There are 10,347 nonprofits in Los Angeles, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
Ohr Avrohom and Eliyahu 454890416 $0 $0
Ohr Birkat Shalom Incorporated 352317264 $0 $0
Ohr Eliyahu Academy 953405695 $9,905,346 $7,755,751
Ohr Haemet Incorporated 954491007 $0 $0
Ohr Hashalom 954866385 $193,443 $81,004
Ohr Zion Ministry 453553334 $0 $0
Oilean Easa Foundation 900825213 $21,512 $23,427
Ojai Academy for the Arts 272669212 $47,899 $15,315
Oklahoma Charity and Social Club 953930120 $0 $0
Okto Glory Christian Reformed Church 911863914 $0 $0
Okunubi Family Foundation 270167311 $0 $1
Okura Mental Health Leadership Foundation 521636878 $1,214,522 $1,768,578
Olam 954765135 $13,300 $2,312
Olazabal Council of Latin American Churches Incorporated 237373809 $0 $0
Olimpia Foundation 954693483 $161,708 $485,359
Olive Branch Baptist Church 954553615 $0 $0
Olive Grove Church of God in Christ Incorporated 954258257 $0 $0
Olive Oil Church 454101830 $0 $0
Olivet Baptist Church 956069083 $0 $0
Olley Foundation 900889056 $0 $0
Olvera Street Merchants Association 953875963 $79,664 $1,374
Olvera Street Merchants Association Foundation 202021614 $61,936 $11,685
Olympia Foundation 273535288 $0 $1,459
Olympic Presbyterian Church 954335910 $0 $0
Omar Center for the Study of Civilizations 731683978 $0 $0
Omega Community Services Agency - O C S a 300133563 $0 $0
Omega Educational Foundation 954549444 $0 $0
Omega Health and Educational Services Incorporated 271367132 $0 $0
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 275426567 $0 $0
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 956150709 $0 $0
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 956150710 $0 $0
Omega Scholarship Endowment Fund Incorporated 954528773 $0 $0
Omg Everywhere 453545189 $0 $0
Omicron Theta Incorporated 956054227 $0 $0
Omlinga Performing Art 954781422 $0 $0
Omni Family Events Fund 953928591 $0 $0
Omni Nano 900926828 $38,506 $9,152
Omnipeace Foundation Incorporated 271900109 $0 $0
On a Mission Incorporated 861060127 $0 $0
On Shore Foundation 954100318 $2,395,467 $6,607,799
On Target Television Productions 040360404 $0 $0
One Faith Fellowship 510615460 $0 $0
One La-iaf 201581749 $138,031 $93,289
One Life One Chance Incorporated 450607353 $0 $0
One Light Foundation 342067101 $0 $0
One Love Community Church 861065830 $0 $0
One Mind Central Christian Church 954604273 $0 $0
One Moon Foundation 460555630 $0 $0
One National Gay and Lesbian Archives 953660779 $352,754 $475,683
One on One 954827124 $0 $0
One Thousand Cranes Foundation a Birds Eye View 453566038 $0 $0
One Truth Community Church 263163931 $0 $0
One Village Foundation Incorporated 260870248 $0 $0
One with the Water 453172555 $0 $0
One World Solutions for Learning Foundation Incorporated 383858525 $0 $0
One World Stage and Screen 463330211 $0 $0
Onekid Oneworld Incorporated 203483880 $243,578 $153,511
Onelegacy 953138799 $98,630,760 $48,245,136
Onelegacy Foundation 452936915 $7,956,607 $10,863,319
Oneway Outreach Incorporated 450570497 $0 $0
Only Faith Church 954426042 $0 $0
Only Way to West 455420080 $0 $1
Open Academy 274188820 $73,508 $23,382
Open Arms Shelter for Women and Children with Aids 954468851 $0 $0
Open Bible Church 954305966 $0 $0
Open Bible Community Church of Los Angeles 954588497 $0 $0
Open Door Bible Church 956150699 $0 $0
Open Door Outreach Prayer Ministries 800451981 $0 $0
Open Floor Society Incorporated 453755693 $0 $0
Open Jar Foundation 273077825 $0 $0
Open Paths Counseling Center 953221061 $347,808 $108,767
Open Stewardship Foundation 453682002 $229,000 $665
Opera California 954512214 $0 $0
Operation 3801 Incorporated 571157428 $72,608 $2,132
Operation Confidence 954684605 $0 $0
Operation Hope Incorporated 954378084 $7,035,202 $8,928,886
Operation Sandy-bugs Incorporated 710955558 $0 $3,695
Operation Street Kidz 542194481 $0 $0
Operation USA 953504080 $22,077,029 $5,972,292
Operation Youth Educational Services 237437465 $500 $0
Opica Adult Day Care Center Incorporated 953493725 $1,208,127 $1,050,546
Optimist Boys Home and Ranch 951643340 $21,601,325 $15,530,077
Optimist International 900418508 $0 $0
Optimist International 900874273 $0 $0
Optimist International 901019143 $0 $0
Optimist International 952103771 $53,114 $21,130
Optimist International 237017371 $0 $0
Optimist International 956093447 $135,450 $63,451
Optimist International 956099286 $0 $0
Opus Caritatis Incorporated 201021326 $6,982,242 $27,625,027
Opus Foundation 204927621 $23,845,396 $13,224,923
Orange County Deaf Equal Access Foundation Incorporated 954608289 $470,146 $58,825
Orange County Gang Reduction and Intervention Partnership 462600505 $0 $0
Orangutan Foundation International 954112467 $2,097,929 $2,101,828
Order of Malta Los Angeles Clinic 953532418 $366,629 $544,999
Order of the Amaranth Incorporated 237614758 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 237590445 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 237590482 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 237590493 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 237590510 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of California 951069246 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of California Prince Hall Rite of Ado 237590513 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of California Prince Hall Rite of Ado 953315470 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Starof California Prince Hall Rite of Ado 953315517 $0 $0
Ordered Steps Ministries 651225142 $0 $0
Organic Movement Wellness Foundation 462339388 $0 $0
Organizacion De Residentes De Nueva Maravilla 954443881 $0 $0
Organization of Black Screenwriters 954332146 $8,427 $3,648
Organization of Chinese-americans Incorporated 954365081 $55,180 $39,201
Organization of Internationalministers Incorporated 205050614 $0 $0
Organization of West Adams Christian Athletics 953551848 $0 $0
Organizing Confusion Outreach Incorporated 452831482 $0 $0
Oriental Mission Church 952893812 $0 $0
Oriental Missionary Foundation Incorporated 237085365 $0 $0
