There are 10,347 nonprofits in Los Angeles, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
City of Hope 953773708 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773749 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773757 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773775 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773810 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773824 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773829 $825 $1
City of Hope 953773924 $0 $0
City of Hope 953802729 $0 $0
City of Hope 954071854 $0 $0
City of Hope 954133775 $0 $0
City of Hope 954133784 $0 $0
City of Hope 954133939 $0 $0
City of Hope 954133963 $0 $0
City of Hope 954133968 $0 $0
City of Hope 954493258 $0 $0
City of Hope 331132790 $0 $0
City of Hope 412085175 $0 $0
City of Hope 911914565 $0 $0
City of Hope 911940896 $0 $0
City of Hope 912148884 $0 $0
City of Hope 942921191 $0 $0
City of Hope 952210414 $0 $0
City of Hope 952211030 $0 $0
City of Hope 953057304 $0 $0
City of Hope 953377907 $0 $0
City of Hope 954247730 $0 $0
City of Hope 954291809 $0 $0
City Project 263465254 $107 $140,897
City Scholars Foundation 954435039 $243,561 $128,453
City Sound Singers 260785489 $0 $0
City Terrace Coordinating Council Incorporated 954277140 $0 $0
City Youth Exposure 453835936 $0 $0
Citystage 271684448 $185,600 $85,885
Civic Alliance 204080143 $37,279 $13,186
Civic Center Chapter of the Engineers and Architects Association 952242773 $1,862,790 $1,749,258
Civil Politics Incorporated 463643072 $70,657 $64,677
Civil Society 954298350 $0 $0
Claire and Theodore Morse Foundation 954549063 $1,469,302 $2,446,045
Clairobscur Dance Company 954200438 $0 $0
Clara L and William Schulz Jr Memorial Fund Rlm 32p001004 956483566 $249,209 $509,667
Clara L Schulz and William Schulz Jr Memorial Fund 32p001004 912047338 $53,932 $605,379
Claretian Theological Seminary 952013565 $0 $0
Claris Health 954806856 $360,633 $370,780
Classical Public Radio Network Llc 841474681 $4,053,052 $9,457,707
Classical Theatre Lab 202268425 $0 $0
Clay Buchholz Foundation 462505613 $0 $0
Clear Pathways Residential Care Foundation 454988550 $0 $0
Cleophas Oliver Learning Academy 954626581 $488,800 $304,791
Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice California 912076672 $979,249 $467,565
Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice-los Angeles 264744884 $548,743 $276,676
Clifford Beers Housing Incorporated 954485263 $949,377 $1,929,032
Climate Action Reserve 680477330 $3,036,626 $7,776,317
Climate Action Reserve Blind Trust 276493622 $0 $0
Climate Registry 208728170 $1,762,728 $453,038
Clinica Msr Oscar a Romero 953881333 $9,134,182 $8,828,654
Clockshop 331057561 $58,877 $352,816
Clover Avenue Elementary School Booster Club Incorporated 954499972 $164,502 $135,295
Clover Hiking Club Incorporated 451564745 $98,297 $13,992
Clyde Austin Spears Foundation 721606758 $0 $0
Co Real Artist 953120691 $0 $0
Co-josun Foundation 912170391 $0 $0
Coachart Org 943389547 $1,385,973 $734,301
Coalition for Better Living 931127136 $9,932 $391,220
Coalition for Clean Air 237120567 $1,356,116 $1,202,932
Coalition for Economic Survival 954641627 $217,650 $190,020
Coalition for Educational Partnerships 710955054 $316,132 $284,726
Coalition for Environmental Protection Restoration and Developme 954785389 $165,450 $56,667
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles 954421521 $2,551,367 $488,049
Coalition for Responsible Community Development 202445113 $2,579,846 $2,043,944
Coalition for Unity and Hope 900850026 $215,981 $195,038
Coalition for Veterans Land 953974872 $0 $0
Coalition of 100 Black Women Los Angeles 954036876 $0 $0
Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment Foundation Incorporated 954552979 $279,443 $138,981
Coalition of Free Men Incorporated 820568613 $0 $0
Coalition of Mental Health Professionals Incorporated 954395737 $1,007,135 $95,247
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking 100008533 $1,858,517 $1,117,129
Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight 208831720 $0 $0
Coam Mission Church 061778226 $0 $0
Coast Foundation 753134568 $10,260 $5,235
Cocaine Anonymous 953883753 $186,094 $54,315
Cocaine Anonymous World Service Office Incorporated 954167314 $527,144 $281,366
Coeurage Theatre 271736475 $52,111 $1
Cofem 320154043 $626,298 $956,291
Colburn Foundation 954693145 $82,819,388 $133,996,684
Colburn Music Fund 954804766 $123,459,659 $131,098,076
Cold Tofu 953972867 $0 $0
Coleman Community Services Incorporated 954541755 $1,006 $17,180
Collaborative Eagle Rock Beautiful 201500435 $0 $0
Collage Dance Theatre 954152270 $312,878 $210,798
Collective Space 721520359 $0 $0
Collegium Ramazzini Incorporated 521295360 $22,639 $175,402
Collingwood Foundation 954509731 $1,064,930 $3,248,292
Collins Family Foundation 954618828 $2 $3,620
Colombiere House 952737085 $0 $0
Colors of Unity Jewish Center and Library 912142817 $0 $0
Combs Hughes Charitable Trust 356802348 $1,020,669 $1,378,783
Come and See Preschool and After School 954828119 $221,431 $45,276
Come Mission Incorporated 954290027 $671,675 $1,567,524
Comedy Collective Foundation 460837752 $0 $0
Comeunity Arts Organization 452698817 $0 $0
Comic Relief Incorporated 954021356 $46,312 $286,439
Comite Etzatlenses Unidos De Los Angeles Intl Benefit Organiztn Incorporated 542082485 $0 $0
Comite Ozatlecos La Incorporated 274386129 $0 $0
Comites 954092600 $22,639 $8,852
Commerce City Employees Association 562590026 $0 $0
Committee on Christian Science Work in Los Angeles County Institution 952690026 $0 $0
Committee on Religious Shunning 202006114 $0 $5,539
Committee to Protect Public Safety Yes on Proposition a 461673610 $0 $0
Commmunities Actively Living Independent and Free 954860169 $1,014,550 $145,315
Common Denominator 201585516 $0 $0
Commonwealth Cc Pavilion Holding Corporation 522128303 $0 $1
Commonwealth Crystal Holding Ii Incorporated 201027040 $17,908,012 $193,803,169
Commonwealth Inverness Corporation 204606464 $43,230 $1
Commonwealth Royal Palms Holding Corporation 522066923 $2,400,000 $56,534,339
Commonwealth Washington Holding Incorporated 203039296 $0 $1
Communion Church of God in Christ 954236290 $0 $0
Communities in Schools of Los Angeles Incorporated 260404220 $2,155,886 $31,523
Community Advocates Incorporated 481265472 $268,891 $49,811
Community Artists Guild Incorporated 382435773 $0 $0
Community Asset Development Re-defining Education 264753821 $653,656 $245,302
Community Baptist Church of East La 953635497 $0 $0
Community Based Education and Development 954579025 $2,879,644 $1,568,170
Community Behavioral Services Institute 954066377 $0 $0
Community Betterment Service 237322757 $0 $0
Community Bible Fellowship 954459076 $0 $0
Community Build Incorporated 954375255 $4,319,858 $3,499,488
Community Care at Home 201389424 $1,110,240 $144,216
Community Career Development Incorporated 237209115 $3,774,564 $1,038,692
Community Centers Incorporated 953131727 $1,536,533 $1,769,688
