There are 4,512 nonprofits in Phoenix, Arizona.

Name EIN Income Assets
Health Industry Business 363313052 $1,464,846 $8,557,164
Health Information Network of Arizona 272766061 $1,605,755 $1,118,970
Health Occupations Students of America 260704156 $307,918 $139,998
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society 860753639 $0 $0
Healthcare Transitional Funding Corp 454203892 $5,424,184 $5,453,194
Healthy Children Strong Uganda 454478162 $0 $0
Healthy Kids One More Child Foundation 141894035 $40,257 $4,285
Healthy Lifestars 470916068 $215,701 $178,178
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Maricopa County 270775898 $0 $0
Heard Museum 860107517 $11,965,731 $25,958,741
Hearing Healthcare Providers of Arizona Incorporated 470879750 $34,910 $20,098
Hearo Foundation 455261855 $200 $426
Heart Disease Research Institute 510555174 $1,541,316 $173,405
Heart Line Ministries Incorporated 860674359 $97,583 $1,677
Hearth Patio and Barbecue Association 742507766 $20,860 $11,995
Hearts of Hope Love and Faith 262710416 $0 $0
Heavengate Praise Fellowship 860658518 $44,451 $194,543
Heavenly Cross Pentacostal Church of God in Christ 800333129 $0 $0
Heavens Place Ministries 320218288 $87,099 $8,138
Heavy Vehicle Electonic License Plate 860730202 $68,962,629 $38,909,695
Helen C Roberts Trust L30-375 1st Interstate Bank of Arizona 866022022 $630,091 $1,167,625
Helen Huish Chapman Scholarship Fund 4512-202330 876214073 $57,441 $26,297
Helen Lowe Colby Charitable Foundation 876197074 $1,370,462 $1,227,951
Helios Education Foundation 942850977 $88,675,914 $648,898,675
Help from Above 861048274 $27,530 $27,986
Help Institute Incorporated 273294952 $0 $0
Helping Hands for Freedom 263084550 $201,750 $6,224
Helping Hands Housing Services 860739825 $1,224,249 $5,859,552
Helping out People Everyday Incorporated 200864096 $0 $0
Hendrick Mechanical Reinsurance Company Limited 980133435 $0 $0
Hensley Employee Foundation 861040347 $53,495 $12,531
Heritage Church 461843214 $0 $0
Hero Within Us Incorporated 452481032 $0 $0
Hh Az 275251225 $0 $0
Higher Education for Lutherans Program Foundation 237179770 $236,450 $236,893
Highland Bible Church 860192409 $0 $0
Highways and Byways Church of Jesus Christ 742532020 $0 $0
Highwyas and Hedges Evangelisticministeries Incorporated 860377686 $0 $0
Hill Foundation 846081879 $10,068,280 $21,662,113
Hinton Family Foundation 263301032 $1 $1
Hiram Council No 2 - Cryptic Masons 454999025 $0 $0
Hire-national Incorporated 860734573 $0 $0
His Highest Harmony 542066539 $0 $0
Hispanic Womens Corporation 860539353 $381,780 $295,786
Hogz United Charities Incorporated 460841701 $0 $0
Holographic Repatterning Association 742814446 $0 $0
Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church 860654401 $0 $0
Holy Family Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 300517684 $0 $0
Holy Ghost Filled Baptist Church of Miracles Incorporated 742443232 $0 $0
Holy Place for All Nations Incorporated 861040388 $0 $0
Holy Trinity Community Church 061718615 $0 $0
Holy Yoga 274181769 $373,019 $49,010
Home Builders Association of Central Arizona 860114860 $1,989,891 $2,423,865
Home Builders Care Incorporated 860879090 $97,340 $69,997
Home Fur Good Animal Rescue and Placement 270621954 $221,218 $411,967
Home of Hope International Incorporated 200966471 $178,482 $69,756
Home Ventilating Institute 340930814 $698,580 $783,806
Homedale P H Church 581788567 $0 $0
Homeland Reinsurance Company Ltd 980371459 $567,819 $372,195
Homeward Bound 860660875 $4,558,951 $6,365,225
Hon Kachina Council 860917041 $50,604 $11,289
Honeywell Sportmans Club 953320241 $15,515 $18,611
Hong Lok 320255598 $390,385 $4,902,955
Hong Ning Senior Housing Corporation 860511863 $501,767 $949,075
Honor House 455343229 $0 $0
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi 621784057 $0 $0
Honorable Order of the Blue Goose Intl Incorporated Arizona 237533757 $0 $0
Hooligans Motorcycle Club Incorporated 274297021 $0 $0
Hoover Family Charitable Trust 746359154 $0 $0
Hope 4 Kids International 911045199 $2,656,120 $824,988
Hope and a Future Incorporated 421651764 $601,440 $309,607
Hope and Care Foundation 203881823 $0 $0
Hope Emergency Animal Rescue 271711994 $0 $0
Hope Endures Incorporated 203117948 $0 $0
Hope Evangelistic Community Worship Center 860832549 $0 $0
Hope for the Hopeless 800428143 $144,717 $7,009
Hope Lives - Vive La Esperanza 452300190 $831,153 $457,793
Hope Ultrasound Mobile Unit Incorporated 264213716 $73,477 $0
Hopes Crossing 272351200 $0 $0
Horizon Community Learning Center Incorporated 860821140 $11,110,581 $19,302,088
Horses Help Foundation 742477097 $356,617 $554,576
Hosanna Community Church 860587090 $0 $0
Hosannah Evangelical Ministries 273322660 $0 $0
Hospice Endowment Trust Fund of Phoenix Arizona 942856701 $7,476,047 $205,965,543
Hospice of Northern Utah 870354349 $1,377,996 $1,386,437
Hospice of Northern Utah 870354649 $28,740 $1,038,721
Hospice of the Valley 860338886 $187,077,611 $207,089,062
Hospitality Sales Marketing Association Greater Phoenix 860495218 $90,176 $5,626
Hotshots Softball of Arizona Incorporated an Arizona Nonprofit Corporation 860888427 $410,732 $41,079
House of Broadcasting Incorporated 860890442 $58,961 $222,854
House of Destiny 043704625 $0 $0
House of Giving 861042585 $40,951 $157,172
House of James Ministries 208194431 $114,685 $14,543
House of Prayer Full Gospel Soul Winners for Jesus Christ 866053268 $0 $0
House of Refuge Sunnyslope Incorporated 861026266 $528,005 $1,529,989
House of Rhema Full Gospel Baptist Church Incorporated 860924182 $0 $0
Housing 4 Now Incorporated 452781149 $0 $0
Housing Opportunity Center 860688577 $0 $0
Housing Opportunity Center Mountain Vista Villas 860710855 $320,860 $789,494
Housing Opportunity Center-carole Arms Apartments 860871848 $177,600 $257,624
Hp Anderson Sr Private Security Museum Ltd 200825475 $1 $48,498
Hsc Educational Foundation Incorporated 204513088 $1 $6,980
Hubbell-waterman Foundation 426126467 $8,435,561 $27,654,292
Huggabear Childrens Project Incorporated 262921760 $0 $0
Hugh Obrian Youth Leadership 942861293 $61,801 $28,233
Human and Equal Rights Organizers 264059863 $0 $0
Human Services Campus L L C 861050572 $523,703 $2,916,425
Human Torch Ministry 237124079 $0 $0
Human Torch Ministry Incorporated 942434764 $0 $0
Humane Link Incorporated 263488521 $0 $0
Humanitarian Aid Response Teams Foundation 860908190 $75,419 $174,827
Hungarian American Social Club Incorporated 866052288 $0 $0
Hva Incorporated 462070143 $0 $0
Hysa Pto Incorporated 454610581 $0 $0
I B E W Retired Members Club 640 870756003 $0 $0
Ibew-neca Arizona Labor-management Cooperation Committee Trust Fund 861014683 $51,079 $36,959
Icm Food and Clothing Bank 860401223 $2,166,193 $954,816
Igelsia Senda De Justicia 204411743 $0 $0
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel 860754109 $54,051 $5,585
Iglesia Betesda Internacional Incorporated 300226391 $0 $0
Iglesia Casa De Mi Padre 412104327 $0 $0
Iglesia Christiana Oasis En El Desierto 860919059 $650,525 $4,403,833
Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana Shiloh 451488254 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Castillo Del Rey 273196932 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Dios Con Nosotros 860810051 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Familiar Bethania 800000474 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Interdenominacional En Los Estados 274287701 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Una Voz De Las Ad 262420604 $0 $0
