861024333 $8,101,906 $5,382,848
The Joseph F and Agnes O Paxton Midtown Lions Club Foundation 942848611 $0 $0
The Karnell Foundation Incorporated 208117573 $84,528 $242,759
The Lampe Family Foundation 860977375 $1,487 $696,683
The Library Project Incorporated 201347443 $892,155 $560,244
The Love House Kids Program 203751633 $0 $0
The Marketplace One Foundation 208066031 $382,645 $1,259,785
The Media Foundation 860644821 $33,700 $275,036
The Molina Foundation Incorporated 860977289 $3,872 $224,501
The Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Arizona 866057820 $0 $0
The Neighborhood Christian Clinic Incorporated 860839580 $1,498,329 $1,283,264
The New Life Society Incorporated 860618929 $174,726 $122,560
The Open Door Church Soldiers of Jesus Christ Incorporated 860531151 $0 $0
The Pegasus Project 521813235 $111,628 $90,020
The Phoenix Az Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated 866053054 $0 $0
The Phoenix Chorale 237034668 $442,026 $222,804
The Promise Fellowship Incorporated 742354516 $0 $0
The Respite Shelter for Homeless Men 860714904 $86,309 $12,889
The Southwest Alliance for Excellence Incorporated 860617604 $138,738 $193,861
The Southwest Miracles Center 942844788 $0 $0
The Summit Lighthouse Study Group of Phoenix Arizona 860615306 $0 $0
The Sun Angel Endowment 860419123 $6,498,401 $9,266,608
The Supreme Master Ching Hai Intl Association 860747844 $0 $0
The Thunderbirds 860373052 $29,145,852 $10,397,464
The Ultimate Volleyball Club 383805712 $80,465 $352
The United Faith Bible Church Incorporated 860507553 $0 $0
The Universal Chapel of True and Believing Prayers 581904025 $0 $0
The Us Airways Community Foundation 860825827 $450,617 $9,266,926
The Victoria Foundation Incorporated 237091708 $310,818 $98,563
The Way Community Church 953242270 $0 $0
The Wayne and Janet Hart Family Foundation Incorporated 208061124 $829,553 $813,586
The Weese Foundation an Arizona Nonprofit Corporation 861008770 $563,344 $747,439
The Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation 860887696 $1,098,652 $7,799,007
The@cultural Cup Food Bank 810622721 $142,048 $3,798
The@grand Canyon Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Incorporated 208896638 $0 $0
The@international Coach Federation Greater Phoenix Coaches Alliance 202302931 $0 $0
The@jasbir Singh Saini Charitable Foundation 866312063 $100,035 $3,279,852
The@renegade Rollergirls Incorporated 260330485 $0 $0
The@sam and Peggy Grossman Family Foundation 860939696 $1,147,346 $16,381,645
Theocentric Foundation Incorporated 866053074 $0 $0
Theosophy Company of Arizona 860666554 $0 $0
Therapeutic Residences for Youth Incorporated 860636580 $1,007,438 $166,350
Theresas Fund Incorporated 860688452 $22,631 $1,131,460
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Incorporated 200670901 $0 $0
Thin Blue Line Ministries International 331155438 $101,524 $5,707
Think Faith Centers Incorporated 860572455 $0 $0
Thomas Tang Post 50 352447422 $0 $0
Through Each Others Eyes Incorporated 860815822 $0 $0
Thunder Mountain Sports Corporation 453840637 $0 $0
Thunderbird Chiefs Parent Association 451603676 $68,171 $18,328
Thunderbird Foundation a Trust 237163480 $218,005 $7,483
Thunderbird Junior Golf Foundation 522103204 $791,100 $2,117,947
Thunderbirds Charities 860560664 $4,454,701 $3,065,987
Tia Foundation Incorporated 204159280 $34,617 $21,132
Tigermountain Foundation 270806147 $80,534 $4,653
Tim and Willys Kids Fun-dation 861023309 $3,881 $38,641
Time-no-longer Christian Camp and Orphanage Incorporated 273101881 $0 $0
Timothy T Day Foundation Incorporated 860870436 $29,279,306 $69,387,175
Titleist Reinsurance Company Ltd 980170793 $0 $0
Tlc for Healthy Smiles Foundation Incorporated 870696441 $0 $0