Community Child Development Center of the Little Angels 510183018 $536,968 $37,573
Community Christian Church of Los Angeles California 237204936 $0 $0
Community Church of Christ 953776173 $0 $0
Community Church of the World 953254353 $0 $0
Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County 954576023 $3,803,274 $3,996,890
Community Coalition for Change 954557424 $0 $0
Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment 954298811 $2,736,612 $3,132,016
Community Development 753106249 $8,000 $163,064
Community Development Technologies Center 954546040 $1,260,635 $1,321,519
Community Economic Development Corporation 880306149 $0 $0
Community Environmental Fund Incorporated 954587186 $0 $0
Community Faith Christian Center 954428130 $0 $0
Community for Education Foundation 954367454 $2,354,083 $3,100,598
Community Foundation Land Corporation 954772524 $64,089 $0
Community Foundation Land Trust 954827973 $473,310 $19,838,015
Community Harvest Foundation 010563240 $112,987 $1
Community Health Councils Incorporated 954487664 $2,718,738 $2,524,267
Community Inspiring Todays Youth 371609930 $0 $0
Community Involvement Communications Incorporated 953133389 $0 $0
Community Justice Foundation 461960189 $0 $0
Community Lutheran Church 953795659 $0 $0
Community Mortuary for the People by the People 261117775 $0 $0
Community Outreach and Opportunity Programs 753047040 $559,102 $57,424
Community Partners 954302067 $30,570,785 $23,993,556
Community Powers in Action 954831415 $0 $0
Community Productions Incorporated 263976428 $0 $0
Community Referral Services Incorporated 953793757 $0 $0
Community Rehabilitation Services Incorporated 953281201 $708,269 $121,806
Community Safety Network 900995153 $0 $0
Community School of Arts Foundation 331066586 $0 $0
Community School Parents Association 954058022 $421,296 $328,534
Community Services Outreach Network Incorporated 320086011 $0 $0
Community Services Resource Corporation 953856945 $26 $11,344
Community Services Unlimited 953218396 $561,657 $241,443
Community Special Program Partners 562471861 $0 $0
Community Sports Center and Ymca in Westlake Village Foundation 352415384 $1,061,250 $379,480
Community Support Centers Incorporated 465703137 $0 $0
Community Support Services Organization 954731664 $330,316 $887,994
Community Welfare Association 956147992 $0 $0
Community Youth Sports and Arts Foundation 953991461 $329,540 $2,901
Compassion Care Center 800422713 $168,878 $3,686
Compassion Christian Center 954477089 $0 $0
Compassion Through Action Incorporated 205563265 $0 $0
Compassionate Holy Faith Church 141885792 $0 $0
Compassionate Oncology Research Foundation 262412211 $0 $0
Compassions Call 461690006 $0 $0
Complete Cambodia 461732374 $0 $0
Complete Care Community Health Center Incorporated 731663091 $737,853 $90,543
Compton Athletic Foundation Incorporated 800485193 $0 $0
Compton Baseball Academy Teams 954743968 $0 $0
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-how Incorporated 954698572 $125,766 $102,037
Comstock Hills Homeowners Association 208315173 $0 $0
Comunidad Cambria 954478076 $28,662 $948,847
Comunidad Cristiana Campamento De Dios 752995139 $0 $0
Comunidades Chalatecas Unidas in Los Angeles 954763254 $0 $0
Concern Citizens Community Involvement New Focus Children Cen 953662429 $0 $0
Concern Foundation 237002878 $2,665,080 $3,740,893
Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles 954247392 $3,249,000 $10,075,693
Concerned United Birthparents Incorporated 042605741 $18,670 $22,656
Concert Singers 953782819 $0 $0
Concilio Misionero Cristiano Pentecostes 331181160 $0 $0
Concious Comedy Concepts Incorporated 203976718 $0 $0
Confederacion Centro Americana Cofeca 770709563 $0 $0
Congregacion Evangelica Hosanna Ministries 731702121 $29,339 $6,259
Congregacion Israelita Casa De Dios Bnai Jacob 954833076 $0 $0
Congregacion Mariana Trinitaria USA 462844632 $0 $0
Congregation Agudas Achim 010800625 $0 $0
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel 954217392 $0 $0
Congregation Aish Tamid of Los Angeles 900086051 $383,604 $2,271,308
Congregation Bais Avraham V Sarah 223727160 $0 $0
Congregation Bais Gavriel 680532898 $0 $0
Congregation Bais Naftoli Incorporated 954374061 $0 $0
Congregation Beis Mordechai 271282665 $0 $0
Congregation Beth Chaim of Los Angeles 954063165 $0 $0
Congregation Bnei Torah of Los Angeles 203415219 $0 $0
Congregation Chasam Sofer 954303712 $0 $0
Congregation Etz Jacob 952040389 $0 $0
Congregation Kollel Yechiel Yehuda 300179795 $0 $0
Congregation Levy Yitz Chak 954177972 $0 $0
Congregation Mesoyras Avoyseinu 542079722 $0 $0
Congregation Mogen David 951904064 $0 $0
Congregation N Vay Shalom 954429595 $0 $0
Congregation Ohel Moshe Incorporated 954236214 $568,130 $1,450,268
Congregation Ohr Hachaim 956102164 $0 $0
Congregation Pirchei Agudas Yisroelof California 205513966 $0 $0
Congregation Tifereth Zvi 952054525 $0 $0
Congregation Torah Ohr 954327990 $0 $0
Congregation Torah V Chesed 953577448 $0 $0
Congregation Tzorchei Tzibbur Incorporated 454910996 $0 $0
Congregation Yechiel Yehuda 953569366 $0 $0
Congregation Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles 311579577 $0 $0
Congregation Yeshivas Hachayim 260777919 $0 $0
Congregational Christian Church 952473104 $0 $0
Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship 952111152 $0 $0
Congress of African American Men Incorporated 954583099 $0 $0
Congress of Racial Equality of California 954154057 $93,231 $36,048
Connect Lincoln Heights 463912101 $0 $0
Connect-a-kid 461397263 $18,640 $9,818
Connecting Cultures Mobile Museum 275501995 $71,651 $68,187
Conscious Humanity Incorporated 371471067 $0 $0
Consejo De Latinos Unidos 954892705 $14,110 $30,092
Consolidated Home Ownership Institute at Rancho La Cienega 061648519 $4,795 $8,601
Consortium for Belizean Development Incorporated 521434284 $0 $0
Constitutional Rights Foundation 952219680 $5,094,730 $5,760,054
Construction Plant and Maintenance Health and Welfare Trust 956315262 $4,663,751 $999,464
Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles 952656091 $3,267,418 $1,588,471
Consumer Attorneys Public Education Fund 954578504 $0 $74,059
Consumer Energy Advocates 454631559 $178,576 $11,504
Consuming Fire Ministries 954758076 $0 $0
Contemplative Eucharistic Adoration Incorporated 954054646 $266,664 $315,363
Continentals Global Foundation 455154030 $0 $0
Contract Administration Trust Fund for Carpenter-management Relations 954122244 $178,431 $480,080
Convent of the Good Shepherd Shelter 951652906 $1,684,318 $3,561,891
Cooking with Gabby 205035298 $42,925 $1,371
Cool Productions Incorporated 800564113 $0 $0
Cooper 9 Forever Foundation Incorporated 452780862 $0 $0
Cope Health Solutions 470864952 $5,671,181 $2,873,600
Coptic Social Corporation 953630013 $92,094 $18,395
Cor Community Development Corporation 330944779 $45,907 $107,336
Corazon Latino Mission 272274945 $0 $0
Corazones Con Esperanza Foundation 731687758 $218,291 $110,805
Corday Foundation 201217685 $195,000 $6,757
Core Church 272842265 $0 $0
Corinthian Believers Fellowship 237075472 $0 $0
Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles California 237066332 $0 $0
Corlin Resource Network 272065854 $0 $0
Cornerstone Church of South La Incorporated 454916693 $0 $0
Cornerstone Institutional Baptist Church 911873971 $0 $0
Cornerstone Theater Company Incorporated 954493498 $1,988,062 $2,281,953
Cornerstones Health Incorporated 263744996 $1,551,253 $389,402
Coro Southern California Incorporated 954274561 $568,126 $1,043,225
Corporate Presbytery of Santa Barbara 951997466 $0 $0
Corrective Care Ministry 455393091 $0 $0
Corrine and Lenny Sands Foundation 954891834 $500,878 $620,367
Cosmic Light Church Incorporated 953315559 $0 $0
Cosmogenics Incorporated 330067491 $100,795 $42,467
Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer 952505145 $0 $0
Cotsen Foundation for Academic Research 020794202 $1,250,021 $289,392
Cotsen Foundation for the Art of Teaching 953953038 $7,117,950 $35,467,846
Council for Watershed Health 954589325 $2,388,492 $1,086,883
Council of Community Clubs Incorporated 952704182 $45,042 $390,117
Council of Professionalgeropsychology Training Programs 208507963 $0 $0
Counterpoint Center Incorporated 911683108 $780,582 $7,238,677
Country Club Park Neighborhood Association Incorporated 954434481 $0 $0
Country Dance and Song Society Incorporated 953985484 $131,286 $68,956
Country Day School Headmasters 222630577 $145,168 $138,493
Courage Campaign 204841338 $656,732 $60,417
Courage Campaign Institute 501c3 270343297 $941,260 $160,416
Courtneys Creative Adventures Incorporated 262797785 $100 $57
Covenant Los Angeles Church 061773954 $0 $0
Cover the Homeless Ministry 912094255 $10,827 $1,555
Covering All Care for Kids 203966522 $0 $0
Cowan Avenue Booster Club 954639194 $56,400 $56,150
Cowboy Lawyers Association 954226452 $36,643 $32,720
Cpt Sc Title Holding Corporation 954650157 $13,749,332 $200,847,999
Craft and Folk Art Museum Incorporating the Egg and the Eye 237442244 $862,214 $1,128,872
Craft Foundation 461575153 $2,000,044 $1
Craft in America Incorporated 954812727 $1,178,667 $162,887
Crayon Collection 463314343 $0 $0
Cre Outreach Foundation Incorporated 261127320 $194,666 $10,413
Create a Miracle Project 470921936 $0 $0
Create La 460815941 $0 $0
Create Now Incorporated 954590574 $118,695 $90,282
Creating Aspiring Personalities for Success 383852558 $0 $0
Creative Arts Center for Spiritual Living 260726074 $0 $0
Creative Arts Center for Spiritual Living 262225808 $0 $0
Creative Arts Temple 953572487 $0 $0
Creative Experience Educational Incorporated 953435869 $61,390 $4,920
Creative Healing Arts Center 711016888 $9,420 $247
Creative Kids Education Foundation 954576615 $95,800 $4,520,236
Creative Migration Incorporated 202075101 $0 $0
Creative Playground Incorporated 331003768 $0 $0
Credit Unions in the State of California 954110181 $14,886,821 $370,351,610
Credit Unions in the State of California 946123880 $4,922,582,577 $71,416,615,972
Credit Unions in the State of California 950598145 $13,588,211 $103,357,904
Credit Unions in the State of California 950949175 $0 $0
Credit Unions in the State of California 950952237 $21,344,455 $476,492,435
Credit Unions in the State of California 951715669 $13,785,372 $475,212,141
Credit Unions in the State of California 951858171 $2,257,567 $81,542,323
Crenshaw Arts-tech Charter High Incorporated 721527220 $2,199,926 $1,454,835
Crenshaw Christian Center Church of Los Angeles County 952856965 $0 $0
Crenshaw Faith Church Center 953943782 $0 $0
Crenshaw Neighbors Incorporated 952320708 $0 $0
Crenshaw Subway Coalition 320347876 $0 $0
Crenshaw-west Adams-leimert Consortium 952882879 $174,750 $20,463
Crescendo Young Musicians Guild 451837779 $21,375 $14,159
Crescent Bay Sports League Incorporated 237250773 $38,936 $50,984
Crestview Neighborhood Association 954222620 $0 $0
Crestwood Hills Association 952575580 $26,664 $281,468
Crestwood Hills Nursery School 951711442 $789,768 $565,538
Crippled Childrens Guild 956064541 $240,625 $406,251
Crippled Childrens Hospital 956084577 $20 $1
Critical Mass Online 954784955 $0 $0
Croatian American Womens Club 460545438 $0 $0
Crohns Journey Foundation 800894152 $0 $0
Crosby Family Foundation 954761029 $6,000 $499
Cross Mission Church 680508299 $0 $0
Crossover Ministries El Camino 954496907 $0 $0
Crossroads Christian Center 061642340 $0 $0
Crossview Church Los Angeles 264325535 $0 $0
Crouch Memorial Community Developement 463108393 $0 $0
Crowell Family Foundation 270242088 $2 $21,130
Crown Preparatory Academy 263881506 $2,462,296 $1,070,173
Crusaders Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 953333381 $0 $0
Crusaders for Christ Community Church 954603819 $0 $0
Cryptic Masons of California 950948180 $0 $0
Crystal Dove Foundation Incorporated 260874831 $0 $0
Crystal Meth Annonymous 954820146 $53,839 $42,188
Crystal Stairs Incorporated 953510046 $100,934,648 $14,932,065
Csula Auxiliary Services Incorporated 954016653 $33,157,223 $34,803,274
Cuddles Creative Child Care Center 954630160 $98,352 $7,755
Culinary Arts Kids Eat 900792371 $3,365 $861
Cultural Diversity and Identitydevelopment Institute Incorporated 205201601 $0 $0
Cultural Heritage Foundation Incorporated 237057609 $517,715 $1,527,305
Culture Catalyst 270322259 $0 $0
Culture Chapel 954072125 $0 $0
Culver Christian School 953524428 $0 $0
Culver City Church of God 952135456 $0 $0
Culver City Foursquare Church 952255874 $0 $0
Culver City Harvest Church 954652843 $0 $0
Culver City Hindi Foursquare Church 911835256 $0 $0
Culver City Hispanic Foursquare Church 260097998 $0 $0
Culver City Senior Citizens Housing Corporation 953866931 $600,581 $1,659,981
Culver Community Church 951878871 $0 $0
Culver Palms Church of Christ 953796725 $0 $0
Cumplamos El Sueno De Dios 261522892 $41,077 $2,048
Cunningham-perini Family Foundation 452533347 $849,169 $3,097,167
Cure Prostate Cancer Now Foundation 743202154 $0 $0
Curecervicalcancer 463942138 $0 $0
Curesnow 300067735 $40,012 $150,589
Curtis School Foundation 510188298 $18,691,807 $41,300,782
Cwip Corporation a Delaware Corporation 954645874 $2,295,903 $30,570,033
Cyberpeace Incorporated 954548048 $0 $12,951
Cyclones Youth Baseball League 300645651 $37,060 $1,049
D a R E America 954242541 $0 $0
D a R E California 953909130 $0 $0
D and J Kids Foundation 954718418 $3,634 $244
D Torah and Educational Center 020607079 $92,333 $1,283
D Town of Los Angeles Incorporated 331198515 $0 $0
D12 Foundation 273846066 $165,865 $22,236
Dae Gak Korean Buddhist Temple Incorporated 954352998 $0 $0
Dae Han Presbyterian Church Incorporated 954034533 $0 $0
Dae Han Theological Seminary U S a 954524467 $0 $0
Dae Mang Korean Methodist Church 954866657 $0 $0
Dalighthouse Outreach and Supportgroup 208279486 $0 $0
Dan Hartman Foundation for Music and Arts 954520564 $1 $259,379
Dan Murphy Foundation 956046963 $123,479,870 $207,178,313
Danada Square Llc a Delaware Llc 954875373 $3,905,554 $36,690,118
Danaka Foundation 954845827 $0 $0
Dance Camera West 421646288 $107,966 $15,965
Dance Fund 203900047 $54,390 $83,687