Iglesia De Cristo of Maryvale Ii 208239968 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Ministerio Pentecostes 200260303 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Nuevo Amanecer 203073176 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Septimo Dia La Mision 454244814 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Soldados De Cristo Incorporated 450489575 $0 $0
Iglesia De Jesus Voz De Esperanza Incorporated 271144285 $0 $0
Iglesia En La Calle 205865048 $0 $0
Iglesia Fundacion Familiar 721532239 $0 $0
Iglesia Independiente Jesus De Nazareth Incorporated 860743591 $0 $0
Iglesia Luterana Vida Nueva 743105547 $0 $0
Iglesia Luz Eterna Incorporated 860806223 $0 $0
Iglesia Ministerial Cristiana 800411034 $0 $0
Iglesia Puerta Del Cielo 860793035 $0 $0
Iglesia Unidad Familiar Incorporated 261386365 $0 $0
Iglesia Vida Christiana - Christian Life Church 860967498 $0 $0
Iglesia Vigilancia Cristiana Incorporated 753137179 $0 $0
Ihs Ministries Incorporated 204073073 $518,205 $2,048,524
Iiug Incorporated 462759610 $0 $0
Ikf Incorporated 463753773 $17,101 $1
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Orunmilas Healing Spaces Temple 371527852 $16,890 $150
Imagination Depot 463813542 $0 $0
Imagination Unlimited 860887806 $0 $0
Imagine Bell Canyon Pto 270968151 $0 $0
Imagine Camelback Middle Incorporated 452529027 $1,266,058 $266,695
Imagine Desert West Middle Incorporated 452540305 $1,865,821 $781,350
Imagine Elementary at Camelback Incorporated 204931127 $4,933,414 $1,562,595
Imagine Elementary at Desert West 204926729 $5,565,642 $1,674,676
Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 800313725 $0 $0
Impact Phoenix Incorporated 273307485 $0 $0
Imperial Court of Arizonaincorporated 203972586 $45,166 $40,182
Imprenditore Spirit of Tatanka Insurance Company Ltd 980212105 $0 $0
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 237621424 $189,947 $551,379
Independence Plus Incorporated 860930365 $872,887 $187,259
Independent Assemblies of God 860613529 $0 $0
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Arizona Incorporated 860002031 $690,729 $2,891,454
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 860217129 $1,256,050 $3,111,712
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 237608388 $0 $0
Independent Schools Corporate Tax Foundation 274662958 $1,101,856 $1,143,031
India Association 860377690 $71,165 $93,202
Indian School Corridor Citywide Business and Homeowners Associatio 263074371 $15,615 $1
Indian Seniors Association of Arizona 453233389 $34,253 $32,975
Indigo Cultural Center 261169374 $167,975 $7,464
Indios Huichol Incorporated 860616433 $0 $0
Indo American Cultural and Religious Foundation of Arizona 860620445 $1,052,105 $5,001,566
Industrial Workers of the World 453567206 $0 $0
Infant Toddler Mental Health Coalition of Arizona 860981892 $0 $0
Information Systems Audit and Control Association Incorporated 860404629 $0 $0
Infragard National Members Alliance Incorporated 201814402 $0 $0
Inglesia Fiesta De Los Tabernaculos 061699447 $0 $0
Ingleside Middle School Parent Teachers Organization Incorporated 860718599 $80,400 $105,729
Ingram Family Foundation 261482946 $1 $604
Inpower Incorporated 264241594 $0 $0
Insideout Youth Incorporated 452481137 $3,654 $931
Inspiration Mars Foundation 461883280 $4,957,000 $793
Inspire Arizona 462413744 $0 $0
Institute for Ecotourism 760714342 $0 $0
Institute for Human Development Incorporated 860891093 $24,295 $19,583
Institute for Mental Health Research 861030444 $0 $0
Institute of Human Origins 942799109 $0 $24,238
Institute of Internal Auditors 860316428 $46,729 $56,022
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Benefit Plan 582069027 $6,816,024 $22,534,673
Institute of Transportation Engineers District 6 546158989 $311,187 $496,900
Insurance Training and Education Center Incorporated 860455004 $443,543 $553,153
Integrated Education Foundation Incorporated 201431933 $0 $0
Intelli-school 860785760 $871,719 $305,461
Intelligent Transportation Society of America Its America 860773988 $0 $0
Intentional Living Alliance Incorporated 263210281 $0 $0
Inter-tribal Council of Arizona Incorporated 860343181 $20,543,629 $7,045,380
Interchurch Center Corporation 860583594 $0 $0
Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute Arizona Chapter 510590970 $65,162 $17,419
International Alliance for the Prevantion of Aids 202020920 $160,892 $131,311
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 866056575 $318,686 $100,026
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 270066657 $0 $0
International Aromatherapy and Herb Association 860824793 $0 $0
International Association of Administrative Professionals 866053718 $0 $0
International Association of Administrative Professionals 860503422 $0 $0
International Association of Assessing Officers 860796090 $0 $0
International Association of Duncan Certified Ceramic Teachers 611616564 $0 $0
International Association of Electrical Inspectors 866053827 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 866051286 $2,315,492 $2,254,106
International Association of Fire Fighters 866056409 $854,227 $2,275,879
International Association of Fire Fighters 364572667 $155,926 $146,004
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied 860144013 $1,042,990 $353,423
International Association of Lions Clubs 860047175 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 900743308 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 860377041 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 860611800 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 866052989 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 262091258 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 860029419 $249,034 $203,825
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals 860945553 $0 $0
International Bridge and Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers 860029434 $1,501,900 $1,109,376
International Brotherhd - Boilrmkrs Ir Shp Bldrs Blcksmth Frgrs and Hlpr 860077693 $1,559,296 $4,281,566
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 860004806 $1,468,064 $1,925,837
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 860055726 $4,785,518 $6,905,245
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 860079391 $2,571,457 $3,005,445
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 866055869 $318,000 $3,238,395
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 860076290 $4,214,292 $905,615
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 860150455 $47,931 $78,906
International Buddhist Association of Arizona 860725515 $0 $0
International Cancer Advocacy Network 860818253 $156,385 $198,896
International Charter School of Arizona 272838431 $467,151 $63,431
International Christian Outreach Adventures Incorporated 861004872 $0 $0
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel 860717685 $0 $0
International Concrete Repair Institute-arizona Chapter 262065709 $0 $0
International Constipation and Nausea Foundation 200872971 $0 $0
International Cruise Victims Association Incorporated 010890179 $0 $0
International Cruise Victims Association Incorporated 020774447 $0 $0