Toa Nationz Sports Incorporated 462455125 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860929635 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860962049 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860992087 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 861029234 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 861032886 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 861041856 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 866042493 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 866051822 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 866052657 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 866054113 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116932 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116945 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 020717213 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 043764753 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 200068214 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 201991584 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203147128 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 204800737 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 205089824 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 205118211 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 205122804 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237095954 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237391262 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260312511 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260526152 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260640867 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900342500 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900388062 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900400940 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900430012 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900490176 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900531388 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900539460 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900590971 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900592207 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900608719 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900642076 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900747949 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900747950 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900750329 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900758970 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900778727 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900818750 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900823537 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900859048 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900884572 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900892041 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900898597 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900915314 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900953689 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900971401 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901027270 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901027442 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927463 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927465 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927691 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927692 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927737 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927750 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927753 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942927773 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942985989 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860417505 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860479623 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860481888 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860628686 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860668215 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 860779064 $0 $0
Toby House Ii 742420528 $32,662 $392,963
Toby House Iii 860742062 $45,234 $1,135,757
Toby House Iv Incorporated 860897449 $38,285 $329,672
Toby House V Incorporated 860950586 $22,751 $877,906
Toby House Vi Incorporated 860981650 $30,469 $1,478,968
Toby House Vii Incorporated 861025879 $89,714 $2,925,128
Toby House Viii Incorporated 710931900 $27,361 $1,707,018
Tomahawk Village Block Watch 270016007 $0 $0
Tomaskiewicz-florio Foundation 866226854 $162,126 $675,134
Tomchei Shabbos of Phoenix 273099147 $0 $0
Tonatierra Community Development Institute 860723874 $191,047 $402,619
Tongues of Fire Ministries Incorporated 273894970 $0 $0
Tonto Church of Christ Incorporated 860503128 $0 $0
Torah High Schools of Phoenix 412211077 $464,389 $52,549
Torah Synagogue 953351716 $0 $0
Touchstone Behavioral Health 860223116 $12,592,103 $5,624,023
Tovrea Carraro Society 275166774 $73,628 $86,101
Tracares Foundation 208468384 $5,450 $697
Traditions Transitional Living Incorporated 261640517 $166,163 $26,668
Translational Genomics Research Institute 753065445 $4,041,005 $41,840,671
Translational Genomics Research Institute Foundation 331092191 $490,186 $11,526,007
Transplant Team Arizona Incorporated 460503250 $0 $0
Treasure House 800836112 $100,000 $65,626
Treasure House Foundation 464170063 $0 $0
Treasure Ministries 742561516 $0 $0
Treatment Assessment Screening Center Incorporated 860377987 $17,989,775 $18,638,862
Tree of Life Christian Center Incorporated 953340127 $0 $0
Trends Charitable Fund 860826428 $502,234 $376,938
Trendsetters Church International Incorporated 203908183 $0 $0
Tres Dias of Central Arizona 861023501 $63,030 $30,536
Trinity Bible Church 860215940 $0 $0
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 860183670 $0 $0
Trinity Fellowship 237212680 $0 $0
Trinity Fellowship Ministries Incorporated 942945205 $0 $0
Trinity Full Gospel Lighthouse 866056424 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church 860783670 $0 $0
Trinity of Success 611718387 $0 $0
Trinity Southern Baptist Church of Phoenix Arizona 237311853 $0 $0
Trinity Tabernacle 860401348 $0 $0
Trinity Truth Tabernacle Incorporated 860428742 $0 $0
Trinity United Methodist Church 866007917 $0 $0
Triple R Community Housing I Incorporated 270731486 $0 $1
True North Church 263923228 $0 $0
Tuffies Animal Rescue Incorporated 202545710 $0 $0
Tuition Assistance for Police Survivors Taps Program 860764842 $106,654 $699,336
Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development 237284153 $5,775,580 $4,218,383
Tune Eastin Scholarship Trust 466120370 $2,212 $40,305
Tupo International 510665293 $0 $0
Turf Paradise Foundation 742442775 $47,263 $7,532
Turnaround Management Association Az Chapter Incorporated 860968588 $81,419 $18,494
Turquoise Health and Wellness Incorporated 463117648 $0 $0
Turtle Island Project Incorporated 300709149 $0 $0
Twenty First Century Charter Schools Incorporated 860791670 $1,803,363 $494,673
Twenty Thirty Three Incorporated 742372607 $396,183 $2,212,615
Twiford Family Foundation 860938381 $1,712,797 $6,287,291
Twinepidemic Incorporated 263543605 $0 $0
Tzedakah Fund Incorporated 742352574 $0 $0
U-can-2 Alano Club Incorporated 860627585 $115,425 $19,749
U-haul Scholarship Foundation 860779997 $1 $1
Umom New Day Centers Incorporated 860521062 $16,707,092 $29,264,374
Unidos Incorporated 264548653 $0 $0
Unite Here 860055728 $263,657 $28,212
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe 860063630 $19,374,927 $16,035,554
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 860763032 $676,782 $330,456
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Central Arizona 860110967 $13,882,262 $15,220,189
United Church of Christ Shadow Rock Shepherd of the Valley Pre-school 510217585 $0 $0
United Church of Religious Science 860229562 $0 $0
United Church of Religious Science 860622654 $0 $0
United Daughters of the Confederacy 866057419 $0 $0
United Daughters of the Confederacy 320075294 $0 $0
United Evangelical Church 953708858 $0 $0
United Evangelical Churches-solitude Place 462629615 $0 $0
United Family Church of the Assemblies of the God 260072356 $0 $0