Dancing Star Foundation 770343380 $16,018,099 $27,862,528
Dangerfield Institute of Urban Problems 954167526 $2,464,288 $317,799
Danhakl Fam Foundation 206924862 $27,956,091 $29,341,832
Daniel a Kohl Family Charitable Trust 527243143 $54,847 $484,548
Daniel Berdakin Family Foundation 562545075 $253,043 $630,420
Daniel T Alvy Foundation 954682060 $60,015 $596,806
Danish Soldier Society of California Los Angeles 956048681 $0 $0
Daone Incorporated 810594961 $0 $0
Daphna and Richard Ziman Family Foundation 954686816 $44,717 $965,154
Dare 2 Dream I Did 273376803 $0 $0
Dare U to Care Outreach Ministry 954483338 $354,625 $42,415
Dart - L Foundation 954701699 $155,074,189 $182,656,204
Dasarang Church 201108732 $0 $0
Dashew Family Foundation 954835333 $2,217 $68,200
Daughters of Charity Foundation 770047181 $43,121,371 $549,658,098
Daughters of Isis of North and South America 953101037 $0 $0
Daughters of Power Incorporated 550878394 $0 $0
Daughters of the Divine Promise 208373350 $0 $0
Davana Foundation 264489033 $0 $0
Davar Kingdom of God 954730729 $0 $0
David and Angella Nazarian Foundation 208482169 $956,538 $872,885
David and Miki Lee Family Foundation 141855734 $159,170 $2,611,112
David and Susan Martin Foundation Incorporated 203945158 $31,274 $294,824
David and Sylvia Weisz Family Foundation 912172529 $1,145,004 $7,800,595
David H Murdock Institute for Business and Culture 954195213 $0 $1,681
David Hockney Foundation Incorporated 262906501 $1,283,640 $136,295,000
David Lawrence Albert Charitable Trust 946766689 $180 $17,614
David Nowakowsky Foundation 954144978 $0 $0
David Saul Birnbaum Foundation 956132208 $77,413 $180,282
David USA University 204003677 $0 $0
David X Marks Foundation University Affairs 956034304 $1,709,546 $24,572,434
Dawn of Enlightenment Corporation 510141925 $0 $0
Day Iii 562483606 $853,591 $131,049
Day Star Holiness Church of All Nations Mission 953510771 $0 $0
Daybreak Church 810625818 $0 $0
Dayton Heights Cooperative 953853429 $205,733 $537,344
Dc Discipleship Incorporated 542110694 $578,812 $3,291
De Rose International 274047239 $320,727 $148,950
Deafness Affordable Housing Corporation 954457426 $163,484 $924,393
Dear Jack Foundation Incorporated 452219082 $189,775 $228,336
Debbie Allen Dance Incorporated 954831387 $3,124,692 $1,116,669
Deborah World Mission 954113754 $0 $0
Debussy Trio Music Foundation 954204879 $18,805 $59,490
Declaration of Trust of the Bijan Amin and Soraya Amin Foundation 957110956 $1,249,504 $1,353,698
Declaration of Trust of the Ray R Irani Foundation 486394885 $7,012,655 $6,886,389
Dede Dance Studio 262060965 $27,208 $7,505
Deep Green Housing and Community Development 954313200 $1,236,571 $8,736,859
Defenders of the Christian Faith Canaan Church 954503132 $0 $0
Definiens Project 550843839 $0 $0
Definitely Learning Childrens Program 455563329 $0 $0
Deg the Digital Entertainment Group 954646910 $2,182,549 $790,026
Del Aire Title Holding Corporation 954134926 $0 $1
Del Rey Homeowners Association 237238808 $0 $0
Deliverance Missionary Baptist Church 954239668 $0 $0
Delivering Hope 273740444 $0 $0
Della Martin Foundation 237444954 $5,941,102 $6,458,983
Della Robbia Guild of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 956118990 $250 $475
Delta Delta Delta for Childrens Hospital Hematology Research 237294093 $72,719 $7,800
Delta Gamma Fraternity 954582847 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 237000856 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 956142213 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 956140291 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 956142263 $0 $0
Delta Omicron Zeta 271713296 $0 $0
Delta Properties Incorporated 820212806 $3,774,547 $58,927,252
Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity 237065955 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity 237358247 $51,658 $247,311
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Beta Gamma Chapter 956060578 $77,931 $389,179
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Incorporated 950677010 $224,065 $245,500
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 521329283 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 956220570 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 954421169 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 900237819 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 953651586 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 330496004 $0 $0
Delta Tau Chapter House Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity 237216186 $1,056,547 $1,924,848
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 954888362 $196,036 $3,401
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 952989380 $96,205 $5,562
Delta Zeta Sorority 460921621 $0 $0
Deltoid Performance Group 954250669 $0 $0
Demolay International 237193508 $0 $0
Demolay International 237587293 $0 $0
Dental Foundation of California 951732285 $30,620 $544,310
Descartes Institute 204287687 $0 $0
Desert Refuge of Peace Officers Incorporated 954775936 $66,009 $174,858
Design Center Housing Services Incorporated 954659701 $0 $1
Design East of La Brea 272832901 $0 $0
Designated Exceptional Services for Independence 900775966 $0 $0
Designed Giving 465577221 $0 $0
Deter Me Not Girls Youth Group Incorporated 800252202 $0 $0
Deulsori International Mission 330613478 $0 $0
Development International 800400319 $0 $0
Developmental Dynamics Family Services Incorporated 954379458 $518,669 $1,952
Devonshire House 461779502 $0 $0
Df Foundation 208036528 $350,682 $876,000
Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara 953521663 $0 $0
Dharma Zen Center 953708039 $0 $0
Dharma-grace Foundation 954769888 $323,266 $811,968
Diadames of the Child Care League 237410559 $102,931 $78,104
Diakonos Chuch 954496676 $0 $0
Dial Art 455353949 $0 $0
Diamond Club West Coast Incorporated 953687705 $172,615 $466,026
Diamond in the Raw 261477741 $43,944 $10,841
Diamonds and Pearls University Incorporated 273788343 $0 $0
Diana Ross Charitable Foundation 954794889 $1 $109
Diane and Dorothy Brooks Foundation 202653929 $2,845,884 $9,848,175
Diane Warren Foundation 954742413 $1,524,154 $2,183,009
Dianetics Centers International 954348041 $0 $0
Dianetics Foundation International 954348069 $0 $0
Dianne H Ruthman Family Foundation 271265608 $387,404 $1,245,711
Diaspora Mission Church 263781218 $0 $0
Diavolo Dance Theatre 954514452 $1,029,310 $817,934
Dicecco Family Foundation 276293117 $1 $132,796
Didan Corporation 112987412 $0 $0
Diecast Car Collectors Club 954745002 $23,283 $19,919
Different Spokes Bicycling Club of Southern California 954050752 $0 $0
Digdeep Right to Water Project 460686920 $0 $1
Dignity and Power Now 463064675 $0 $0
Dignity of Man Foundation 237186016 $0 $0
Diocesan Investment Trust of the Diocese of Los Angeles 237103106 $2,908,709 $46,249,274
Dios Con Nosotros Ministries 954657460 $0 $0
Dios International Missionary Church 954706764 $0 $0
Directors Guild Educational and Benevolent Foundation 956052151 $434,273 $2,874,490