Oriental Missionary Society Holiness Church of North America 952148849 $0 $0
Oriental Missionary Society Holiness Church of North America 956066972 $0 $0
Orpah Full Life Restoration Incorporated 262204926 $0 $0
Orran 954841165 $0 $0
Orthopaedic Hospital 951644604 $36,363,768 $281,602,992
Orthopedic Institute of the Hospital of the Good Samaritan 954346048 $120,899 $1,901,373
Orville Wright Booster Club 954588140 $40,990 $34,730
Osborne Head and Neck Cancer Foundation a Non Profit California 203348585 $3,624 $17,808
Oscar De La Hoya Foundation 954586767 $278,957 $283,420
Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation 953497064 $535,208 $360,178
Osmagyar Egyhaz 953214109 $0 $0
Otefe Foundation Incorporated 461628941 $0 $0
Otis and Bettina Chandler Foundation 452747625 $135,536 $391,763
Otis Booth Foundation 956140019 $21,932,629 $177,191,263
Our Conservatory 205717074 $0 $0
Our House Incorporated 330529915 $2,026,639 $2,000,046
Our Joy Church 954778444 $0 $0
Our La 371581484 $33,488 $8,545
Our Lady of Guadalupe Alumni Association 300532823 $45,575 $7,406
Our Lady of Guadalupe Conference 270624029 $0 $0
Our Lady of Lourdes Church 952095505 $0 $0
Our Lady of Lourdes School 954716338 $0 $0
Our Lady of Mt Lebanon-st Peter Cathedral 954525491 $0 $0
Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish 952131405 $0 $0
Our Mother of Good Counsel Conference 270754927 $0 $0
Our Mother of Good Counsel School 161739376 $0 $0
Our Savior Catholic Center 952017225 $0 $0
Outfest 954089601 $3,011,124 $631,530
Ovarian Cancer Circle 272248479 $57,659 $17,479
Overcomers Christain Ministries 954668099 $0 $0
Overcomers Christian Center 954352446 $0 $0
Overland Avenue Community 451586174 $0 $0
Overnight Productions Incorporated 953786721 $36,589 $29,461
Overseas Korean Traders Association of Southern California 651282271 $203,354 $8,030
Overtone Industries 680040723 $42,773 $17,612
Oxford Centre for Mission Studies USA 208555283 $394,000 $2,235
P and P Home for the Elderly Incorporated 954259382 $3,097 $65,664
P F Bresee Foundation 953797363 $1,911,674 $2,613,900
P O W E R S 954584934 $0 $0
Paba Foundation 263623857 $0 $0
Pablove Foundation Incorporated 263006100 $1,567,272 $2,108,405
Pace Community Health Welfare Group 202009282 $0 $0
Pace Economic Development Corporation 953359098 $247,642 $943,410
Pace Finance Corporation 271285566 $2,911 $178,299
Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment 510192025 $29,992,498 $7,181,954
Pacific Asian Counseling Services 954564739 $3,772,017 $1,202,560
Pacific Charter School Development Incorporated 200696786 $30,878,786 $56,986,674
Pacific Coast Regional Urban Small Business Development Corporation 953182187 $1,368,635 $4,512,122
Pacific Coast Soccer Club 912115727 $154,934 $42,371
Pacific Coast Tissue Bank 954088389 $678,512 $400,955
Pacific Council on International Policy 954520471 $3,592,483 $3,043,487
Pacific Country Welfare Medical Mission Foundation 272991242 $0 $0
Pacific Crossroads Church 954714292 $0 $0
Pacific District Missionary Bapist Association of Los Angeles 954141890 $0 $0
Pacific Education and Research Foundation Incorporated 201402654 $51 $53,505
Pacific Heart Lung and Blood Institute 383668906 $934,819 $848,890
Pacific Housing Development Incorporated 300273769 $59,638 $1,729,084
Pacific Institute of Medical Research 953724899 $408,769 $675,616
Pacific Island Country Cultural Foundation 271111922 $0 $0
Pacific Mount Olive Church of God in Christ 954016638 $0 $0
Pacific National University Incorporated 954816732 $0 $3,050
Pacific Opera Project 453321212 $86,429 $33,238
Pacific Resource Credit Union 951768315 $21,995,170 $0
Pacific Serenades 954060384 $121,618 $4,967
Pacific States University 951744370 $4,382,329 $4,173,186
Pacific Theatre Foundation 954509765 $3,188,232 $266,091
Package of Prevention 205402523 $1,541 $38,839
Pacto Divino 204197280 $0 $0
Padres Contra El Cancer 954150330 $1,092,111 $539,726
Padua Hills Playwrights Workshop Festival 953987791 $0 $0
Page Family Foundation 205921960 $1,419,257 $1,455,140
Page Learning Academy Incorporated 954540883 $1,043,239 $110,929
Painting and Decorating Contractors of America 952654139 $1,623,481 $1,825,430
Pak Family Foundation 300273646 $33,690 $566,857
Palace of Venice Guest Home 954326641 $108,234 $1,673
Palanker Foundation 954663653 $564,189 $999,068
Paleopathology Association 330884729 $60,034 $83,240
Palette Incorporated 954355714 $1 $1
Pali Community Center Committee 954594330 $87,474 $22,607
Palm Village Senior Housing Corp 300311847 $328,977 $9,915,576
Palms Residential Care Facility 954620675 $98,500 $42,420
Pamc Health Foundation Incorporated 954295719 $39,344 $4,058,129
Pan African Film Festival 954323200 $400,218 $58,311
Pan African Technical Association 330584370 $0 $0
Pan American Nikkei Association of U S a 954167547 $0 $0
Pan-african Childrens Fund 223862628 $695,971 $308,790
Pan-african Community Development Corporation 264003115 $0 $0
Pan-american Moa Foundation Incorporated 650733515 $713,412 $11,924,585
Pancreas Club Incorporated 942329134 $126,766 $75,972
Paniit Incorporated 432047118 $79,296 $306,945
Paper Recyclers Monitoring Group 943316056 $65,000 $138,083
Para Los Ninos 953443276 $23,466,222 $21,870,709
Paradise in Bloom Self-development and Modeling Center 770622391 $0 $0
Paradise Memorial Park Cemetery Memorial Fund 954730288 $2,433,803 $1,947,656
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 800872989 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 463090717 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 264834279 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 275003118 $0 $0
Parent Revolution Incorporated 202207418 $6,102,385 $5,800,829
Parenteral Drug Association Incorporated 330706422 $0 $0
Parenting Teens Resource Network 205418853 $0 $0
Parents Education League of Los Angeles 264510950 $0 $0
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Los Angeles Incorporated 953707419 $0 $0