International Facility Management Association Incorporated 860532623 $0 $0
International Intradiscal Therapy Society 391569393 $113,600 $73,412
International Pentecostal Church of Christ 311774938 $0 $0
International Pentecostal Church of Christ 204081220 $0 $0
International Right of Way Association 866052326 $0 $0
International Society of Endovascular Specialists Incorporated 860725367 $389,843 $23,100
International Union of Elevator Constructors 860226969 $619,657 $614,349
International Union of Operating Engineers 428 860043415 $863,878 $1,118,974
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 860018161 $0 $52,322
International Voice of the Orphan 452660568 $226,210 $93,203
Internountain Burn Center Foundation 942952824 $448,336 $436,591
Iraqi American Society for Peace and Friendship 273144463 $181,751 $4,656
Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation 860930096 $1,639,372 $6,244,629
Irish Foundation of Arizona 742514264 $0 $0
Irish Setter Club of Arizona Incorporated 866084844 $0 $0
Ironwood School Parent-teachers Association Incorporated 237272776 $0 $0
Isaiah 61 Ministries 470888093 $0 $0
Iserve Foundation 462009522 $0 $0
Islamic Center of Arizona 383767877 $0 $0
Islamic Center of North Phoenix Incorporated 860821373 $0 $0
Islamic Community Center of Phoenix Incorporated 942925023 $637,039 $4,192,886
Ism-arizona Incorporated 237158019 $88,239 $128,421
Itheatre Collaborative 200119008 $35,771 $6,973
Its Better to Give 463804049 $0 $0
J C Charitable Trust 383083137 $44,074 $284,322
J Js Medical Mission 562502956 $0 $0
Jaburg and Wilk Foundation Incorporated 208117267 $-199 $36,626
Jaburg Family Foundation Incorporated 205433054 $13,920 $456,229
Jail-prison-street Ministries 860884438 $0 $0
Jain Center of Greater Phoenix 860689617 $1,824,693 $280,069
Jamat Reinsurance Company Ltd 593465407 $0 $0
James a Unruh Family Foundation 860955776 $102,531 $1,535,238
James Arthur Rae Charitable Trust 860937247 $3,446,948 $6,884,723
James F Golder Memorial Scholarship Fund 742368875 $28 $47,470
James Sandoval Preparatory High School 861018312 $1,343,768 $425,072
James White Ministries 464823267 $0 $0
Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix Incorporated 201978899 $217,669 $252,337
Jaynes Companies Voluntary Employee Benefits Trust 876277035 $920,607 $34,716
Jegir Foundation 261197556 $1 $2,688
Jennings Strouss Foundation 651299766 $0 $0
Jess and Barbara Nicks Foundation 461785366 $0 $0
Jess and Sheila Schwartz Family Foundation 860942313 $585,000 $1,642
Jesuit Alumni in Arizona 542182997 $0 $0
Jesus Eyes Ministries Incorporated 205805418 $0 $0
Jesus First Church 860252065 $0 $0
Jewish Family and Childrens Service 860096781 $26,336,697 $10,410,019
Jewish Voice Ministries International 860217838 $28,154,632 $38,014,266
Jim Smith Foundation 455381699 $0 $0
Jim Troxell Foundation 452968884 $366,064 $1,336,642
Jimmie Moyer Foundation 204958716 $0 $0
Jimmy Dell Ministries Incorporated 953443255 $66,128 $97,564
Joan and David Lincoln Foundation 461228601 $1,255,671 $1,249,851
Jobs Daughters International 860481087 $0 $0
Jobs Daughters International 860764667 $0 $0
Jobs for Arizonas Graduates Incorporated 860669709 $956,889 $456,928
Joe Beeler Cowboy Artist Foundation 270585136 $0 $0
John and Alice Powers Foundation 202735962 $368,134 $169,028
John and Cindy Mccain Family Foundation 860817541 $1,002 $6,013
John and Genevieve Dyer Educational Foundation Incorporated 931218476 $91,438 $251,623
John and Judith Dewane Private Foundation 810605596 $1 $840
John C Lincoln Health Foundation 953320185 $12,665,077 $14,156,465
John C Lincoln Health Network 860117301 $609,535,730 $608,555,113
John D Richardson Foundation 205850462 $25,031 $753,237
John F Long Foundation Incorporated 866052431 $4,878,645 $8,751,328
John N Ferree Jr and Ginger a Ferree Charitable Trust 742547851 $0 $0
John P Alcock Foundation 208866912 $33,754 $592
John Sperling Foundation 320284165 $1 $1
Johnjay and Rich Care for Kids Foundation 261473086 $60,990 $67,482
Jordan Sterling Foundation 270359203 $15,250 $148,247
Jordans Jungle Incorporated 208221463 $0 $0
Joshua Tree Feeding Program Incorporated 860789213 $52,997 $30,693
Joshua Vision 208360728 $0 $0
Joy Bus 463188719 $0 $0
Jsupport 270304860 $0 $0
Judge John M Gaylord Charitablefoundation Incorporated 208857461 $6,803 $5,880
Julio E Talero Community Healthcenter Incorporated 204870758 $0 $0
Junior Drama Club Academy 261901998 $0 $0
Junior Golf Association of Arizona Foundation 860933102 $0 $1
Junior Golf Association of Arizona Incorporated 860464216 $559,831 $201,589
Junior Golf University 271062353 $0 $0
Junior League of Phoenix Foundation 200662032 $0 $0
Junior League of Phoenix Incorporated 860178631 $319,044 $1,905,820
Junto Az 262918972 $0 $0
Just 4 Hoopin Incorporated 432066164 $0 $0
Just Friends of Education Incorporated 271300807 $0 $0
Justice Project Incorporated 861004924 $336,930 $94,484
K a Church 942689915 $0 $0
Kadesh Bhavan 113546385 $0 $0
Kaitys Way 263442791 $66,929 $7,800
Kaizen Educational Foundation 800197489 $26,280,746 $3,871,680
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity 866052521 $0 $0
Kappa Alpha Theta House Corporation 866052430 $0 $0
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 900013839 $0 $0
Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Epsilon Delta House 237070083 $0 $0
Kappa Sigma Educational Foundation of Arizona 860654380 $0 $0
Karl and Stevie Eller Family Foundation Incorporated 455373276 $2,013 $318,377
Karma Yoga Project 270145232 $0 $0
Kayak Foundation 463462710 $0 $0
Keep Arizona Beautiful 860472734 $55,652 $4,944
Keep Phoenix Beautiful Incorporated 860456964 $724,268 $282,356
Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation 860653091 $49,144,911 $152,838,066
Kemper Corporation Veba 133664370 $53,686,082 $6,142,532
Keogh Health Connection 200251176 $444,977 $165,106
Keystone Montessori Charter School Incorporated 860941637 $3,202,307 $5,631,272
Khalsa Montessori Elementary School 860824311 $1,182,347 $1,902,006
Khalsa Montessori Primary School 263979616 $660,230 $181,692
Khalsa Schools Pto 731646715 $0 $0
Khedmatkar Incorporated 141951678 $0 $0
Kid Power USA 455230593 $0 $1
Kids and Sports Give and Recieve Incorporated 454494850 $0 $0
Kids at Hope 860980161 $555,402 $119,109
Kids at Play 273178823 $0 $0
Kids Chance of Arizona 311512812 $84,564 $57,678
Kids Enjoy Exercise Now 611552273 $6,104 $1
Kids Fest Foundation 463011986 $0 $0
Kids Need to Know Foundation Incorporated 861038396 $0 $0
Kids Who Care Incorporated 264145678 $0 $0
King Foundation 461517816 $0 $0
King of Kings Lutheran Church 860266683 $0 $0
King Richards Reinsurance Company Ltd 980182326 $0 $0
Kingdom Builders Christian Fellowship Association 562678273 $0 $0
Kingdom Cares International 272145957 $0 $0
Kingdom Communities of the Valley 830370609 $0 $0
Kingdom Discipleship 271080725 $0 $0
Kingdom Life Ministries 800171356 $500 $1,068
Kitchen on the Street Incorporated 205723799 $510,235 $312,225
Kivel Campus of Care 237157268 $631,186 $1,279,821
Kivel Manor East Incorporated 860431775 $868,692 $2,171,820
Kivel Manor Incorporated 860207274 $990,739 $7,136,268
Kivel Manor West 237163834 $603,040 $1,492,039