Directors Guild of America Incorporated 951202310 $132,884,754 $78,673,025
Directors Guild of America Producer Health and Welfare Plan 237067289 $149,671,097 $147,951,220
Directors Roundtable Institute 800240596 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 952383436 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 352393652 $0 $0
Disabled Sports USA 237420127 $0 $0
Disciple Korean Presbyterian Church 954854940 $0 $0
Disciples in Action International 271021665 $0 $0
Discoveries of Hope Foundation Incorporated 272792708 $0 $0
Discovering the Arts Incorporated 651292048 $0 $0
Discovery Eye Foundation 954228653 $808,792 $3,922,456
Discsports in Southern California 954791864 $0 $0
District Export Council of Southern California 452135575 $87,359 $27,082
Divine Christian Academy 462958079 $0 $0
Divine Deliverance Ministries Incorporated 680516341 $0 $0
Divine Mercy Apostles of Atwatervillage Holy Trinity Church 260320462 $0 $0
Division for Early Childhood 251637874 $582,579 $264,520
Dixon Recovery Institute 208296723 $1,334,766 $425,865
Dizzy Feet Foundation 264501295 $770,239 $395,287
Dmg Music Association Incorporated 200773055 $106,281 $7,846
Dmk Foundation 611438237 $15,375,279 $10,460,336
Do-right Christian Center 954608656 $0 $0
Doc Club La 273118113 $0 $0
Doctora Aliza Foundation 264232786 $0 $0
Dog Haven Foundation Incorporated 260860718 $0 $0
Doggone Crazy Animal Rescue Incorporated 462613043 $1,250 $1,250
Dogs Without Borders 205123869 $157,171 $0
Doheny Eye Institute 952916590 $31,585,190 $98,951,054
Dohwaje Meditation Center Incorporated 954677347 $0 $0
Dollar Affect 274609214 $0 $0
Dolores Mission Elementary School Parrochial 952305590 $0 $0
Dolores-frances Affordable Housing Incorporated 810571563 $54,295 $133,968
Doma Development Corp 274516787 $0 $10,000
Don and Esther Scholarship Foundation 462461194 $0 $0
Don Howarth and Suzelle Smith Foundation 721546393 $474,641 $2,200,203
Dona and Dwight Kendall Familyfoundation 207185550 $379,323 $632,819
Donald and Lisa Pliner Peace for the Children Foundation Incorporated 208110511 $3,849 $91,481
Donald Clark Scholarship Trust 476213232 $140,257 $364,585
Donald L Schoellerman Foundation 263264939 $241,163 $841,797
Dong San Academy 020542968 $0 $0
Dong-kwang Mission Prayer House Church 954765533 $0 $0
Dongboo Presbyterian Church 753009435 $0 $0
Dongguk University Los Angeles 953921204 $2,361,371 $3,158,018
Dongin Church 954781662 $0 $0
Dont Quit Foundation 954676057 $0 $167,433
Door of Hope Community Center 954491816 $220,191 $885,804
Door of Hope Ministries 954342961 $0 $0
Door to Door Ii Incorporated 050616721 $938,365 $2,496
Dor Chadash USA Incorporated 203113544 $224,400 $76,275
Dorcas International Ministries 593827591 $5,437 $1
Doris Day Animal Foundation 953197011 $648,467 $2,362,177
Dorothy Collins Brown Charitable Foundation 954031664 $1,202,223 $754,477
Dorothy Phillips Michaud Charitable Trust 870778040 $2,579,251 $4,303,073
Dorothy W Gach Family Foundation 464156456 $0 $0
Dorr Institute for Arthritis Research and Education 954834523 $1,081,376 $154,668
Dorsey Football Booster 770708697 $58,811 $0
Dorskind Family Foundation Incorporated 953954650 $24,605 $700,925
Doss Foundation 454616156 $972,140 $770,438
Douglas Boyd Audacity of Hope Academy 452889787 $0 $0
Douglas Michael Fuller Corporation 311733364 $0 $0
Doulos Mission Church 743102379 $450,976 $1,275,098
Douroucouli Foundation 953880225 $1 $1,870
Downtown Center Business Improvement District Incorporated 954653987 $5,992,648 $2,282,335
Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk 270575032 $219,188 $44,661
Downtown Los Angeles Property Owners Association 954436255 $3,918,744 $2,281,882
Downtown Repertory Theater Company Incorporated 270305026 $0 $0
Downtown Spayneuter Foundation 453839061 $0 $1
Downtown Womens Center 311597223 $8,478,468 $39,973,057
Downtown Works 453114917 $52,500 $4,160
Dr Billy G Ingram Legacy Foundation 455104429 $0 $0
Dr Curt Joseph Stokes Iii Foundatio N 461958765 $16,060 $7,711
Dr H P Rachal Ecumenical Fellowship Choir Outreach Ministry 383805884 $0 $0
Dr Jordan Farkas Research Foundation for Profound Depression 954860493 $0 $0
Dr Joseph Warren Institute 454856743 $0 $0
Dr Martin and Sharleen Cohen Medical Research Foundation 562422151 $0 $1,377
Dr Paul Dong-sun Lim Foundation 954602912 $0 $0
Dr Rays Boys Town 954584825 $0 $0
Drabkin Family Foundation 954350185 $45,041 $1,308
Dream 401 Foundation 452573358 $0 $0
Dream a World Education 270686657 $90,096 $59,846
Dream Center Foundation a California Non Profit Corporation 412269686 $10,237,168 $36,510,415
Dream Church 562455016 $0 $0
Dream Girls 954801559 $0 $0
Dream Orchestra Incorporated 453354247 $57,034 $9,536
Dream Partners Corp 270704391 $0 $0
Dream to Film Project 272542050 $0 $0
Dream- the George Foster Foundation Incorporated 261701368 $0 $0
Dreamu Foundation 520423166 $0 $0
Drew Child Development Corporation Incorporated 954134752 $19,111,426 $2,811,334
Drew League Foundation 800177321 $0 $0
Driver Education to Graduation Foundation 201297039 $30,596 $32
Drollinger Fam Charitable Foundation Trust 206524261 $6,245,719 $24,353,490
Drop in the Bucket 205560045 $373,004 $138,363
Dropping Seeds International 900502058 $0 $0
Drug and Crime Free Youth Foundation Incorporated 770148149 $0 $100
Duke Media Foundation 800178796 $13,020 $9,394
Dumont Foundation 956220370 $390,961 $1,046,066
Dunamis Christian Ministries Incorporated 953709642 $0 $0
Duranno Father School USA 455234046 $263,613 $37,979
Dustys Riders 912145909 $24,450 $13,930
Dutch School Los Angeles 202223695 $94,723 $5,220
Dylan Keith and Laurie Foundation 454825672 $0 $0
E E Just Society 954040787 $0 $0
E J Gindi University of Judaism Foundation 952744661 $0 $0
E J Jackson Foundation 311764417 $153,771 $14,459
E K Zuckerman Foundation 956096088 $20 $25,566
E S P Empowering Services Through Partnerships 800627841 $0 $0
E W Institution School of Ministry 464169655 $0 $0
E2 Energy for Education 461179538 $0 $0
Eagle and the Badge Incorporated 912159522 $426,390 $208,565
Eagle Empowerment Incorporated 743109083 $50,741 $16,328
Eagle Foundation 311384474 $-448 $39,926
Eagle Heights Ministries 954233598 $0 $0
Eagle Rock Chamber of Commerce a Corp 956097911 $0 $0
Eagle Rock Covenant Church Los Angeles Ca 956000870 $0 $0
Eagle Rock Elementary Gifted H a Magnet Booster Club 721521982 $0 $0
Eagle Rock High School Alumni Association 954494821 $0 $0
Eagle Rock Lutheran Church Corp 261513011 $268,723 $9,875
Eagle Rock Valley Historical Society 237049889 $0 $0
Eagle Rock Yacht Club 272225420 $86,352 $26,803
Eagles Clubs International 030464261 $0 $0
Eagles Clubs International Foundation 030464269 $0 $0
Earl B Gilmore Foundation 956029602 $182,496 $2,361,111
Earl Carroll Trust Uw Dtd 070182 Univ of Southern California Ttee 956114418 $0 $0
Early and Latter Rain Church 050536140 $0 $0
Early Church of Koreans Incorporated 953477357 $0 $0
Early Medieval China Group Incorporated a Florida Corp 954818965 $0 $0
East Gate Korean Presbyterian Church 954232287 $0 $0