Parents Group of Glenridge Incorporated 237411978 $32,545 $24,478
Parents of Plasencia Magnet 300415013 $0 $0
Parents of Watts Working with Youth and Adults 953894168 $168,205 $1,544,833
Parents Television Council Incorporated 954819071 $2,663,771 $758,500
Parish Catalyst 463673528 $92,450 $20,383
Park Windsor Baptist Church 953373690 $0 $0
Parkside Economic Development 954812754 $43,860 $24,107
Parrots First 753029205 $0 $0
Parthenia Street Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 300289956 $415,754 $11,492,292
Partnering for Change the National Institute for Innovative 272200262 $0 $0
Partners in Action Incorporated 861029623 $1,571,447 $12,025,118
Partners of Change 452435396 $0 $0
Partners of Dorris Elementary 454319982 $0 $0
Partnership for Los Angeles Schools 261759681 $6,634,513 $2,799,658
Partnership for Social Change 263670201 $0 $0
Pasadena Altadena Community Youth Association 954679799 $0 $0
Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 956121932 $733,734 $110,541
Pasadena Model Railroad Club Incorporated 956095397 $28,553 $181,217
Pasadena Youth Christian Center 952582311 $171,743 $170,160
Pascpa Los Angeles 954115789 $10,685 $9,106
Passion for Dance Project 300264249 $0 $0
Pastor Mace Incorporated 272022671 $0 $0
Pastor Says Production 611594408 $0 $0
Patagonia Org 142004175 $6,004,243 $6,023,191
Path Partners 262141499 $0 $0
Path Partners Associates 201892613 $942,135 $63,535
Path Ventures 201892523 $2,572,895 $1,884,291
Path Villas 450577810 $50,000 $56,279
Pathos Creative 461705866 $0 $0
Pathways Community School 455594228 $1,000 $1,000
Pathways for a Stronger Youth 954706901 $0 $0
Pathways La 953258661 $16,228,259 $5,035,344
Pathways Regional Employment Support Services 743065199 $300,588 $19,313
Patient Advocacy Network 870790154 $34,623 $2,425
Patient Care Foundation of Los Angeles County 262974477 $119,545 $110,017
Patriotic Union of Daron Incorporated 273099459 $0 $0
Pattis Way 271475450 $64,257 $26,637
Paul and Simone Greenberg Family Foundation 264704470 $21,171 $1,077
Paul Church in Los Angeles 203147888 $0 $0
Paul Hastings Cares Foundation 912153876 $48,577 $46,479
Paul Kodimer Foundation 956064894 $27,960 $17,852
Paul Mission to Southwest Asia 203508366 $0 $0
Paul Stanford Bernhard Foundation 274160093 $563,763 $458,059
Pava World 954858724 $392,569 $176,786
Paws and Learn Humane Education Center 244799493 $0 $0
Pay It Forward Monitor Incorporated 464430876 $0 $0
Pay It Forward Music 452611021 $0 $0
Pazlo Education Foundation 454893943 $2,699,497 $1,178,100
Peace is Present Foundation 204583765 $0 $0
Peace Maker Church 954713138 $0 $0
Peace over Violence 510179305 $2,819,075 $1,266,914
Peace Quest 954697466 $0 $0
Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy Incorporated 953123336 $2,126,087 $554,221
Pearson and Houston Temple C O G I C Incorporated 300326778 $0 $0
Pediatric and Family Medical Center 951690966 $27,528,626 $23,789,189
Pediatric and Family Medical Foundation 954116680 $65,051 $3,641,246
Pediatric Anesthesiology Foundation 237013816 $86,328 $60,551
Pediatric Research of Los Angeles 954715596 $5,000 $165,177
Pediatric Scalp Care Specialists 208496461 $0 $0
Peep of Dawn Church 273613187 $0 $0
Peer Education Program of Los Angeles Incorporated 954284689 $13,613 $139,789
Pegasus Fund Incorporated 900445820 $0 $0
Peggy Pollock Foundation 260790647 $364,628 $665,733
Pencils for Kids Incorporated 260531343 $95,085 $46,296
Peniel Church of God in Christ of Los Angeles 954736857 $0 $0
Peniel Presbyterian Church 202002592 $0 $0
Pennacle Foundation Incorporated 911960461 $1,068,375 $117,168
Pennington Family Foundation 954042165 $246,470 $1,542,886
Pennsylvania Real Estate Holdings Incorporated 232839504 $20,825,457 $20,128,748
Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America 621638914 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 01rpca 464273141 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 02rpca 205114989 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 108rpca 263050197 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 13rpca 205115342 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 18rpca 205115368 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 27rpca 205115386 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 31prca 260517389 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im 90rpca 263022295 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of God Im102rpca 260517310 $0 $0
Pentecostal Holiness Church 581788788 $0 $0
Penuel Missionary Baptist Church 954105249 $0 $0
People and Animals Together 421606883 $0 $0
People Assisting the Homeless 953950196 $10,335,932 $10,409,176
People Coordinated Services of Southern California 952644231 $4,451,141 $10,338,140
People for Community Improvement 953993429 $387,737 $14,935
People for Creative Peace Incorporated 954833505 $0 $0
People for Kids Future 203212976 $0 $0
People for Parks Advocacy Group 954219649 $0 $0
People for Parks Charitable Fund 954219646 $302,275 $226,976
People Helping People Economic Developement Corp 954859078 $682,279 $6,646
People in Progress Incorporated 510147196 $215,127 $3,311,287
People Who Care Youth Center 510192192 $570,779 $2,879,074
Peoples Club of Nigeriainternational Los Angeles Branch 208238417 $109,210 $112,782
Peoples Community Church 205088940 $0 $0
Peoples Community Clinic 800716363 $0 $0
Peoples Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment 931216789 $288,881 $316,366
Peoples Independent Church of Christ 956002398 $0 $0
Peoples Tabernacle of Faith Church 421610763 $0 $0
Pepp Family Support Foundation 562669586 $83,316 $1,138,694
Per Foundation 954288042 $677 $40,159
Perenchio Foundation 450607892 $1,251,453 $1
Perfectly Unperfected 452484043 $0 $0
Performing Arts Center of Los Angeles County 952217011 $51,126,695 $87,346,750
Performing Arts for Life and Education Foundation 954470266 $149,500 $500
Performing Arts Foundation for Asian-americans 954813996 $45,387 $132,351
Perricone Fam Foundation 954752894 $907,687 $744,681