Kivel Nursing Home Auxiliary 866051539 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 866053050 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 860047155 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 860516517 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 860626591 $0 $0
Knight of Columbus 860516190 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 860379943 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 860739889 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 860779170 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 860921248 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 861054949 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 866005009 $44,658 $12,105
Knights of Columbus 300437545 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 460898543 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 461364029 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237104710 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 260086241 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 260088081 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 264081567 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Council 10062 Charities Incorporated 453029977 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 866057818 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 860177451 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237618204 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237618206 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237618210 $0 $0
Knightsof Columbus 371603807 $0 $0
Korea Gospel Mission Incorporated 951821806 $0 $0
Kpow Ministries Incorporated 800076038 $0 $0
Kramer Family Foundation 453566825 $398,480 $617,380
Kuhle Family Foundation 203995755 $3,204,505 $2,941,024
Kulpahar Kids Home and Christian School 956155950 $906,056 $487,604
Kurt Warner First Things First Foundation 431921463 $929,958 $1,781,355
Kuykendall Military Support Foundation Incorporated 272276970 $5,000 $1,500
Kyrene Altadena Ptso 943488932 $46,099 $14,288
Kyrene Centennial Middle School Pto 860794217 $41,026 $12,436
Kyrene De La Colina School P T O 860725062 $36,596 $85,244
Kyrene De La Sierra Parent Teacher Organization Pto 860705872 $59,268 $28,854
Kyrene De Las Lomas Pto 860524569 $19,758 $30,309
Kyrene De Los Cerritos Pto 860771502 $103,899 $28,799
Kyrene De Los Lagos Pto Incorporated 742509243 $45,103 $5,404
Kyrene Del Milenio Parent Teacher Organization 860994231 $97,723 $28,376
Kyrene Monte Vista Parent-teacherorganization Incorporated 205238635 $57,641 $48,838
L and M Foundation 046029209 $69,729 $65,113
L Roy Papp Charitable Trust 746348484 $1,331,404 $1,023,774
La Casa Del Alfarero 454142149 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 860382920 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 860462830 $0 $0
La Restauracion Prometida 860711895 $51,695 $130,895
Laborers and Operating Engineers Utility Agreement Health and 860576428 $6,279,495 $5,520,402
Laborers and Operating Engineers Utility Agreement Vacation Savings 860576429 $10,853 $164,064
Laborers International Union of North America 860322789 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 522301167 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 731515491 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 860029025 $908,491 $320,122
Laborers International Union of North America 860309455 $275,740 $372,665
Laborers International Union of North America 460237785 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 860835235 $0 $0
Laborers Vacation Savings Trust Fund for Arizona 860710152 $428,941 $367,722
Labors Community Service Agency 860300832 $1,834,238 $4,156,988
Labors Community Service Housing Corporation 860774094 $62,595 $1,157,617
Lake Havasu High School Class of 77 Memorial Scholarship Fund 200766044 $0 $0
Lamb of God Christian Center 205247160 $0 $0
Lamb of God Lutheran Church 860883112 $0 $0
Lambda Alpha International 860838557 $0 $0
Lambda Phoenix Center 860687497 $0 $0
Lambda Theta Alpha 900932437 $0 $0
Lambs Astray Ministries 860746177 $0 $0
Langerman Foundation 866037146 $67,971 $1,343,919
Larcher Family Foundation 203980388 $691,572 $722,231
Larkspur Christian Church 866092766 $0 $0
Larry Seratt Ministries 861012673 $0 $0
Las Salas Incorporated 860757408 $464,306 $877,621
Latin American Christian Fellowship Ministries 860707682 $0 $0
Latino Donor Collaborative Incorporated 274281557 $499,700 $213,371
Latino Missionary Outreach 760740617 $0 $0
Latino Peace Officers Association 742434633 $0 $0
Laurence B Flaws Memorial Fdn 343-3809572-000 956809384 $904,842 $4,690,968
Lawrence T and Janet T Dee Fdn 876150803 $23,383,397 $48,396,543
Lead for Good 263528773 $14,695 $7,370
Leader Dogs Classic Incorporated 860982234 $29,238 $5,519
Leadership Catalyst Incorporated 860799625 $710,458 $312,501
Leadership Consortium 731628275 $0 $0
Leading Arizona Forward Incorporated 270689833 $0 $0
Leadingage Arizona 860449697 $457,299 $294,644
Leadingage Arizona Foundation 860737966 $56,285 $83,163
League of United Latin American Citizens 331017252 $0 $0
League of United Latin American Citizens 460515412 $0 $0
League of United Latin American Citizens 680514392 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Arizona 866051398 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Arizona Education Fund 742390846 $0 $0
Lebanon-syrian-american Club of Arizona 237129346 $10,204 $30,001
Legacy Classical Christian Academy Incorporated 200410629 $0 $0
Legacy Connection 900036015 $345,577 $269,781
Legacy for the Kingdom 205074017 $1,431,639 $29,152,600
Leland M Stenehjem Jr Foundation 204087659 $1 $1
Lend-a-hand Incorporated 200059496 $0 $0
Lending Hands of Arizona 261779155 $0 $0
Leonard Tingle Foundation 136158846 $397,800 $307,600
Leslies Charitable Foundation Incorporated 261839333 $303,692 $438,000
Lester H Girt Charitable Trust 4512-043250 876128064 $9,768 $132,203
Levin Family Chartable Foundatuion 860974340 $613,005 $530,375
Liber Family Foundation 208664195 $3 $88,459
Liberty Tradition Charter School 860956881 $4,090,219 $2,566,121
Libre Ministries 860725362 $0 $0
Life Choices Womens Clinic 860840424 $443,493 $565,604
Life Church 860637657 $0 $0
Life Church at South Mountain 860473030 $0 $0
Life Connection Church 050522846 $0 $0
Life Educational Corporation 942933798 $0 $0
Life Long Learning Incorporated 860817427 $0 $0
Life Paradigms Incorporated 860957439 $31,039 $4,326
Life Partners Christian Ministeries Incorporated 942894460 $395,998 $221,176
Life Renewal Ministries Incorporated 860335649 $0 $0
Life Skill Center of Arizona Incorporated 731640106 $2,318,828 $490,663
Life Solutions of Phoenix 263480743 $0 $0
Life Tabernacle Church 860378850 $0 $0
Lifebridge Community Alliance Incorporated 371553260 $194,334 $33,508
Lifechange Counseling Incorporated 860679214 $38,867 $67,595
Lifes Journey 860563482 $0 $0
Lifewell Behavioral Wellness 860292390 $27,088,623 $37,393,932
Light and Life Free Methodist Church 860129977 $0 $0
Light and Love Ministries 203155228 $0 $0
Light the Globe Incorporated 273826160 $0 $0
Lillian Lincoln Foundation 942943599 $34,577 $2,993,366
Limbs for Kids Incorporated 262469787 $0 $0
Lincoln Ambulatory Care Corporation 942842736 $0 $0
Lincoln Heights Christian Church 860100881 $0 $0
Linking Sports and Communities 010959364 $0 $0
Links Incorporated 866053771 $107,154 $47,794
Lins Linens Incorporated 272942800 $20,865 $12,436