United Food and Commercial Workers and Emps Arizona Health and Welfare Trust 237244353 $144,068,573 $27,243,854
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 860042052 $10,199,619 $2,758,449
United Ostomy Association of America Incorporated 237230208 $0 $0
United Phoenix Fire Fighters Association 866053047 $1,016,116 $2,290,925
United Phoenix Fire Fighters Emerald Society Incorporated 611495788 $0 $0
United States Amateur Boxing Incorporated 953734582 $59,436 $2,859
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 562584050 $104,175 $108,895
United States Jci Senate Foundation 382680101 $234,593 $903,665
United Steelworkers 860080347 $97,413 $305,997
United Union of Roofers Waterproofers and Allied Workers 860043339 $58,906 $4,828
Unity Assembly of God 274578145 $0 $0
Unity Church of Freedom 953742070 $0 $0
Unity March 860862137 $0 $0
Unity of Phoenix 866054766 $0 $0
Universal Church of Love 860849467 $0 $0
Universal Spirit Broadcasting Network Incorporated 462741323 $0 $0
Universal Spiritualist Association Incorporated 860263130 $0 $0
Universal Spirituality 330262475 $0 $0
University City Sports Association 431140163 $49,277 $76
University Club Foundation of Arizona Incorporated 274818360 $0 $0
University of Colorado Childrens Dia 746349039 $682,485 $4,743,815
University of Life Church Incorporated 866052717 $0 $0
University of Phoenix Foundation 205964568 $1,250,000 $1,710,546
University of the Seven Rays 113661893 $294,722 $116,200
Unlimited Potential Incorporated 742383678 $327,906 $113,263
Uphill into the Wind 270445201 $57,772 $58,631
Upward for Children and Families 860221195 $2,575,387 $2,965,135
Us Airways Education Foundation Incorporated 860670438 $676,186 $766,365
Us Airways Incorporated Ta for Pilot Long- Term Disability Benefits 043531069 $480 $4,920,756
Us Green Guilding Council Arizona Chapter 200033383 $128,494 $82,026
Us Health Freedom Coalition Incorporated 870809179 $74,500 $5,750
Us Swimming Incorporated 742532327 $527,088 $507,474
Us Vets-arizona 453683043 $0 $0
USA Foundation 746372579 $158,833 $3,265,731
USA Housing Incorporated 800606360 $213 $32,744
USA Institute of Managed Care Incorporated 742740224 $0 $0
Usair Incorporated Pilots Dependents Survivors Income and Welfare Trust 521043167 $12,922 $673,068
Uss Quapaw Association 861026861 $0 $0
Utah High School Activities Association Foundation 263128602 $738,453 $1,800,474
Vaishnav Samaj of Arizona Incorporated 203739749 $508,838 $3,531,508
Val a Browning Charitable Fond for the Cultural Arts Weber Stat Coll 942476144 $473,793 $1,662,886
Val a Browning Concert Endowment Fund for Dixie College 876218469 $35,375 $535,744
Val a Browning St Josephs High School Foundation 876187333 $128,998 $718,949
Val a Browning Trust Fbo Union Station 580-0349902 876194396 $338,760 $913,761
Valle Del Sol Incorporated 860251255 $19,335,716 $12,200,480
Valley Anesthesiology Consultantsltd Medical Benefit Trust 208007949 $3,489,377 $347,117
Valley Anesthesiology Foundation 204408428 $213,269 $234,613
Valley Automobile Dealers Association 866090145 $1,573,607 $2,269,943
Valley Beit Midrash 455443715 $247,579 $134,753
Valley Bible Church of Phoenixarizona Incorporated 260342725 $0 $0
Valley Cancer Pain Foundation 861039655 $0 $0
Valley Cathedral Corporation 860325796 $0 $0
Valley Chamber Chorale 860690194 $0 $0
Valley Chinese Church 050566055 $0 $0
Valley Christian Centers 866005169 $126,811 $746,730
Valley Christian Fellowship 953294299 $0 $0
Valley Classical Christian Academy Incorporated 262125758 $353,213 $18,300
Valley Community Church of God 860472440 $0 $0
Valley Garden Center 860105530 $40,390 $34,655
Valley Hotel and Resort Association 860749972 $222,295 $316,137
Valley Interfaith Project Incorporated 860598300 $196,223 $159,098
Valley Leadership Corporation 860373283 $699,807 $870,051
Valley Lutheran High School Association 953528191 $0 $0
Valley Lutheran Scholarship Organization 201258914 $127,796 $90,041
Valley of the Sun Association for the Education of Young Children 237066420 $0 $0
Valley of the Sun Chapter Incorporated American Theatre Organ Society 942382644 $0 $0