East L a Community Corporation 954531076 $4,482,023 $18,769,340
East Los Angeles Alcoholism Council 953256512 $686,711 $52,378
East Los Angeles Boys and Girls Club 951865996 $764,791 $854,298
East Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce 954158134 $0 $0
East Los Angeles Community Union 952554256 $14,183,713 $60,716,933
East Los Angeles Community Youth Center 953174212 $120,916 $8,193
East Los Angeles Gardners Association Incorporated 954187053 $0 $0
East Los Angeles Health Task Force 952591550 $359,076 $302,151
East Los Angeles Light and Life Christian School 952274235 $454,154 $942,297
East Los Angeles Remarkable Citizens Association Incorporated 953940610 $3,190,002 $4,942,896
East Los Angeles Womens Center 510204577 $1,657,937 $814,624
East West Gospel Mission Incorporated 953416512 $0 $0
East Wind Foundation for Youth 954821956 $61,410 $189,347
East-west Medical Research Institute 954571976 $192,950 $287,292
East-west Players Incorporated 956151775 $986,654 $560,233
Eastern Presbyterian Church 237394685 $0 $0
Eastern Sierra Jewish Community 200215355 $0 $0
Eastmont Community Center 956221642 $348,758 $735,113
Eastpoint Elite Academy Foundation 452485059 $0 $0
Eastside Community Care Incorporated 201138609 $140,407 $3,871,619
Eastwood Ranch Foundation 461014738 $0 $1
Eaves Family Foundation Incorporated 954631687 $10,403 $233,169
Ebell of Los Angeles a Corp 950700747 $3,104,695 $3,046,014
Ebell of Los Angeles Rest Cottage Association 956102928 $798,985 $3,053,750
Ebenezer Christian Church Defenders of the Christian Faith Movement 953957787 $0 $0
Ebenezer Korean Methodist Church of Jesus Christ 203034571 $0 $0
Ebony Missionary Baptist Church 237209117 $0 $0
Ebony Repertory Theatre Incorporated 383763741 $422,444 $167,947
Ebony Showcase Theatre and Cultural Workshop 952482672 $0 $0
Ebonyi State Union of Southern California Incorporated 455345473 $0 $0
Echo Country Outpost Incorporated 455441259 $0 $0
Echo Park Chamber of Commerce 450549975 $0 $0
Echo Park Evangelistic Association 951683879 $0 $0
Echo Park Historical Society 954565986 $0 $0
Echo Park Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 954527352 $311,570 $5,472,162
Echo Park Silverlake Peoples Child Care Center 952881628 $346,589 $59,371
Eclipse 954371432 $0 $0
Eco Logicalart Incorporated 205611874 $0 $0
Economic Development Corporation of Los Angeles 953643339 $4,476,309 $27,846,899
Economic Roundtable 954313202 $491,026 $62,339
Economic Security for Disabled Americans 263592665 $0 $0
Economic Services Incorporated 954295729 $102,953 $5,850
Ecumenical Fellowship a Non Denominational Church 952587534 $0 $0
Ed Agency 453123515 $0 $0
Edar Everyone Deserves a Roof Incorporated 260561594 $0 $0
Edboost Education Corporation 113649104 $1,119,925 $89,349
Edc Product Development Fund Incorporated 954482158 $0 $1
Eden Dongsan Church 760745637 $35,200 $1
Eden Hill Mission 954777558 $0 $0
Edendale Library Friends Society 412145652 $0 $0
Edjewcate Incorporated 208944190 $77,762 $4,656
Edmund D Edelman Foundation for Music and the Performing Arts 954507828 $75,042 $726,958
Edna and Mickey Weiss Family Foundation 954455777 $1,441,772 $1,035,703
Edna and Yu-shan Han Charitable Foundation 953823449 $46,376 $929,963
Edna J Aliewine Foundation Incorporated 462842497 $0 $0
Ednovate Incorporated 454005918 $1,804,283 $846,622
Educating Young Minds 954489511 $745,555 $850,646
Education Advantage Foundation 810631189 $23,754 $30,256
Education Center for Tomorrow 453734011 $0 $0
Education Consortium of Central Los Angeles 954230350 $90,786 $268,403
Education is a Civil Right Committee 262845720 $0 $0
Education Strategy Group Foundation 611620831 $0 $0
Educational Communications Corporation Ecology Center of 952582013 $17,822 $9,162
Educational Media Ist for the Adv of Biblical Studies 300191353 $0 $0
Educators and Working Families to Restore California 800778010 $1,928,054 $20,396
Edward a and Ai O Shay Family Foundation 680666992 $87,610 $109,834
Edward Baker Shaw Foundation 954715961 $183,457 $559,533
Edward F@limato Foundation 277123286 $13,207,047 $12,340,702
Edward Raphael Foundation 680493061 $195 $136,010
Edwin and Gertrude S Eaton Foundation 942674856 $12,140 $83,840
Edwin D Fuller Foundation 330725266 $1 $4,884
Edwin W Pauley Foundation 954332470 $1,365,993 $3,077,899
Eeducational Development Incorporated 461837693 $0 $0
Efficientime Life Management 954517789 $4,890 $1
Efg Foundation 263384534 $6,821 $31,987
Eg Global Mission 208048266 $0 $0
Egypt Exploration Organization of Southern California 912143277 $7,030 $23,677
Eiden Incorporated 455117378 $0 $0
Eighty Third and Airport Church of Christ 954693981 $0 $0
Eileen Harris Norton Foundation 264465556 $748,917 $6,893,648
Eimago Incorporated 954058375 $2,000 $2,000
Eisenstein-zukin Family Foundation 954744622 $85,003 $59,558
El Aposento Alto Church 953506348 $0 $0
El Centro De Ayuda 954563348 $996,826 $66,805
El Centro De Pueblo 953187780 $5,884,221 $8,238,239
El Centro Del Pueblo Housing and Economic Development Corporation 931184821 $0 $0
El Monte Korean Baptist Church 954392989 $0 $0
El Pueblo Park Association 953842289 $0 $0
El Rescate 954307587 $342,610 $45,084
El Segundo Auxillary of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 956118991 $22,267 $552
El Sendero De La Cruz Asamblea De Dios 260072442 $0 $0
El Sereno Bicentennial Committee 237365319 $0 $0
El Sereno Stallions Football and Cheer Incorporated 320005124 $54,390 $16,419
El Shaddai Christian Academy Incorporated 954832145 $0 $0
El Shaddai Christian Church 954000230 $0 $0
El Shaddai Christian Fellowship 954082132 $0 $0
El Shaddai Dwxi-prayer Partners Foundation International 954439740 $1,398,245 $263,998
El Shaddai Enterprises 954588670 $18,872 $0
El Shaddai Ministries 912098402 $0 $0
El Shaddai Prayer and Deliverance Center Incorporated 272074051 $0 $0
El Tabernaculo Del Principe De Paz 770713564 $0 $0
Elderly Indo-chinese Association 953891637 $92,988 $563,458
Elders Choir of Southern California 954470066 $78,265 $81,498
Eleanor Lloyd Dees Foundation 954192075 $1,275,149 $2,372,224
Electro Cardiographic Heartbeat Organization 953779684 $0 $0
Elementary Community Service Association 954596388 $0 $0
Elephanttribe Org 460600591 $0 $0
Eleutherian Baptist Church 953349999 $0 $0
Elevate Your G a M E 680533404 $191,660 $285,758
Elevated Project 462290876 $0 $0
Elf Foundation 330959176 $0 $0
Elias Charitable Foundation 454677611 $202,035 $397,859
Elias Genevieve and Georgianna Atol Char Trust 516590472 $6,494,709 $18,352,916
Eliezer Incorporated 800865180 $0 $0
Elijah University 261450668 $0 $0
Elim Apostolic Community Church 954367501 $0 $0
Elim Christian Church 330883039 $0 $0
Elim Ministry Foundation 030535740 $19,000 $76,945
Elite Foundation Incorporated 954596872 $3,971 $14,405
Elizabeth Bixby Janeway Foundation 952466561 $2,987,384 $23,588,963
Elizabeth Foundation 954302261 $73,976 $153,220
Elizabeth Lulu Scholarshipfoundation 204951559 $0 $0
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation 954419236 $2,891,890 $10,699,951