Lions Foundation of Arizona Incorporated 866052987 $383,444 $2,744,954
Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation of District 21 237430191 $269,357 $1,265,131
Lippincott Family Foundation Incorporated 200967548 $87,041 $991,535
Lisherness Foundation 271503658 $213,535 $426,129
Literacy Volunteers of Maricopa County Incorporated 942870927 $780,040 $1,230,434
Literary and Prologue Society of the Southwest 202868229 $254,050 $28,023
Literate Children Charitable Foundation 453567432 $3,170 $1
Little Big Minds Pto 272816619 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237071099 $69,022 $28,234
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237117679 $57,019 $30,213
Little League Baseball Incorporated 860663452 $108,503 $60,603
Little League Baseball Incorporated 860674502 $28,649 $1,895
Little League Baseball Incorporated 860702806 $148,963 $74,743
Little League Baseball Incorporated 860875808 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 860890478 $68,996 $18,841
Little League Baseball Incorporated 860931916 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 521225506 $98,974 $42,102
Little League Baseball Incorporated 680597448 $150,129 $70,320
Little Orphan Animals Incorporated 262819852 $0 $0
Live and Give Foundation Incorporated 274626148 $62,660 $1,983
Live More Abundantly Incorporated 300738703 $0 $0
Living Christ Fellowship 860783506 $0 $0
Living Hope Assembly of God 860970248 $0 $0
Living Positiv Arizona Incorporated 453620589 $0 $0
Living Stones of Jesus Church 742493625 $234,543 $382,543
Living Streams Arcadia 453173845 $0 $0
Living Streams Christian Church 860538638 $0 $0
Living Water of the Valley Church 860704785 $0 $0
Living Waters Chruch 581788569 $0 $0
Living Word Lutheran Brethren Church Incorporated 860710639 $0 $0
Living Word Lutheran Brethren Church Incorporated 204843726 $0 $0
Living Word Pictures Incorporated 861003251 $0 $0
Living Word Tabernacle 742670595 $0 $0
Local First Arizona 202626253 $371,423 $15,678
Local First Arizona Foundation 261657951 $230,191 $101,366
Local Union 266 Electrical Workers Building Corporation 860420582 $64,051 $808,326
Lodestar Charitable Foundation 860965287 $953,214 $805,605
Lodestar Day Resource Center 260235106 $2,120,776 $514,023
Lodestar Philanthropic Foundation 204480084 $2,537,120 $104,305
Loma Linda Neighborhood Association 860933069 $0 $0
Longview Community Church 866051673 $0 $0
Looking at the Unseen Tabernacle Incorporated 061775736 $15,134 $777
Lookout Mountain Parent Teacher Organization 742355108 $89,783 $45,508
Loong Kong Tien Yee Association 237442130 $0 $0
Lords Love Evangelical Church Incorporated 270057699 $0 $0
Lords Temple 742485989 $0 $0
Los Abogados Hispanic Bar Association 860601404 $91,086 $135,528
Los Amigos Del Sol 860477942 $0 $0
Los Arcos United Methodist Building Corporation 866084067 $752,876 $1,129,660
Los Ninos Hospital Incorporated 860892673 $27,426,646 $35,657,065
Los Olivos Senior Center Association Incorporated 860333950 $124,998 $44,309
Lost Boys Center for Leadership Development 331061192 $152,624 $92,787
Lost Paws Sterilization Education and Rescue 273579438 $455,440 $76,253
Louis Foundation Incorporated 860211888 $656,345 $780,271
Love Community Church 710976510 $0 $0
Love in Action Ministries Incorporated 860500982 $0 $0
Love in Christ Fellowship 942856749 $0 $0
Love International Outreach Fellowship of Phoenix Incorporated 860685529 $0 $0
Love International Outreach Fellowship of Scottsdale Incorporated 860966817 $0 $0
Love Never Fails 271944406 $0 $0
Love Tabernacle 311677265 $0 $0
Loved Ones Lost 205951207 $0 $0
Loves Garden Incorporated 205515084 $0 $0
Lovett Family Foundation 900086932 $19,500 $370,318
Lower Santa Cruz River Alliance Incorporated 272673929 $100,000 $7,244
Lura Turner Homes Incorporated 860208652 $1,038,975 $993,690
Lutheran Church of the Master 860428628 $0 $0
Lynn Communities Incorporated 860986296 $2,253,188 $11,254,787
Lynnhaven Church of God of Prophecy Incorporated 860516863 $0 $0
M a D Ministries Incorporated 860898928 $125,818 $31,654
M C S O P C a Posse 050575732 $65,799 $225,804
M I K I D Mentally Ill Kids in Distress 860673994 $3,013,309 $1,731,989
M I S S 860968201 $256,304 $77,362
M P R Kyrene De-la Esperanza Pto 860764080 $47,346 $50,059
M Rinn Fbo Catholic Diocese Duluth 416443702 $41,281 $79,663
M2h Incorporated 462661399 $0 $0
Mabel Y Hughes Charitable Trust 9646 846070398 $5,163,215 $9,443,089
Macayo Restaurants Johnson Family Foundation 203281478 $34,291 $34,608
Mack Grubbs Investments Reinsurance Company Ltd 980361082 $0 $0
Mack Rozelle Charitable Trust 4512-028620 876117347 $41,137 $1
Madeline Hunter Babbitt Trust 866213247 $1,226,324 $5,635,876
Madison Baptist Church 860288734 $0 $0
Madison Camelview Parent Teacher Organization Incorporated Pto 760709140 $0 $0
Madison District Educational Foundation 742369532 $36,672 $124,613
Madison Heights Parent Teacher Organization 270799184 $0 $0
Madison Park Little League Incorporated 860311621 $0 $0
Madison Traditional Academy Guild Incorporated 562623499 $198,996 $115,339
Maggies Place - Arizona 272545687 $720,466 $1,180,126
Maggies Place Incorporated 860972675 $782,008 $2,717,770
Maggies Place Ohio Incorporated 264818627 $76,855 $72,717
Magic Story Media 454686320 $0 $0
Maguire Motors Insurance Ltd 660451468 $0 $0
Major League Baseball Equipment Managers Association 341763294 $148,275 $284,380
Make a Wish Foundation of Arizona Incorporated 860409636 $6,544,878 $4,337,775
Make a Wish Foundation of Northern West Virginia Incorporated 550694311 $630,335 $457,924
Make- A- Wish Foundation of America 860481941 $85,791,650 $49,808,079
Make-a-wish Foundation International 860726985 $6,122,073 $3,180,672
Make-a-wish Foundation of Northern Nevada Incorporated 880183672 $0 $8,945
Manaspirits 270430711 $0 $0
Mande Hennix Incorporation 860746174 $0 $0
Manger Incorporated 200285035 $0 $0
Manna a Ministry of Hope 861046481 $12,203 $2,060
Maracopa County Sheriffs Cold Case Posse Incorporated 010877871 $0 $0
Maranatha Gospel Fellowship Incorporated 866089453 $0 $0
Maranatha Romanian Assembly of God 753023397 $0 $0
Marantha Bible Church Incorporated 860603662 $0 $0
Marco Foundation 860969412 $6,026,239 $11,630,284
Maricopa Association of Governments 237151608 $22,666,343 $21,377,822
Maricopa Association of Governments Information Center 860971617 $4,118 $529
Maricopa Country Bar Foundation 860442773 $77,440 $47,049
Maricopa County Association of Paralegals 860590735 $0 $0
Maricopa County Bar Association 860189052 $1,085,530 $1,835,441
Maricopa County Childhood Immunization Partnership Mcchip 860951790 $0 $0
Maricopa County Consumers Advocates and Providers Incorporated 841713640 $0 $0
Maricopa County Fair Incorporated 860314911 $723,381 $688,328
Maricopa County Farm Bureau 237193988 $190,723 $560,338
Maricopa County Foundation for Medical Care Incorporated 860223970 $4,143,001 $2,108,867
Maricopa County Justice Museum and Learning Center Foundation 271193217 $0 $0
Maricopa County Medical Society 860070840 $1,262,185 $2,083,459
Maricopa County Medical Society Alliance 237009295 $4,812 $15,446
Maricopa County National Adoption Day Foundation 453534726 $0 $0
Maricopa County Sheriffs Advisoryposse Incorporated 204937720 $130,293 $169,735
Maricopa County Sheriffs Aviation Ranger Posse 263873601 $0 $0