Valley of the Sun Giant Schnauzer Rescue 200686205 $0 $0
Valley of the Sun Hockey Association Ii 860804141 $139,946 $35,543
Valley of the Sun Lions Foundation Incorporated 742557671 $0 $0
Valley of the Sun Men Garden Club 860414964 $0 $0
Valley of the Sun School Properties Five 860937616 $57,429 $506,250
Valley of the Sun School Properties Four 860930528 $82,749 $788,292
Valley of the Sun School Properties One 860788254 $96,755 $801,215
Valley of the Sun School Properties Six 020680295 $91,854 $1,192,895
Valley of the Sun School Properties Three 860872987 $78,751 $664,773
Valley of the Sun School Properties Two 860807244 $151,723 $745,064
Valley of the Sun United Way 860104419 $117,834,966 $87,022,914
Valley of the Sun Waldorf Education Association Incorporated 860769535 $2,464,070 $3,401,609
Valley of the Sun Young Mens Christian Association 860096799 $39,680,528 $63,106,240
Valley Partnership a Nonprofit Corporation 860598979 $391,640 $184,908
Valley Permaculture Alliance 810597674 $612,188 $121,082
Valley Youth Theatre 860641978 $1,249,618 $871,784
Valleylife 860135840 $14,926,423 $5,707,101
Valleylife Foundation 860702413 $223,681 $1,504,542
Van Horn Foundation 742451341 $110,553 $1,519,819
Vandenburgh Foundation 860773987 $48,449 $133,972
Vaslav and Romola Nijinsky Foundation Incorporated 860692081 $0 $0
Vela Ministries International USA 770254027 $23,355 $1,460
Veritas Preparatory Academy 050527441 $5,051,809 $683,277
Vertical Response Ministry Incorporated 721601407 $0 $0
Veteran Career Assistance Foundation 453253393 $0 $0
Veteran Feminists of America Incorporated 721309151 $0 $0
Veteran Tickets Foundation 262291955 $11,328,236 $111,413
Veterans Community Health and Wellness Center 274182628 $0 $0
Veterans First Limited 320035793 $83,652 $77,940
Veterans for Peace Incorporated 208847964 $0 $0
Veterans Medical Leadership Council 710894514 $1,604 $483
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 582681669 $1,300 $1
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 860072057 $140,347 $196,394
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 860095875 $97,129 $140,169
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 860114759 $276,685 $1,017,673
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 860185127 $93,448 $32,098
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 270049063 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 450506572 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 113690515 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 237127811 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 237183765 $116,740 $7,850
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Arizona 260535933 $4,995 $7,600
Veterans Services Association Incorporated 860752234 $0 $0
Viad Corp Fund 742499884 $100,000 $100,407
Viad Corp Medical Plan Trust 860447415 $4,626,987 $1,395,480
Vickis Cure Charity Organization 264216084 $25,190 $36,953
Victory Community Church 800548016 $284,269 $15,356
Victory Community Church Fo the Nazarene Incorporated 861038976 $0 $0
Victory High School Incorporated 860823852 $87,483 $191,785
Victory Outreach West Phoenix Hispanic Incorporated 463129839 $0 $0
Victory Word Outreach of Phoenix 204225902 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 860627293 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 860675875 $33,480 $19,136
Vietnam Veterans of Arizona Foundation Incorporated 860715053 $0 $0
Viking Parents Club 237092540 $0 $0
Villa Agave Corporation 942902649 $24,125 $179,019
Villa De Confianza 742537585 $24,548 $377,517
Villa Montessori Incorporated 860193411 $5,843,095 $7,908,991
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of N Scottsdale 860852783 $0 $0
Vino Nuevo En Odres Nueuos Incorporated 860965004 $0 $0
Vip Education Fund 270328874 $114,571 $47,200
Virginia G Piper Charitable Trust 08-11-95 866247076 $128,376,483 $533,033,849
Virginia M Ullman Foundation 860550097 $1,723,307 $5,173,583
Vision Abolition Incorporated 208989581 $111,339 $88,560
Vision Rehabilitation and Technology Expo Association 061676080 $0 $0