Pershing Square Property Owners Association 954281594 $0 $986
Persian American Society for Health Advancement Incorporated 260653106 $0 $0
Persian Arts Society 954711262 $31,249 $28,375
Personal Involvement Center Incorporated 237186243 $7,268,595 $952,960
Personal Ministry Incorporated 454608610 $0 $0
Perutz Etz Jacob Hebrew Academy 452790071 $622,163 $5,168
Pet Post Community 465414081 $0 $0
Pet Project Charities 204925262 $0 $0
Petconnectus 451425334 $44,171 $30,945
Pete Brown Scholarship Fund 800800003 $0 $0
Peter and Masha Plotkin Memorial Foundation 954394293 $342,041 $2,574,457
Peter H and Marietta K Bach Charitable Trust 906148666 $2,252,892 $6,110,336
Peter John Mission 954713830 $0 $0
Peter Mullin Automotive Museum Foundation 201728744 $3,373,194 $20,903,466
Peter W Mullin Family Charitable Foundation 954442949 $1 $43,035
Petersen Automotive Museum Foundation 954739699 $5,503,876 $21,472,377
Pets Are Wonderful Support-los Angeles 954178092 $1,068,036 $595,322
Pfaffinger Foundation 951661675 $43,955,928 $84,432,234
Phaedra Foundation Incorporated 721608331 $0 $0
Phantasos Foundation 900658941 $4,136,835 $10,812,397
Phantom Baseball 460881751 $5,482 $73
Pharaohs Festival 452706511 $103,479 $30,953
Phelan Central Church 205563868 $0 $0
Phenomenal Essence 464388489 $0 $0
Phi Delta Kapp International Incorporated 952535877 $427 $4,205
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 271777563 $0 $0
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity 271213721 $165,787 $2,732
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity 951105047 $0 $67,082
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity 951105048 $794,889 $19,170
Phi Kappa Sigma Corp Alpha Psi Chapter 956095293 $196,586 $410,315
Phi Sigma Kappa 951105120 $561,701 $50,557
Phi Sigma Rho National Sorority 820560764 $0 $0
Phil-am Socio-economic Justice Fdn 432070969 $0 $0
Philadelphia Assemblies of Full Gospel Churches 954685207 $0 $0
Philadelphia Baptist and Deaf Center 911985968 $0 $0
Philadelphia Baptist and Deaf Ctr 237152252 $0 $0
Philadelphia Church at Los Angeles 954672350 $0 $0
Philadelphia Deliverance Church 954522040 $0 $0
Philanthro Productions Incorporated 208695723 $102,395 $25,789
Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation 236270983 $11,014,957 $37,210,345
Philippine American Lodge 952421596 $0 $0
Philippine Childrens Charities Incorporated 263501692 $0 $0
Philippine Institute of Cpas La Chapter 264743134 $0 $0
Phillippine Evagelical Church 954785654 $0 $0
Philo Dough Incorporated 954631138 $1 $8,671
Philosophical Research Society Incorporated 952158732 $478,934 $1,379,657
Pho Da Son Quan Am Bo Tat Tu Incorporated 953748134 $168,394 $1,184,878
Photo Friends of the Los Angeles Public Library History Department 954335423 $0 $0
Photographic Arts Council Los Angeles 461893220 $0 $0
Physicians for Social Responsibility Incorporated 953956136 $485,911 $240,105
Pi Beta Phi Fraternity 951106690 $291,087 $215,009
Pi Beta Phi Fraternity 951682991 $591,254 $574,430
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 954619304 $531,721 $1
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Eta Sigma 954504537 $287,455 $32,494
Pi Kappa Phi of University of Southern California Housing Corp 510186039 $167,583 $0
Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity 941166303 $109,235 $1,444
Pi Mu Epsilon Incorporated 912074698 $0 $0
Pi Mu Epsilon Incorporated 912074702 $0 $0
Pi Mu Epsilon Incorporated 956146403 $0 $0
Pi Mu Epsilon Incorporated 237127333 $0 $0
Piano Spheres 912106973 $50,947 $41,208
Pico Aliso Residents Advisory Council 954246566 $0 $0
Pico Bais Medrash Corp 455548680 $0 $0
Pico Pre-school 954304397 $0 $0
Pico Veteran Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 261524307 $315,638 $10,464,847
Pico-union Housing Corporation 237113307 $2,885,672 $22,527,373
Picoegal Incorporated 113792251 $0 $0
Picture Alternatives 454036646 $6,065 $18,812
Piece by Piece 208348198 $235,990 $256,684
Pieces Teen Art Incorporated 800819008 $0 $0
Piedmont University 330934393 $382,456 $637,496
Pilgrim Church 205286582 $0 $0
Pilgrim Deaf Lutheran Church 952637014 $0 $0
Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church 954298812 $0 $0
Pilgrims Hope Baptist Church 953890021 $0 $0
Pilgrims Rest Missionary Baptist Church 954581313 $0 $0
Pilipino Workers Center of Southern 770439301 $476,096 $317,503
Pillar of Fire Los Angeles 237532984 $0 $0
Pillows Pet Rescue 954830470 $0 $1
Pink-link 202884742 $0 $0
Pinocchio Child Care Center Incorporated 954736592 $219,164 $28,533
Pinocchio Incorporated 201561560 $199,730 $58,361
Pion Family Foundation 272166608 $13,990 $191,477
Pioneer Works Art Foundation 461097738 $4,900 $4,900
Pioneerfyi 202126079 $0 $0
Pionner Korean Baptist Church 954141862 $0 $0
Piping Industry Progress and Ed Labor-mngmnt Co-op Comm 953942172 $3,245,508 $9,360,724
Pipkin Charitable Foundation 270029373 $233,896 $3,020,734
Pistachio Farmers of America 271922437 $10 $7,054
Plain Truth Hope Charity Mission 300207832 $0 $0
Plain Truth Mission 954065063 $0 $0
Planet Emerald Foundation 270842317 $0 $1
Planet Hope 954441063 $0 $0
Planet Lunchroom Incorporated 270303992 $0 $0
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles 952408623 $61,539,471 $65,996,447
Plant a Seed 383832719 $0 $0
Plato Society of Los Angeles 462484387 $134,765 $125,766
Platt Family Foundation 271394148 $2,412,715 $1,397,676
Play Mountain Place 952581849 $1,177,850 $1,837,563
Playa Foundation 264033469 $139,197 $438,792
Playa Vista Job Opportunities and Business Services 954706948 $5,250,761 $4,668,166
Playa Vista Project 202827644 $0 $0
Playwrights Arena 954539887 $402,978 $17,620
Plaza Community Center 951691302 $7,286,193 $7,035,007
Plaza De Cultura Y Arte Foundation 753059288 $2,817,375 $20,657,125
Plaza De La Raza Incorporated 237109631 $582,149 $734,263
Plaza Synagogue 454022232 $0 $0
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 954377848 $0 $0
Please Don T Kill Me Incorporated 455336316 $0 $0