Maricopa County Sheriffs Communication Posse 860781333 $0 $0
Maricopa County Sheriffs Enforcement Support Posse Incorporated 431974625 $0 $0
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Jeep Posse Incorporated 860659047 $8,232 $45,663
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Memorial Fund 200111230 $198,428 $728,547
Maricopa County Surprise Sheriffs Posse 510172584 $0 $0
Maricopa Health Foundation 860777567 $764,220 $1,546,835
Maricopa Interfaith Hiv Aids Alliance 800811507 $0 $0
Maricopa Live Steamers Railroad Heritage Preservation Society 860473041 $83,003 $222,288
Maricopa Medical Foundation 860205678 $86,919 $664,816
Maricopa Trail and Park Foundation 200707991 $0 $0
Maricopa Valley Tabernacle 860684774 $50,220 $9,772
Marie Eccles Caine Charitable Fdn 942764258 $848,781 $9,137,160
Marilyn B Gula Mountains of Hope Foundation 261294797 $39,352 $120,609
Marin Educational Foundation 203940816 $0 $1
Marine Corps League 860917733 $0 $0
Marine Corps League 593817664 $0 $0
Mark Allen Manor Foundation Incorporated 942785374 $783,813 $186,414
Mark Damon Tischler Foundation 363837363 $0 $0
Marketing Education Association 237073412 $0 $0
Marriner S Eccles Foundation 237185855 $2,622,193 $19,612,167
Martha Jane Youngker Foundation 200165250 $704 $9,140
Martin and Fae Monger Scholarship Tuw 916569332 $273,083 $555,061
Martin Auto Museum Incorporated 263045615 $8,752 $561,821
Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw Foundation 876116370 $964,854 $7,290,869
Mary Todd Benson Foundation 320312843 $0 $0
Marys Ministries Incorporated 860721211 $179,315 $2,835,916
Maryvale Baptist Church 860165816 $0 $0
Maryvale Preparatory Academy 273289377 $1,255,023 $696,291
Maryvale Revitalization Corporation 860713066 $165,291 $369,725
Masjid Al Tawba Islamic Community Center 800953521 $0 $0
Masjid Al-rahma of Phoenix 870813205 $0 $0
Masjid Jauharatul-islam 860676848 $0 $0
Masonic Charities of Arizona 942746389 $220,589 $873,961
Matai Warriors Football Incorporated 454723944 $0 $0
Match Point Tennis Club 942930942 $0 $0
Mater Misericordiae Mission 208265074 $0 $0
Max T Heller Foundation 866050366 $101,802 $168,353
Mayday Pit Bull Rescue and Advocacy 262889801 $105,345 $890
Mccain Institute Foundation 454556648 $13,173,605 $8,382,396
Mccoy and Mccoy Enterprises Limited Citco Bldg Po Box 662 Tortola Vi 980073033 $0 $0
Mcdowell Mountain Music Festival Incorporated 680570400 $770,161 $16,233
Mcquaid Foundation Incorporated 201769822 $31,307 $36,283
Mcrae Foundation 942750486 $30 $15,897
Mcso Technology Posse Incorporated 274682164 $0 $0
Medical and Dental Staff of the Maricopa Medical Center 942931274 $133,075 $171,703
Medical Animals in Need 455178809 $0 $0
Medical Toxicology Foundation 264311090 $99,997 $209,088
Medical Toxicology Research Incorporated 810554276 $58,062 $146,332
Meeting Professionals International 311011251 $99,524 $117,421
Melrose Paradise Recreation Club Incorporated 860175500 $124,733 $96,896
Memorial Christian Church 860170772 $0 $0
Mending the Soul Ministries Incorporated 412076122 $369,813 $166,251
Mensana Foundation 461488311 $0 $0
Mental Health America of Arizona 860129976 $0 $0
Mental Health Awareness Coalition 020799305 $0 $0
Mental Health Guild Incorporated 860412022 $25,314 $6,033
Mentoring All Americans for Leadership 753161040 $0 $0
Mercury Mine Elementary School Parent Teacher Group Incorporated 860529372 $58,020 $76,428
Merkos Chabad-lubavitch Organization 860441056 $0 $0
Mesa Angels Foundation Incorporated 010720556 $11,751 $162,475
Messianic Jewish Movement International 362530554 $160,605 $22,848
Metro Christian Fellowship of Phoenix 860961279 $0 $0
Metro Church of Christ Incorporated 860444483 $0 $0
Metro Valley Football League 273889369 $0 $0
Metropolitan Arts Institute 860917789 $1,993,435 $2,428,591
Metropolitan Ministries Church of God 860893788 $0 $0
Mexican Gospel Mission Incorporated 866052986 $542,117 $449,396
Mi Familia Vota 810668995 $3,008,981 $2,716,975
Mi Familia Vota Education Fund 200182824 $1,248,000 $341,294
Micah Global Foundation 860870895 $67,573 $45,468
Michael M Peacock Foundation 860623250 $37,281 $588,972
Michael T Flynn Foundation 320252720 $0 $0
Midtown Primary School 753049690 $786,026 $276,607
Mighty Warrior Global Ministries Incorporated 412274670 $0 $0
Mihalics Project 860667653 $22,641 $588,829
Mikdash David Incorporated 860998101 $0 $0
Mike Fox Ministries 680517970 $0 $0
Milagro Senior Pet Refuge Incorporated 203538510 $0 $0
Milestones Charter School 860958466 $2,265,202 $5,366,653
Military Assistance Mission Incorporated 454084403 $370,216 $181,134
Military Family Support Group 263386869 $0 $0
Military Order of the Cootie Sunny Slops Pup Tent 11 711011251 $20,456 $44,993
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 510223905 $0 $0
Milton H Erickson Foundation Incorporated 953560037 $2,927,187 $5,235,011
Mini Mighty Mutts Rescue 273532783 $0 $0
Miniature Horse Association of Arizona 860794927 $28,287 $27,054
Ministerio Corazon Abierto 462863058 $0 $0
Ministerio La Rosa De Saron 463583126 $0 $0
Ministerio Unejercito Para Cristo Incorporated 860996777 $0 $0
Ministerios Aposento Alto Incorporated 820563620 $0 $0
Ministerios Casa De Oracion 201745053 $0 $0
Ministerios Casa De Salvacion-house of Salvation Ministries 320014166 $0 $0
Ministerios Excelencia Cristiana Incorporated 860903457 $0 $0
Ministerios Los Siete Espiritus De Dios Incorporated Ministries the Seven 860804857 $0 $0
Ministerios Nuevo Amanecer 272482255 $0 $0
Ministerios Tabernaculo De Gracia 264645380 $0 $0
Ministerios Victoria E Jesus Incorporated 043816469 $0 $0
Ministry of Spiritual Warfare 331116405 $0 $0
Ministry to Catholic Women 860724806 $0 $0
Mio Frontiers 953731505 $30,008,140 $13,757,460
Mira Monte Christian Incorporated 860562039 $0 $0
Mision Monte Sion De Las Asambleas De Dios 260072347 $0 $0
Mission 6h Ministries 454306686 $0 $0
Mission Africa Incorporated 320268903 $0 $0
Mission Arizona Ice Incorporated 770678172 $597,404 $14,793
Mission Charter School 860952477 $3,373,628 $464,712
Mission Outreach Bible Class 510196313 $0 $0
Mk Gaddie Reinsurance Company Ltd 980391968 $353,091 $297,038
Mlc Reinsurance Ltd 521957854 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 721551745 $0 $0
Modified Motorcycle Association in Arizona 860595949 $44,399 $42,444
Moezart Productions 202278711 $203,151 $9,779
Molly Lawson Foundation Incorporated 200236832 $111,493 $1,270,395
Moms Club 352384861 $0 $0
Moms Club 364758615 $0 $0
Moms Club 562468869 $0 $0
Moms Club 861029806 $0 $0
Moms Club 861029808 $0 $0
Moms Club 861029832 $0 $0
Moms Club 861029846 $0 $0
Moms Club 861036060 $0 $0
Moms Club 861046240 $0 $0
Moms Club 861050271 $0 $0
Monte Sinai Ministries 860815834 $0 $0
Monte Vista Baptist Church 860173491 $0 $0
Monte Vista Cross Cultural Church 453667917 $0 $0
Montessori Childrens School Incorporated 03-25-97 860870509 $3 $6,658
Montessori Day Public Schools Chartered 860825041 $1,987,918 $906,808
Montessori Educare Academy 462155423 $0 $0
Montessori Matters Incorporated 455601683 $40,268 $1,380
Montessori Scholarship Organization Incorporated 861002243 $574,408 $347,721
Montezuma Church of Christ 942838210 $0 $0
Moon Valley Bible Church Incorporated 861041879 $0 $0
Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5k 205096370 $0 $0
Moreno Family Foundation 860918198 $6,980,040 $13,779,362