Elman Family Foundation 954656426 $41,277 $516,170
Elohim Dream Builders 954528986 $428,704 $7,425
Elsie and Josephine Colombo Charitable Trust 776098160 $2,041,364 $2,778,129
Elysian Valley Arts Collective 352346243 $0 $0
Emanuel Bachmann Foundation 954300107 $56,424 $320,282
Emanuel Ministerios Incorporated 770598469 $0 $0
Emerald House 954635834 $0 $0
Emerald Vision a Life Enrichment Center for Arts and Spirituality 710940546 $0 $0
Emergency Food for Students Foundation 452427625 $0 $0
Emerson Arts and Education Foundation 263286259 $0 $0
Emerson Family Foundation 203997556 $6,105,029 $5,272,015
Emg Enterprise 861162635 $0 $0
Emmanuel Baptist Mission of Los Angeles 953972285 $243,401 $226,343
Emmanuel Church of Christ Apostolic Faith 237028948 $0 $0
Emmanuel Church of God International 810593403 $0 $0
Emmanuel Evangelical Foundation 953757547 $5,136 $276
Emmanuel Gospel Mission Church 204774207 $15,830 $6,882
Emmanuel Prayer Center 953805492 $0 $0
Emmaus Baptist Church 954313590 $0 $0
Emmaus Village Church 263013365 $0 $0
Emphysema Foundation of America 953451966 $0 $0
Emphysema Foundation of Los Angeles 237418848 $0 $0
Employment Job Seekers Incorporated 954689345 $150 $1
Employment Round Table of Southern California Incorporated 800360055 $0 $0
Empowering Our Youth for Tomorrow 562321350 $0 $0
Empowering Way 454825986 $0 $0
Empowertech 954068480 $375,317 $43,928
Empyrean Foundation 953024948 $0 $0
Emquies Family Foundation 262975286 $10 $1
Emquies Family Support Foundation 261573706 $22,564 $2,451,932
Enamel Arts Foundation 020806502 $182,650 $155,027
Enberg Fam Charitable Foundation Irrv Trust 051997 957027924 $26,965 $195,438
Encorps Incorporated 383771471 $233,168 $743,427
Endangered Habitats League Incorporated 954455451 $1,424,606 $295,894
Endeavor College Preparatory Charter School Incorporated 262438136 $2,417,288 $1,269,903
Endurance of Dao Foundation 452543152 $0 $0
Energy Flow Dance Video and Arts 954438663 $0 $0
Englanoff Family Foundation 954832507 $761,751 $2,322,912
English Language Jurisdiction of the Ancient Mystic 954820874 $0 $0
Enlightenment for the Blind Incorporated 200741255 $0 $0
Enlite Incorporated 208866092 $0 $0
Enoch Mission Church 203725879 $0 $0
Enrich La 272797687 $129,230 $76,785
Ensemble Studio Theatre the L a Project 954890358 $121,716 $24,924
Enstrom Foundation 330826270 $1 $1
Enterprise Home Ownership Partners Incorporated 311737642 $3,267,912 $3,094,576
Entertainment Aids Alliance 954350064 $317,854 $314,697
Entertainment Industry Flex Plan 956832043 $54,090,430 $44,403,819
Entertainment Industry Foundation 951644609 $62,214,883 $49,526,814
Entertainment Marketing Association 050598873 $0 $0
Environment Now 954247242 $1,697,042 $31,101,368
Environmental Research Advocates 270452762 $20,215 $83,276
Epanda Incorporated 464032878 $0 $0
Eparch of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles 311643529 $0 $0
Ephathar Praise Mission 954602681 $0 $0
Ephesus Presbyterian Church 954131885 $0 $0
Ephphatha House of Prayer Incorporated 450690295 $0 $0
Epic Plan Foundation 820567899 $0 $0
Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical Research Foundation 943130081 $634,718 $2,164,757
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles 952046033 $1,461,732 $3,596,488
Epiphany Conservation Trust 273690340 $331,283 $22,054
Epipodo Christian Culture Mission 943256721 $170,168 $44,878
Episcopal Network for Stewardship Incorporated 742840559 $172,675 $96,281
Episcopal School of Los Angeles 264274906 $1,777,188 $4,676,497
Epsilon P Alumni of Sigma Nu Fraternity Incorporated 956047505 $168,933 $1,317,857
Epsilon-sigma Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha Incorporated 956061298 $161,428 $721,516
Equestrian Order Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Western Lieutenancy 611442249 $0 $0
Equitable Education for All Incorporated 800808932 $1,750 $0
Equitas Academy Charter School Incorporated 262439216 $4,157,625 $2,035,241
Eric Steinbach Ark Acts of Random Kindness Foundation 263233381 $0 $0
Erich and Della Koenig Foundation 956945666 $12,387,180 $8,503,916
Ernest Jenkins Jr Ministries 954394715 $0 $0
Ernest Lieblich Foundation 954684205 $185,306 $3,572,197
Esan Association of Edo State Nigeria 954861387 $13,504 $3,274
Escrow Agents Fidelity Corporation of California 953865680 $1,542,011 $6,021,322
Esencia Flamenca Dance Company 320172600 $0 $0
Eshaghpour Family Foundation 203340602 $68,751 $56,303
Espana Lodge of the Theosophical Society 956093211 $0 $0
Esperanza Community Housing Corporation 954230345 $2,528,286 $4,892,977
Esperanza-39th Street Partners Corporation 931210345 $331,563 $1,497,226
Essas Family Foundation Incorporated 464253346 $0 $0
Essence of Light 800069684 $0 $0
Esther Mission Home 271094507 $0 $0
Esther Mordechai Help Foundation 954792871 $119,419 $51,329
Esther Recovery Home 200846659 $0 $0
Estrada Courts Residents Management Corporation 954130033 $2,604,401 $890,624
Estrella Del Mar De Los Angeles Incorporated 954269065 $180,013 $69,655
Eta Delta Ltd 956095606 $210,528 $303,121
Eta Sigma Housing Corporation 463404495 $0 $0
Etc Theatre Company Incorporated 954809473 $31,153 $8,090
Eternal Life Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 953722784 $0 $0
Eternal Promis Baptist Church of Los Angeles 954104290 $0 $0
Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim Fountain of Blessing 510452473 $0 $0
Ethel and Nathan Cohen Foundation Incorporated 450512626 $15,751 $11,530
Ethio La Stars 010708861 $0 $0
Ethiopian American Chamber of Commerce 651202579 $14,900 $413
Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Incorporated 953994411 $0 $0
Ethiopian Pastors Fellowship 954199559 $0 $0
Ethnic Arts Council of Los Angeles 952478012 $62,310 $252,650
Eugene and Marilyn Stein Family Foundation 954659838 $10,501,341 $33,108,919
Eulas House 208198574 $31,026 $49,775
Eunbit Grace Light Korean Presbyterian Church 330502915 $0 $0
Euphoria Foundation Incorporated 200839781 $3,485 $2,267
Eva Longoria Foundation 454345954 $1,696,671 $1,430,562
Evaluation and Training Institute 237396648 $679,170 $417,442
Evaluations Management International 237163828 $0 $0
Evangelical Community Church of Los Angeles 237017140 $0 $0
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 951708759 $0 $0
Evangelical Mission of Los Angeles 954827376 $0 $0
Evangelical Missionary District Corporation 953976154 $0 $0
Evangelist Prayer Center 954469132 $0 $0
Evangelistic Church of God in Christ 953452030 $177,773 $611,069
Evangelistic Fellowship Center Church of Los Angeles Incorporated 237076031 $0 $0
Evangelistic Missionary Crusades Incorporated 956151766 $0 $0
Evening Star Foundation 330833895 $6,390,882 $6,563,691
Events of the Heart 205371905 $44,148 $354
Evergreen Child Care Incorporated 954531685 $3,582,558 $602,676
Evergreen Christian Church 954694294 $0 $0
Evergreen Church 954852215 $0 $0
Evergreen Fund 203198550 $0 $0
Evergreen Hiking and Leisure Club 260725990 $99,325 $617
Evergreen Korean Church 953089184 $0 $0