Pleasing All Foundation 262254135 $0 $0
Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors of Greater Los Angeles 950999110 $634,432 $1,321,250
Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Training Program Incorporated 954558267 $168,769 $135,726
Plus Me Project 463506663 $0 $0
Plymouth School 952796481 $431,756 $130,613
Point Foundation 841582086 $4,277,411 $8,111,602
Pointer Foundation 954269110 $500 $168
Police Assessment Resource Center Incorporated 134178074 $232,408 $96,745
Polish Alma Mater 954315707 $0 $0
Polish American Defense Committee Incorporated 954335693 $0 $0
Polish Retirement Foundation 952965444 $395,965 $706,911
Polish Scouting Organization -zhp Incorporated 953243730 $51,744 $39,779
Political Film Society 522123415 $42 $576
Polo Pony Rescue Incorporated 462132936 $0 $0
Poor Dog Group 800308930 $47,614 $2,765
Pop Luck Club 954858126 $0 $0
Pop Project Incorporated 454020974 $0 $0
Popstheclubcom Incorporated a California Public Benefit Corporation 464535915 $0 $0
Porsche Club of America 956112674 $33,896 $9,252
Positive Alternative Choices Today 954487565 $0 $0
Positive Imagery Foundation 954448211 $164,251 $37,297
Positive Motions Foundation 271347481 $0 $0
Positive Results Corporation 954455668 $0 $0
Positive Young People Incorporated 271150647 $57,395 $211
Potters House of Los Angeles 455168832 $0 $0
Poverty Solutions Incorporated 271916296 $4,953,821 $4,673,435
Powells Child Care 954542782 $95,509 $9,500
Power House Urban Ministries 263878686 $0 $0
Power of Love Christian Fellowship 954022947 $0 $0
Power of Praise Church 134258139 $0 $0
Ppc Charitable Foundation Incorporated 208073193 $0 $0
Practical Torah Publishers Incorporated 202987268 $0 $0
Pragati 311811656 $0 $0
Prager University Foundation 271763901 $701,943 $1,397,184
Prairie Praise Mission 421613313 $0 $0
Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship Churches and Ministries Intl 330738172 $0 $0
Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship Churches and Ministries Intl 383682320 $0 $0
Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship Churches and Ministries Intl 954382739 $0 $0
Praise Fellowship Community Church 954590142 $0 $0
Praise for Christ 954031674 $0 $0
Praise L a Foursquare Church 953974543 $0 $0
Praise Lord Presbyterian Church 320022569 $0 $0
Praise of Victory Outreach Mini Church 954709912 $0 $0
Prajna Gate Korean Buddhist Temple and Monastery 953645604 $0 $0
Prana Foundation 161621804 $1 $4
Prapancha Incorporated 954722320 $0 $0
Pray La 204826349 $0 $0
Prayer Band of Life Ministries 611604703 $0 $0
Prayer Healing and Deliverance Incorporated 272396765 $0 $0
Prayer House of Faith Bible Mission 953986231 $0 $0
Prayer Time Mission Incorporated 953256874 $0 $0
Pre Mammogram Foundation 061837210 $0 $38,177
Presbyterian Church of Mt Gerizim 810594912 $0 $0
Presbyterian Independent Mission Incorporated 954401998 $0 $0
Presbyterian Revival Central Church of U S a 030491176 $0 $0
Presbyterian Revival Church of Los Angeles 954348708 $161,881 $154,436
Present Now 461420945 $64,837 $51,902
Presentation of Mary Parish 952339455 $0 $0
President of Congregation Yismach a Corporation Sole 954280986 $0 $0
Presiding Priest of Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church a Corp 953785924 $0 $0
Pretty Single Mothers 270734451 $0 $0
Prevencion Y Rescate 753012721 $380,932 $39,010
Price Community Improvement Project Incorporated 680526184 $0 $0
Primeira Missao Batista Brasileira De Los Angeles 954843316 $0 $0
Primera Iglesia Bautista El Peregrino 954455699 $0 $0
Primera Iglesia Biblica Fundamental 953891091 $0 $0
Primera Iglesia Biblica Fundamental of East Los Angeles California 954239430 $0 $0
Primo Foundation 263245107 $0 $1
Prince Hall Memorial Education and Scholarship Fund 680269353 $27,650 $11,560
Prince of Peace Ministerial Association Incorporated 952789828 $0 $0
Princeton Parker Ministries Incorporated 731712112 $0 $0
Private Equity Association of Los Angeles Incorporated 263279407 $0 $0
Private Foundation 943303674 $445,727 $1,636,553
Private Redemption Foundation 542195251 $63,479 $16,986
Private Scholarship and Awards Research Service 954305550 $12,857 $1,787
Proactive Inglewood Care 800625599 $0 $0
Proclaiming Freedom to Prisoners Outreach Ministry 954849272 $0 $0
Producers Health Benefits Plan Raleigh Studios 316654730 $16,126,517 $20,410,272
Production Music Association Incorporated 134086916 $106,021 $94,221
Professional Organization of Women in Entertainment Reaching Up 954886797 $75,823 $186,975
Program for Torture Victims 954492477 $966,638 $272,971
Progress California a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporati 272170522 $51,000 $10,879
Progressive Christians Uniting 954643127 $323,093 $60,221
Progressive Home for the Elderly Incorporated 941701934 $1,354,147 $1,180,419
Progressive True Church House of Prayer 237206570 $0 $0
Project Accountability Incorporated 300489766 $0 $0
Project Africa Global Incorporated 510550218 $0 $0
Project Alpha Mu Sigma Chap of Alpha Phi Alpha Incorporated 954541659 $0 $0
Project Angel Food 954115863 $5,303,938 $7,591,179
Project Fifteen 010969251 $0 $0
Project Impact International 208327598 $0 $0
Project Jordan Incorporated 237016809 $0 $0
Project Knapsack Incorporated 300455050 $23,818 $4,439
Project New Hope 954337245 $3,044,190 $9,098,084
Project New Story 270467934 $0 $0
Project Nicaragua 208225585 $0 $0
Project Paradigm 271444039 $3,727,417 $9,979,841
Project Peacemakers Incorporated 954561298 $592,408 $120,579
Project Play 203087563 $41,242 $39,053
Project Rejuvenation 273276844 $0 $0
Project Restore 954044565 $551,131 $353,778
Project Rishi 562495996 $0 $0
Project Saving Grace 954805085 $11,549 $10,160
Project Sheba Incorporated 043746499 $0 $0
Project Sleep 463665317 $0 $0
Project Solution Us Incorporated 300344471 $0 $0
Project X Foundation for Art and Criticism 421547728 $139,572 $15,639
Promesas Del Nuevo Pacto 311790955 $0 $0
Promise Land Church 260815746 $0 $0
Promised Land Community Church 260254322 $0 $0