Moriah Cooperative Incorporated 465696583 $0 $0
Mormon Lake Forest Homeowners Association 860884647 $0 $0
Mormon Lake Volunteer Fire Department Incorporated 860563982 $191,618 $1,002,143
Morningside Evangelical Presbyterian Church 860308315 $0 $0
Morrison Education Group Incorporated 270243106 $1,694,720 $547,692
Morton Reinsurance Company Ltd 980378686 $0 $0
Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 352350490 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons 237616543 $0 $0
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 860209758 $0 $0
Mount Claret Roman Catholic Retreat Center Phoenix 320268278 $0 $0
Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church 860495517 $0 $0
Mount Zion Church of God in Christ East of Phoenix Arizona 860931584 $0 $0
Mountain Moving Faith Ministries 860625535 $36,335 $717
Mountain Park Community Church 860609516 $0 $0
Mountain Park Health Center 860498020 $47,635,645 $31,791,501
Mountain Park Health Centerfoundation 205241918 $150,817 $756,860
Mountain Pointe High School Football Booster Club Incorporated 262760565 $96,607 $42,739
Mountain Pointe High School Pride Boosters Incorporated 263640974 $0 $0
Mountain Trailmiddle School Parent- Teachers Student Organization 412054652 $39,894 $1
Mountain View Christian Church of Phoenix Arizona Incorporated 860210552 $0 $0
Mountain View Lutheran Church Incorporated 237432758 $0 $0
Mountain View Southern Baptist Church 860259278 $0 $0
Mountzion Prayer Ministries International 900936528 $0 $0
Movement Source Incorporated 860610245 $0 $0
Mr and Mrs Jay C Stuckey Jr Foundation 942974391 $261 $56,682
Msgr Edward J Ryle Fund Incorporated 611589582 $68,086 $334,489
Mujer Incorporated 860436991 $0 $0
Multiple Sclerosis Education Foundation Incorporated 273353729 $0 $0
Museum Association of Arizona 860583871 $0 $0
Museum of Television 455054881 $405,068 $170,636
Music for the Underprivileged 461926999 $0 $0
Music Therapy Matters 272186499 $53,196 $31,481
Musica Nova Incorporated 113682567 $52,939 $31,957
Musical Instrument Museum 161743588 $13,965,957 $122,924,858
Muslim Community Mosque 860696671 $0 $0
Mustang Boosters 463107429 $0 $0
My Brothers Keeper 320174896 $0 $0
My Sister My Friend 208488475 $382,781 $1
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Incorporated 237527559 $0 $0
Myteam Triumph Incorporated 455074543 $0 $0
N C Crusaders 262356344 $0 $0
N Y Jamal Foundation Incorporated 453911404 $40,180 $123,585
Nabi Foundation 431967299 $731,096 $50,919
Nabp District 8 262602171 $0 $0
Nac 4520 N Central Llc 134316252 $1,527,890 $10,082,947
Nacm Educational Services Incorporated 860621419 $0 $0
Naifa of Phoenix 866051147 $0 $0
Naifa-east Valley Incorporated 237298028 $0 $0
Name1 861026263 $347,801 $1,315,146
Nami Arizona 860464872 $84,046 $101,105
Nami Phoenix 860586718 $291,369 $236,061
Nami Southeast Valley 753168669 $0 $0
Nancie Glanzrock Foundation 454974972 $0 $0
Nancy Williams Family Foundation 205631328 $975 $2
Naomi and Terence Thomas Foundation 860939931 $291,072 $385,713
Napier Foundation T-3422 136029883 $795,521 $2,970,960
Naral Pro Choice Arizona 680587591 $0 $0
Naral Pro-choice Arizona Foundation 300380039 $0 $0
Narrow Path Ministries Charitable Trust 550850833 $0 $0
Nascla Educational Resources and Publications 274159128 $1,083,644 $446,368
Nash Finch Company Health and Welfare Benefit Irrv Trust 12261991 366977629 $24,621,487 $1
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 510204013 $200,302 $169,994
National Advocacy and Training Network 300026454 $672,035 $335,715
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 521673818 $0 $0
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 860609803 $0 $0
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 860615766 $0 $0
National Ambucs Incorporated 901040286 $0 $0
National Association for Information Destruction 860793925 $2,734,278 $1,438,912
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 866030839 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 900114229 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 270800024 $0 $0
National Association of Campus Card Users Incorporated 521811974 $884,700 $870,464
National Association of Free Will Baptists Incorporated 860904744 $0 $0
National Association of Hispanic Nurses 860804548 $0 $0
National Association of Insurance Women 866052888 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers 866051419 $482,692 $373,223
National Association of Letter Carriers 866053079 $38,339 $32,255
National Association of Letter Carriers Auxiliary of USA 866054529 $0 $0
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts 953421156 $0 $0
National Association of Professional Mortgage Women 953275953 $0 $0
National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel 136016050 $685,634 $387,652
National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies 581711622 $886,242 $1,360,619
National Association of the Remodeling Industry 742483138 $43,676 $17,826
National Association of Women in Construction 866054735 $0 $0
National Black Nurses Association Incorporated 953543065 $72,373 $75,595
National Bulk Vendors Association 363287056 $172,160 $185,796
National Business Travel Association Incorporated 860906744 $29,504 $23,382
National Canine Cancer Foundation Incorporated 030581083 $642,721 $207,021
National Caravan of El Hajj 860885821 $0 $0
National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry Incorporated 650342122 $0 $0
National Charity League - Moon Valley Chapter 860891995 $69,446 $57,309
National Charity League Ahwatukee Foothills Chapter 043759468 $67,955 $76,245
National Charity League Incorporated 860708695 $0 $0
National Council of Jewish Women Incorporated 860394830 $0 $0
National Council of Young Israel 860748515 $0 $0
National Council on Alcoholism Greater Phoenix Area 860208873 $2,411,508 $1,255,915
National Council Schools of Professional Psychology 363603982 $214,168 $238,632
National Economic Services Association 480993593 $0 $0
National Electrical Contractors Association Arizona Chapter 860140480 $613,676 $1,154,376
National Engineers Week Foundation 320210973 $73,146 $59,867
National Environmental Training Association 351443962 $108,969 $75,691
National Eye Foundation 454742476 $0 $0
National Guard Association of Arizona 860179420 $474,405 $326,758
National High School Mock Trial Championship Incorporated 721154430 $0 $0
National Institute of Chiropractic Research 363568403 $0 $0
National Institute of Governmental Purchasing Incorporated 860693578 $93,585 $70,593
National Kidney Foundation Incorporated 866052343 $3,794,462 $2,898,952
National Kitchen and Bath Association 860644722 $0 $0
National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems Incorporated 237258149 $10,862,546 $14,613,470
National Multiple Sclerosis Society 860180887 $1,549,216 $229,759
National Organization for Manyu Advancement 412031114 $0 $0
National Organization for Women Incorporated 860817850 $0 $0
National Organization for Women Incorporated 860841753 $0 $0
National Society of Arts and Letters 866054283 $110,189 $365,795
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 860665395 $0 $0
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 200132222 $0 $0
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution 311456547 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 33 866050625 $0 $0