Visionquest 20 20 043747651 $281,002 $213,176
Vista Charter School 861043217 $166,206 $1,234,077
Vista College Preparatory Incorporated 454825961 $134,390 $281,252
Vivre 454743181 $140,396 $6,755
Vmlc Charities 264658030 $252,878 $193,637
Vnsa Volunteer Nonprofit Service Association 866053762 $896,903 $926,018
Voices for Casa Children Incorporated 453359395 $36,065 $21,462
Volviendo a Vivir 203565942 $78,155 $1
W R Marksman Club Incorporated 860698227 $244,402 $207,048
Walk and Talk Incorporated 860666833 $46,533 $2,341
Walk by Faith Christian Fellowship 860820082 $0 $0
Walk to Emmaus Incorporated 860569783 $69,936 $49,897
Wallace Desert Gardens 421387720 $1,926,110 $6,472,029
Walter M Wick Family Foundation 860782797 $28,795 $221,409
Warne Family Foundation 202451057 $10,221 $459,105
Warren and Mary Jane Crist Foundation 271590156 $180,565 $30,548
Washington District Education Association 860424473 $0 $0
Washington Street Foundation 208081543 $652,130 $657,051
Washington Womans Club 866054455 $0 $0
Wat Thai Pisalabutara 272727798 $0 $0
Water for Our World 208359365 $126,670 $39,386
Water Utilities Association of Arizona 860459419 $62,258 $12,284
Way of Life Church 860655205 $0 $0
Way of Life World Foundation Incorporated 770618247 $0 $0
Waze Foundation 201234655 $23,055 $634,015
We Build Arizona 271978858 $907,776 $200,587
We Care Foundation of Arizona Incorporated 300300315 $47,985 $32,119
Wealth of Wellness Incorporated 010851317 $0 $0
Wellik Foundation 860938555 $1,167,730 $27,522,961
Wesley Community Center Incorporated 860133770 $3,196,936 $2,288,100
Wesley United Methodist Church 860229918 $0 $0
West Phoenix Progressive Baptist Church Incorporated 860784482 $0 $0
West Side Youth League 320213035 $0 $0
West Valley Church of Christ 953433643 $0 $0
West Valley Community Action Coalition 412086679 $0 $0
West-mec Alliance 271338556 $170,961 $213,335
Western Business Education Association 930816856 $0 $0
Western Center for Journalism 680260052 $1,012,580 $407,344
Western Economic Development Corp 860467730 $0 $0
Western Indian Missions 237157584 $0 $0
Western Product Co Ltd 752616450 $0 $0
Western Regional Examining Board 930692146 $8,477,574 $10,406,265
Western School of Science and Technology Incorporated 461992614 $0 $0
Western Science Fiction Association Incorporated 861048469 $0 $0
Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry 331092272 $0 $0
Western States Conference of Heat and Frost Insulators 455284700 $26,910 $15,198
Westfork Church 203448300 $0 $0
Westside Calvary Chapel Incorporated 752400634 $0 $0
Westside Friendship Center 953742055 $0 $0
Westwind Childrens Services Incorporated 742801822 $2,225,748 $2,322,147
Westwind Middle School Academy 861023253 $211,671 $24,131
Westwood Community Association 860790543 $0 $0
Whispering Hope Church 731649628 $0 $0
White Knight Dark Horse Rescue Ranch 272336670 $0 $0
Whole Life International Foundation 942854187 $0 $0
Widows Mite Foundation 383190906 $285,741 $25,884
Wigged out Incorporated 452496316 $0 $0
Wild at Heart Adventures Incorporated 731674166 $0 $0
Wildfire Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization Incorporated 830555136 $120,929 $80,955
Wildlife Society Incorporated-arizona Chapter 237035890 $0 $0
William E Morris Institute for Justice 860817170 $117,966 $170,552
William H Hayes Charitable Trust Uw 216010737 $176,017 $410,530
William M and Ann K Grace Foundation 562529760 $1,881,394 $10,727,378
William S and Ina Levine Foundation 860866703 $5,228,811 $26,470,359
Willo Neighborhood Association 860540083 $111,251 $196,156
Willow Grove Missionary Baptist Church 861024112 $0 $0
Wilmar Foundation 237375831 $20,974 $77,995
Wilson Dream Foundation 800444111 $0 $0
Wilson High School 861047515 $137,956 $4,695,361
Winded Foundation 451839927 $118,959 $73,106
Windsor Re Ltd 912134138 $0 $0
Windsor Square Special Planning District 860921036 $1,856 $48,552
Wings for Warriors 275284908 $23,619 $14,256
Wings of Healing Ministries Incorporated 271725718 $0 $0
Wings of Rapture Ministries 860688976 $0 $0