Promises Kept Enterprises Incorporated 463606900 $0 $0
Prophet to the Lord Incorporated 510207102 $0 $0
Prophetic Missionary Baptist Church 263325550 $0 $0
Prosigo El Blanco 861133303 $0 $0
Prospective Homeowners Association of Los Angeles 311690567 $0 $0
Prostate Cancer Research Institute 954617875 $814,728 $1,158,567
Protect Your Area Code Foundation Incorporated 711035005 $0 $0
Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church 952456155 $0 $0
Prototypes Centers for Innovation in Health Mental Health and Social 954092046 $18,336,788 $13,136,872
Providence Baptist Church Incorporated 510226195 $0 $0
Providence Baptist Church of Los Angeles County 954391102 $0 $0
Providing for Kids Foundation 010937725 $0 $0
Proyecto Pastoral Aka Jesuit Hispano Ministry 953213958 $2,688,909 $2,590,775
Psalms of Ambassadors 841656943 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 521276042 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 521538510 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 521539697 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 237161370 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 510241454 $0 $0
Psychiatric Clinical Facultyassociation 208572684 $67,071 $247,349
Psychiatrists Global Training Network 510664386 $0 $0
Psychoanalytic Center of California 953957949 $253,019 $229,020
Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Incorporated 251709648 $151,419 $262,361
Pta California Congress of Parents 237032594 $99,195 $91,714
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 901041931 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900337721 $87,406 $19,530
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900626034 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900650506 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900721118 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900721121 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900738802 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900776422 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900904466 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900904470 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900932182 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900992477 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901021447 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901024582 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901028430 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901039110 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901039820 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901039821 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901041721 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901043918 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901057883 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 951782319 $238,115 $2,041,271
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237025890 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237025896 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237025898 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237025902 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237025903 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237025905 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237032590 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954258181 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954293931 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954363824 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956203906 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956203913 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956203981 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956203990 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204060 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204167 $81,825 $26,351
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204211 $62,025 $53,989
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204255 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204258 $55,524 $25,274
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204269 $0 $6,906
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204403 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204515 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204549 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204556 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204558 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956204624 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956205116 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206520 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206596 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206616 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206655 $96,035 $35,145
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206673 $38,358 $4,657
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206773 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206818 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206822 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206824 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206827 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206831 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956206894 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956207077 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956207306 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956207333 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956207531 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956207692 $74,962 $55,650
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956208309 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956208423 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 956208664 $74,691 $43,016