National Unity Flag Foundation 731719748 $0 $0
Native American Art Studies Association Incorporated 942830685 $0 $0
Native American Bar Association of Arizona 260895934 $0 $0
Native American Community Health Center Incorporated 942540194 $6,846,745 $2,382,360
Native American Connections Incorporated 860293585 $11,186,353 $23,746,832
Native American Marriage Enhancement 200991180 $0 $0
Native American Urban Mission 461846257 $0 $0
Naval Academy Parents Club of Arizona 860789378 $48,267 $19,693
Navidad En El Barrio Incorporated 860780980 $0 $0
Ncb Reinsurance Ltd 980158253 $0 $0
Need Incorporated 953956183 $154,435 $477,345
Neighborhood Church 860443992 $0 $0
Neighborhood Congregational Church -united Church of Christ 860119989 $0 $0
Neighborhood Housing Services of Phoenix 510152395 $6,936,960 $16,266,809
Neighborhood Housing Services of Southwestern Maricopa County Incorporated 860632700 $48,348 $1,764,752
Neighborhood Housing Solutions Incorporated 264029480 $0 $0
Neighborhood Ministries Incorporated 860809052 $2,186,864 $3,802,403
Nelson S and Shirley F Jutzi Foundation 421641969 $2,000 $57,872
Neurologic Music Therapy Services of Arizona 202777059 $822,964 $192,215
Never Again Foundation Legal Services 861016849 $393,738 $169,759
New Age Community Church 237228199 $0 $0
New Apostolic Church of Phoenix Az 363404613 $0 $0
New Bethel the Church of Living God the Pillar and Ground of the Truth 860795590 $0 $0
New Casa De Amigas 860185416 $391,860 $469,040
New Covenant Faith Fellowship 953407856 $0 $0
New Covenant Missionary Church 320298421 $0 $0
New Creations Foundation 860938383 $0 $0
New Day Bible Church Incorporated 204907449 $0 $0
New Destiny Leadership Charter School Incorporated 760801368 $202,108 $36,291
New Dimensions in Recovery 272167017 $144,975 $25,868
New Era Childrens Fund 860978466 $0 $0
New Exodos Incorporated 731635123 $0 $0
New Friends of Maricopa County Library District Incorporated 861009678 $107,201 $100,810
New Hope Cattle Dogs Rescue and Rehoming 861036522 $0 $0
New Hope Christian Center 860873651 $0 $0
New Hope Family Church Incorporated 860715130 $0 $0
New Hope for Living Incorporated 262410125 $1,032,917 $506,642
New Hope in Christ Church 860828368 $0 $0
New Life Church 260072359 $0 $0
New Life Community Fellowship 860565395 $0 $0
New Pathways for Youth Incorporated 860615007 $1,313,500 $678,186
New River First Assembly of God 860651705 $0 $0
New Testament Full Gospel Church for All People Incorporated 866074489 $0 $0
New Valley Church 800098579 $0 $0
New Wave Ministries Incorporated 203764900 $0 $0
New Way Academy 860215781 $3,521,647 $2,309,705
New World Educational Center 860311204 $1,852,430 $2,421,205
Next Step Foundation Incorporated 201725695 $0 $0
Nhat Tam Buddhist Youth Association 352433220 $0 $0
Nichiren Shoshu Academy Phoenix 237281962 $0 $0
Nichiren Shoshu of America Arizona 237517210 $0 $0
Night Run Incorporated 460557467 $0 $0
Nishkam Seva Gurdwara Sahib and Dr Js Saini Sikh Community Center Incorporated 261612376 $0 $0
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam of Phoenix 262350658 $0 $0
Nm Bricklayers and Allied Craftworker Joint Apprecticeship and Training Trust 856081455 $7,646 $86,201
North American Quitline Consortium 270142713 $532,461 $135,361
North Canyon Booster Club 860735185 $0 $0
North Canyon High School Band Booster Association 861041946 $0 $0
North Central Parenting Group 742416052 $89,716 $162,048
North East Warranty Reinsurance Company Incorporated 980232335 $0 $0
North High School Musical Arts Association Incorporated 742556225 $0 $0
North Hills Church of God 860182972 $0 $0
North Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 860267840 $195,820 $54,692
North Phoenix Lions Club Foundation 866053265 $0 $0
North Phoenix Preparatory Academy 273322474 $989,082 $429,602
North Phoenix Rotary Club Charities Incorporated 953447169 $21,763 $8,943
North Pole Ministries 270010416 $13,297 $69,446
North Valley Misfits Incorporated 270992516 $0 $0
North Valley Romanian Penticostal Church Incorporated 860658706 $0 $0
North Valley Soccer Club 611423015 $63,209 $23,068
Northeast Diversified Reinsurance Company Ltd 980161650 $0 $0
Northeast Medical Center Hospital Self-insurance Trust 760101727 $306,056 $3,788,016
Northeast Senior Center Association Incorporated 860612806 $123,408 $56,411
Northeast Valley Home Educators Incorporated 860691257 $0 $0
Northern Arizona Regional Group of the Blinded Veterans Association 860415199 $0 $0
Northgate 860397783 $0 $0
Northwest Block Watch Coalition Incorporated 860704741 $0 $0
Northwest Christian School 860445016 $8,623,837 $8,809,748
Northwest Community Church 860277210 $0 $0
Northwestern Arizona Regionalinsurance Company 208081486 $2,020,773 $14,097,403
Nova Roma 010538668 $0 $0
Oasis Christian Church 860507441 $0 $0
Oasis for the Nations Incorporated 341991043 $0 $0
Ob-gyn Educational Foundation Incorporated 860991196 $0 $0
Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Phoenix Arizona 942945209 $0 $0
Ocj Kids 861040833 $189,119 $22,750
Oconnor House 263521510 $562,089 $435,815
Odom Family Foundation 860790314 $8,088,000 $5,807,687
Off the Back the Jim Stenholm Foundation 273267484 $0 $0
Ogbe Progressive Union USA 261949565 $0 $0
Ohr Hatorah Incorporated 061802924 $0 $0
Old Guard Riders Phoenix 461637023 $0 $0
Olin Employment Transition Benefit Trust 566466757 $553,463 $4,993,781
Olsen-kimsey Foundation 860944349 $0 $40,197
Omega Delta Phi Legacy Foundation 260185959 $0 $0
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 860744278 $0 $0
Omega Schools 860792951 $3,206,099 $7,536,465
Omega Vector 352480776 $0 $0
One Az Community Foundation Incorporated 461959069 $0 $0
One Body Collaboratives Incorporated 273597219 $0 $20,238
One Community Foundation 460716958 $0 $0
One Day at a Time Recovery Center Incorporated 201238668 $7,711 $2,712
One Institute 451441890 $96,300 $20,668
One Key Ministries 464265670 $0 $0
One Mission 261359230 $522,439 $579,779
One Step Two Step Gang Intervention and Youth Services Ag 270570090 $0 $0
One True Light Ministries 261280110 $0 $0
One Voice Community Center Incorporated 202876585 $84,062 $50,157
Open Door Fellowship Church Incorporated 860333385 $0 $0
Open Government Committee 452583367 $837,094 $8,847
Open Table Incorporated 208804441 $522,079 $160,680
Openworks Charitable Foundation Incorporated 264790606 $0 $0
Operating Engineers Local 428 Vacation Savings Trust Fund 237135778 $769,844 $792,480
Operating Engineers-428 Health and Welfare Trust Fund 866025730 $34,521,574 $30,482,818
Operation Mexico Missions 860604670 $99,591 $48,362
Operation Save the Earth 461516759 $0 $0
Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association 860043417 $141,292 $149,004
Opportunity Through Entrepreneurshi P Foundation 203779020 $0 $0
Optimist International 237106519 $0 $0
Oral Educational Opportunities for the Hearing Impaired 860834633 $1,188,167 $2,108,924
Orangewood Christian Reformed Church 860193153 $0 $0
Orangewood Church of the Nazarene 237374383 $0 $0
Orchard Community Learning Service 275107074 $6,952 $19,526
Order of Ahepa 237566083 $0 $0
Order of Ahepa 465290266 $0 $0
Order of Ahepa 465340398 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona 742551640 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Arizona 860024025 $0 $0