Everlasting Covenant Church 311587374 $0 $0
Every Girl Counts 451268504 $0 $0
Everyone Cares 460650678 $0 $0
Eviction Defense Network 562380231 $520,006 $59,597
Evolve Foundation Incorporated 455331040 $0 $0
Ewha Girls High School Alumnae Association of Southern California 954280802 $244,105 $45,772
Ex - Offender Fellowship Network 200879289 $0 $0
Excel Family Intervention Program 954397895 $852,017 $170,057
Excellent Education Development 954766001 $6,493,950 $7,710,695
Executive Service Corps of Southern California 953510781 $563,269 $1,285,299
Expediente Rojo Project 010889332 $0 $0
Expedition Earth Incorporated 900591611 $0 $0
Experience Christian Ministries Incorporated 461614989 $0 $0
Experimental Cities Incorporated 237803504 $0 $0
Expert Medical Consultants Incorporated 861110529 $0 $0
Exposition Park West Asset Leasing Corporation 954724544 $4,989,512 $31,016,378
Extrodinary Expection Corp 912153106 $0 $0
Ezra Latalmid Incorporated 954623012 $28,950 $123
F Ruth Moore Volunteer Service Organization Incorporated 953885391 $0 $0
F-m Family Foundation 462963701 $0 $0
Fa-mli 954420147 $0 $0
Face Foundation Samuel Sutherland Jr 331145147 $0 $0
Faculty Medical Group of the University of Southern California 953374618 $412 $143,879
Fah Yuenbenevolent Association 953497921 $37,897 $369,598
Fair Oaks Organization 954803760 $0 $0
Fair Opportunity for Change Incorporated 371555574 $0 $0
Fairbrook Foundation 200993106 $3,217,120 $45,013,666
Fairburn Youth Association 953925264 $388,271 $141,006
Fairfax Business Association 954509134 $0 $0
Fairfax Senior Citizen Housing Incorporated 953475433 $0 $0
Fairmount Tire Charitable Foundation Incorporated 954424035 $3 $29,743
Faith Center Evangelistic Church 954166919 $0 $0
Faith Christian Church of Southern California Disciples of Christ 953131709 $0 $0
Faith Comminity Fellowship 800536868 $0 $0
Faith for Kingdom Living Ministries Incorporated 954819527 $0 $0
Faith for Tomorrow Ministries 010665645 $0 $0
Faith House Ministries 953445148 $0 $0
Faith Housing Corporation 954553030 $0 $0
Faith Housing New Hope Apartments 311705626 $217,421 $3,864,717
Faith in Christ Ministries 953915612 $131,050 $408,229
Faith in God Baptist Church 953890915 $0 $0
Faith Jerudalem Missionary Baptist 953315552 $0 $0
Faith Miracle Holiness Church Incorporated 954840825 $0 $0
Faith Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles Incorporated 237273047 $0 $0
Faith on the Frontline 461199460 $0 $0
Faith Temple Church of God in Christ 953585553 $0 $0
Faithful and True First Korean Methodist Church 954526062 $0 $0
Faithful and True Mission 954398817 $0 $0
Faithful Central Educational Center 953299465 $298,696 $45,632
Faithful Church 953731699 $0 $0
Faithful Praise Outreach Church 270377507 $0 $0
Faithful Resurrection Baptist Church Incorporated 954846243 $0 $0
Faithful Spouses Ministries 453762069 $0 $0
Faithful St Mark Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles Ca Incorporated 050560757 $0 $0
Faithful Walk Ministries 954723164 $0 $0
Faithful Works International Incorporated 202263918 $23,104 $71,420
Faithway Baptist Church 954129524 $0 $0
Faithworks Everywhere 760716993 $0 $0
Falkenstein Foundation 954721433 $304,801 $5,468,542
Fallen Seed Mission 611436189 $0 $0
Fame Assistance Corporation 954282097 $3,315,474 $8,436,589
Fame Goodshepherd Center Housing Development Corporation 954117138 $422,772 $2,596,656
Fame Housing Corporation 954021359 $630,131 $2,008,342
Fame Management Services Corporation 954853282 $245,660 $43,627
Familia Cristiana Betel De Las Asambleas De Dios 274846427 $0 $0
Familia Unida Living with Multiple Sclerosis 911898199 $80,654 $1,898
Families for Families 954267025 $0 $0
Families Hand in Hand 261778722 $0 $0
Families in Schools 954818894 $3,132,693 $5,375,836
Families with Children from China-southern California Incorporated 311663132 $0 $0
Families Working Together Child Care Center and Family Support Svcs 954464509 $0 $0
Family Bible Chapel 680568751 $0 $0
Family Health Care Resources 272432474 $12,000 $2,231
Family Ministry Center Incorporated 954789644 $0 $0
Family of God Christian Ministries 954757483 $0 $0
Family of Prayer and Praise Church 954635140 $0 $0
Family Restoration Ministry 954488608 $0 $0
Family School Alliance 956058552 $120,591 $66,906
Family Service of Pomona Valley 952024217 $103,336 $11,025
Famous Fone Friends 954068481 $4,125 $3,247
Farahnik Fam Foundation Charitable Trust 091093 956959966 $73,000 $2,489
Farley Project Incorporated 453573947 $0 $0
Farmers Family Fund 453561769 $134,131 $177,853
Farmers Insurance Group Safety Foundation 956016633 $0 $280,288
Farmworks Los Angeles 272577310 $13,749 $1,609
Faro De Luz 263171738 $0 $0
Faro Foundation 276020872 $2,692,620 $3,419,521
Farrington High School Mainland Alumni Association 330479637 $0 $0
Fashion Business Incorporated 912164887 $215,291 $115,779
Fashion Group 954239913 $30,188 $17,281
Faux Pas Dance Company 421725295 $0 $0
Fedco Charitable Foundation 800006106 $506,303 $7,475,915
Federacion Oaxaquena De California Intl Benefit Organization Incorporated 800752641 $0 $0
Federal Court Clerks Association Incorporated 426061348 $80,006 $84,906
Federated University Police Officers Association 731680114 $291,769 $139,896
Federation of Clubs of Guanajuato in North America 271163065 $11,588 $22
Federation of Daehan Seniors Association in U S a 263848441 $0 $0
Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations Incorporated 953123220 $0 $0
Federation of Korean Artistic and Cultural Organizations U S a 680551903 $0 $0
Federation of Korean Buddhist Temples in Southern California Incorporated 452087849 $0 $0
Federation of Oases of Koinoniajohn the Baptist 204954900 $1,162,418 $392,699
Federation of Yonsei University Alumni Association in the USA 273285888 $65,270 $500
Federation of Young Korean Buddhists of Southern California 954206887 $0 $0
Federation of Zacatecan Intl Benefit Organizations Incorporated 954495687 $185,027 $79,336
Feed a Million Incorporated 264651972 $0 $0
Feed Your Friends 453810645 $0 $0
Feed Your Soul 721520190 $32,840 $4,244
Feibusch Foundation 942957919 $796,368 $1,914,887
Felicity Hous 952947607 $94,252 $66,750
Felix and Ruth Gelber Foundation 952476440 $70,988 $253,365
Fellows of Contemporary Art 952977109 $235,858 $352,460
Fellowship Baptist District Association 141891102 $0 $0
Fellowship Community Church of La 201247664 $0 $0
Fellowship for International Service and Health 161728928 $0 $0
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles Ca 954656438 $0 $0
Fellowship of International Christian Word of Faith Ministries 954332151 $1,898,161 $1,456,356
Fellowship with Christ Missionary Baptist Church 953895639 $0 $0
Fernando Pullum Community Arts Center 452800295 $436,024 $64,730
Fernwood Cemetery Endowment Care and Memorial Care Trust 806032314 $819,724 $707,480
Ferrell-paulin Family Foundation Incorporated 200801378 $649,836 $2,393,054
Festival Theatre USA 300708919 $0 $0
Fiat Lux 452884366 $0 $0
Fidm Museum and Library Incorporated 953315550 $700,280 $5,032,113