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954188701 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954188706 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 731681350 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 300156811 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 331159372 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 371507359 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 432010996 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 161774019 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954789299 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 954868159 $58,893 $14,369
Public Access Awareness Association 954665129 $0 $0
Public Counsel 237105149 $13,951,221 $13,438,220
Public Safety Impact Foundation 710869157 $1 $6,487
Public Works Improvisational Theatre Foundation Incorporated 953109929 $0 $0
Pueblo De Amos 112446797 $0 $0
Pueblo Nuevo Development 954446335 $1,973,592 $35,097,037
Puente Learning Center 954242175 $3,188,785 $27,997,644
Puerta De Oportunidad 203500711 $0 $0
Puerto El Triunfo Incorporated 510662692 $0 $0
Puerto Rican Bar Association of California 263449360 $0 $0
Pui Ying Alumni and Alumnae Foundation of Southern California 330665212 $0 $0
Pura Vida Tres Incorporated 271505628 $407,736 $9,505
Pure Grace Community Bible Church 953953990 $0 $0
Pure Land Lotus Community Phuoc Hue Worshipping Center 953887139 $0 $0
Puritan and Reformed Studies Conference 912165612 $0 $0
Puritan Church 954328650 $0 $0
Puritan First Church 330403382 $0 $0
Puritan Missionary Foundation 953612506 $0 $0
Purun Dream Church 954788752 $0 $0
Pushrim Foundation Incorporated 461151360 $0 $0
Pvpw Corp 200505566 $2,824,522 $43,854,955
Pyong Kang Church 953621991 $0 $0
Quan Kwong Yee Family Association 237310629 $72,078 $323,017
Quantum Community Development Corporation 262661828 $3,362,934 $1,313,199
Que Viva 954264491 $0 $0
Quebecois a Los Angeles 203176380 $0 $0
Queen of Angels Clinic and Researc Foundation 956071172 $1,438,904 $1,635,520
Queen of Angels-hollywood Presbyterian Foundation 953403582 $6,606,046 $5,897,329
Queens Row a Non-profit Corporation 954528044 $156,109 $239,369
Queenscare 951644040 $36,498,806 $397,747,053
Queenscare Health Centers 953702136 $22,631,269 $13,533,101
Queenscare Health Centers Foundation 463366321 $0 $0
Queenscare Medical Groups 953559361 $0 $0
Queer Lounge Incorporated 113731920 $0 $0
Queue-up 954060074 $26,409 $3,408
Quilts with a Divine Quest 900743851 $0 $0
Quincy Jones Foundation 611553720 $2,500 $30,476
Quinn Emanuel Foundation 200423348 $394,968 $94,657
Quranic Education Center Incorporated 710964872 $0 $0
R and G Progressive Property Seekers Incorporated 954827034 $0 $1
R and M Charitable Foundation 954568320 $0 $0
R R Williams Enrichment Community Center Incorporated 743116211 $0 $0
R1 Foundation 462267611 $0 $0
Rabbinical Council of California 954222511 $0 $0
Rabbit Hole Screenings 452902692 $0 $0
Rachel Rosenthal Company 954184146 $167,652 $460,773
Radha Desh Incorporated 208661906 $0 $0
Rafael and Sharyl Mendez Family Foundation 261532246 $19,524,937 $9,716,809
Raffi 952377527 $85,870 $578,732
Raft Incorporated 954819417 $0 $0
Rafu Chuo Gakuen 956192475 $51,879 $794,287
Rafu Shimpo Foundation Incorporated 611431114 $1,742 $17,796
Railca 273296319 $1,040 $103
Rainbow Humanitarian Caretaker Foundation 954703584 $0 $0
Rainbow of Hope 800015486 $0 $0
Rainforest Flow 954818043 $262,127 $31,922
Raising Malawi Incorporated 743248665 $1,105,394 $1,700,228
Ralph and Barbara Edwards Family Foundation 954558421 $64,679 $459,237
Ralph M Parsons Foundation 956085895 $63,543,936 $375,283,325
Ralphs Prather Ranch Foundation 954494565 $57,450 $25,713
Ralphs Riders Foundation 263365880 $0 $22,701
Ramakrishna Ashrama 205969417 $134,959 $872,530
Ramona Gardens Resident Advisory Council 953977386 $0 $0
Rampart Boosters Association 237243431 $0 $0
Rampart Police Activities League Incorporated 954675764 $68,970 $8,518
Rampart Theater Project Incorporated 205061847 $216,989 $57,849
Ranch of 2nd Chances 462617447 $0 $0
Randr Developmental Foundation 300699649 $0 $0
Rapino Family Foundation 461670114 $0 $0
Rar Family Foundation 274347026 $2,835,342 $3,343,455
Rasta International Marcus Garvey Cultural Center 954806583 $0 $0
Ravtov Committee to Aid New Immigrants Incorporated 510173113 $0 $0
Ray Charles Memorial Library 263969991 $0 $0
Ray of Light Apostolic 954768658 $0 $0
Ray of Light Foundation 954716881 $1,676,420 $8,924,558
Raymundo M Deguzman and Licerio P Castro Memorial Foundation 363894710 $5,000 $63,965
Razorcake-gorsky Incorporated 050599768 $114,108 $30,940
Rbd Communications 954505712 $0 $0
Rbsl Bergman Foundation 954522669 $89,123 $675,310
Rc Charitable Foundation 954309171 $35,000 $14,721
Reach Me Foundation 911818189 $0 $0
Reach Our Community Kids 954712311 $24,180 $8,837
Reachability Foundation 270964316 $97,615 $73,964
Reaching out Mba Incorporated 061706646 $966,482 $892,049
Reading Education and Arts for Children Foundation 954557532 $0 $0
Reading to Kids 954758698 $185,752 $91,609
Real Medicine Incorporated 202897266 $1,568,821 $206,491
Real Mentoring Academy Incorporated 272015128 $0 $0
Real Opportunity Management Network Incorporated 364454922 $0 $0
Real Powerhouse Church of God in Christ 954643143 $0 $0
Real Realities 208223800 $0 $0
Realistic Education in Action Coalition to Foster Health 954672865 $519,532 $87,289
Reality Church of Los Angeles 204310789 $0 $0
Reams Center for Family Counseling and Education Psychological Services 954661196 $0 $0
Reason Foundation 953298239 $9,294,566 $7,273,642
Reason Project 261643643 $84,363 $188,713
Rebbi Meir Baal Haness Institute Incorporated 954809548 $0 $0
Rebuilding Together Greater Los Angeles 261109351 $418,448 $104,955
Reclaim Californias Future-yes on Prop 30 No on Prop 32 900846390 $0 $0
Reclaim Ministries International 954709955 $0 $0
Reconciled Garment Faith Based Services Incorporated 800310651 $0 $0
Records and Identification Division Fund 953123340 $0 $0
Red White and Blue Cross Incorporated 272924177 $0 $0