Wings to Fly 208341508 $20,594 $15,483
Winifred L Stevens Foundation 954505998 $3,380,658 $28,229,229
Wisdom to Go Alliance Incorporated 680485305 $1,500 $5,381
With Child Ltd 742378359 $0 $0
Withers Fam Char Trust 032102 626399013 $0 $0
Within His Presence Ministries 272305912 $99,887 $91,883
Wmch Development Corporation 742354546 $233,319 $494,376
Womans Club of Phoenix 860068897 $0 $0
Women in Aviation International 205553573 $0 $0
Women in Cable Telecommunications 363987504 $0 $0
Womens Overrseas Service League 591981076 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 616058072 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 366110021 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 866051450 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 046068837 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 912095806 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 916056100 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 946187753 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 956056735 $0 $0
Womens Overseas Service League 956096783 $0 $0
Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society 237629251 $0 $0
Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society 237629759 $0 $0
Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society 237629762 $0 $0
Word Now Ministries 943480405 $0 $0
Word of Abundant Life Ministries International 860883207 $0 $0
Word of Truth Incorporated 860690700 $0 $0
World Awakenina Ministry Incorporated 942824005 $0 $0
World Childrens Relief and Volunteer Organization Incorporated 721519456 $0 $0
World Foundation Incorporated 860893326 $0 $0
World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task Force Incorporated 742386488 $896,793 $792,245
World Organization of Women Incorporated 860788753 $16,129 $1
World Vision Evangelism Church of Phoenix 201901507 $0 $650
World Youth Visit Exchange Association of Arizona Incorporated 237442950 $0 $0
Worldwide Church of the Deaf 942764128 $0 $0
Worshipnet International Incorporated 860968092 $0 $0
Worth and Dot Howard Foundation 860984133 $100,898 $2,327,813
Xavier College Preparatory Roman Catholic High School Phoenix 263832736 $0 $0
Xavier Dads Club Incorporated 860651996 $305,007 $33,785
Xavier Foundation Incorporated 860806832 $586,599 $2,154,180
Xchanged Life Phoenix 461654692 $0 $0
Xen Institute 481302908 $0 $72,111
Xico Incorporated 204225234 $231,594 $58,327
Xin Xay Neo Foundation 261572467 $0 $0
Yale Mallinger Foundation Incorporated 263293834 $7,500 $1
Yavapai County Farm and Agriculture Association Incorporated 270426063 $10,007 $15,278,942
Yee Family Association 860409627 $0 $0
Yellow Dog Foundation Incorporated 900604436 $4,948 $253
Yeshiva of Phoenix 273219251 $657,565 $15,697
Yeshivah High School of Arizona 271115247 $410,692 $159,201
Yeshivas Haturim Corp 454575138 $40,122 $36,363
York Rite Sovereign College of North America 860458267 $0 $0
Young Artist Committee Incorporated 860689921 $0 $0
Young Arts Arizona Ltd 860933814 $76,044 $23,408
Young Champions Outreach 455559014 $0 $0
Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Phoenix 262076109 $0 $0
Young Presidents Organization Incorporated 860632201 $531,009 $269,837
Young Professionals in Transporation 462312270 $0 $0
Young Sounds of Arizona Incorporated 860607832 $577,489 $204,900
Young Urban Love 452415680 $0 $0
Your Someday is Today 272968059 $0 $0
Youth 4 the Kingdom a Non Profit Corporation 262867667 $227,726 $29,278
Youth Basketball Academy of America Ybaa Incorporated 860736909 $0 $0
Youth Development Institute 860841341 $13,311,340 $7,572,486
Youth Entreprenuer Solutions 861023426 $0 $0
Youth Evaluation and Treatment Centers 860291956 $6,012,232 $3,015,023
Youth Inline Hockey Association 412087347 $0 $0
Youth Partners Foundation 680544541 $7,366 $90,730
Ysquare 462650121 $0 $0
Ywca Metropolitan Phoenix 860098936 $1,506,407 $1,671,200
Zicarelli Foundation Incorporated 860569257 $1,286,147 $2,042,425
Zonta International 237166801 $0 $0
Zoroastrian Association of Northern Arizona 860621348 $0 $0