Redeemer Baptist Elementary School 951816037 $0 $0
Redeemer Church of Southern California 263524414 $0 $0
Redeemer Community Partnership 912144336 $155,245 $156,385
Redeemer Missionary Baptist Church 731699212 $0 $0
Rediscover Center Incorporated 200192617 $141,627 $45,940
Redondo Beach Sailing Club Incorporated 330300241 $0 $0
Reel Image Incorporated 954415281 $5,876 $848,369
Reformed College and Seminary 464885313 $0 $0
Reformed Presbyterian Seminary 953614603 $681,892 $3,829,152
Reformed University of U S a 460515673 $215,014 $156,479
Refrigeration Service Engineers Society 956137449 $0 $0
Refuge in the Three Jewels 954496837 $0 $0
Refuge is the Hand Incorporated 275356330 $0 $0
Regalettes Social and Charity Club 954546694 $144,772 $30,478
Regents Scholar Society at Ucla 954765400 $0 $0
Reggie Evans Foundation 262577785 $0 $0
Region Ix Head Start Association 942821855 $38,103 $91,435
Regional Airports Improvement Corporation 952647549 $0 $0
Regional Congregations and Neighborhood Organization Trng Ctr 954828869 $0 $0
Rehoboth Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles 237073239 $0 $0
Reiyukai America 952805464 $0 $0
Rejected Stone Christian Ministries 562385571 $147,488 $24,885
Relationship Networking Industryassociation Incorporated 260201291 $0 $1
Relief Foundation 954042198 $144,962 $270,165
Relief International 954300662 $25,265,614 $19,334,876
Religious Science International 952656491 $0 $0
Religious Technology Center 930801236 $0 $0
Remember Me Rescue 542168943 $0 $0
Remnant Bible Church Incorporated 208708027 $0 $0
Remnant Christian Center 954841731 $0 $0
Remnant Mission Church 954107238 $0 $0
Renaissance Arts Academy 721550802 $2,665,674 $3,875,847
Renaissance Unlimited Homes Incorporated 954570671 $490,596 $62,582
Renewable Energy Biosystems 463995513 $0 $0
Renewal Evangelical Church 204110943 $0 $0
Renewed Freedom Foundation Incorporated 455088846 $0 $0
Rent to Own Reality Incorporated 800808961 $7,883 $2,024
Repertory Dance Theatre of Los Angeles 953646746 $0 $0
Reproductive Endocrine Medical Research Foundation Incorporated 954494085 $22,983 $39,977
Reptile and Amphibian Rescue Network 954477796 $0 $0
Rescue Angels Incorporated 912144764 $0 $0
Rescue Me Pet Foundation 954647649 $21,311 $9,063
Research and Education Foundation of the Society of Head and Neck Su 546319787 $239,974 $1,383,195
Reserve Officers Association of the United States 954338635 $0 $0
Residential Realty Group Ii Incorporated a Delaware Corp 954750425 $0 $1
Residential Realty Group Iii Incorporated a Delaware Corp 954750427 $0 $1
Residents of Beverly Glen Incorporated 237174071 $0 $0
Resnick Foundation 954658095 $6,188,827 $6,031,044
Resources for Infant Educarers 942497039 $362,040 $234,262
Respect for Life International 271769528 $10,808 $860
Responsible Education and Media 271122844 $0 $0
Ressler Family Charit Foundation Trust 102794 956979496 $7,841,096 $28,124,729
Restauracion 460732250 $0 $0
Restore Neighborhoods La Incorporated 264142930 $45,077,948 $57,863,415
Restore-a Renewal Center for Women 954172710 $16,659 $465,798
Resurrection Glory Ministries 943402010 $0 $0
Resurrection Presbyterian Church 954695748 $0 $0
Rethinkafrica 320221507 $0 $0
Retina Vitreous Foundation 208197007 $651,532 $487,924
Retired Los Angeles City Employees Incorporated 237104590 $203,800 $350,544
Retrovaille En Espanol De Los Angeles Incorporated 113700861 $27,099 $19,350
Reunite America 204165948 $0 $0
Revelation Baptist Church Incorporated 953316226 $0 $0
Revelation Church Apostolic Faith Incorporated 510193630 $0 $0
Revelation Enterprise 431950289 $1 $1
Reverend Dong Sun Lim Foundation 412161047 $10,528 $109,557
Reverend James Cleveland Memorial Foundation 870721227 $0 $0
Revitalize Farms Incorporated 455435974 $0 $0
Revival Center Triedstone Church of G I C 952621197 $0 $0
Revival Power Ministries 912162688 $0 $0
Revived Faith Ministries 954153183 $0 $0
Rewired for Change 270170538 $86,425 $17,231
Rh Bob Fox Jr Scholarship Fund 274390115 $269,213 $126,342
Rhema Church 954831822 $0 $0
Rhema Mission 954293538 $210,949 $1,255,515
Rhodes Jewish Historical Foundation 911779457 $38,589 $28,211
Rhonda Fleming Foundation 953950678 $81,460 $2,833
Rhythm of Life Foundation 954573601 $0 $1,204
Rhythmic Angels 452079857 $0 $0
Ribet Education Fund 954651698 $381,790 $319,602
Richard a Rouilard Foundation 957048284 $72,303 $144,431
Richard Allan Barry Family Charitable Foundation 046920279 $3,104,436 $9,101,397
Richard and Lisa Kendall Foundation 954729533 $3,709 $350,356
Richard and Roberta Marantz Family Foundation 954088934 $35,845 $575,690
Richard and Ruth Lavine Family Foundation 954300271 $2,705,330 $2,645,370
Richard C Seaver Charitable Trust 12-28-78 953311102 $16,061,761 $21,141,459
Richard Dunn Family Foundation 957125979 $894,330 $4,059,770
Richard E and Harriett F Gold Family Foundation 276380135 $389,522 $0
Richard E Kipper and Marianne B Kipper Foundation 330383430 $189,739 $1,026,725
Richard M Cohen and Andrew S Cohen Foundation 954245546 $300,005 $104,648
Richard S Ziman Foundation 272123906 $6,725 $846,478
Richard Simmons and Friends Incorporated 464018195 $0 $0
Richard T Gross Scholarship Fund 954362276 $1 $23,792
Richards Family Charitable Foundation 956046990 $119,573 $768,149
Richie-madden Foundation Incorporated 263331434 $10,619 $91,637
Richland School Booster Club 954137100 $0 $0
Ridna Shkola of Los Angeles Incorporated 900635379 $0 $0
Right Program Foundation 273996439 $1 $1
Right to Life League of Southern California 900249987 $0 $0
Right-way Direction Incorporated 721612735 $0 $1
Righteous Persons Foundation 954497916 $2,800,001 $66,201
Rightway Foundation 900761009 $29,112 $5,385
Ring Foundation 954500900 $2,803,505 $13,196,076
Rings of Saturn Incorporated 270887184 $0 $0
Rins Rescues Very Important Pet House 271878048 $0 $0
Rinzai-ji Incorporated 956220735 $0 $0
Riordan Foundation 953779967 $3 $17,873
Riordan Program Alumni Association 264611218 $0 $0
Rise Above It Outreach 810646624 $0 $0
Rise Above Series Productions 464997845 $0 $0
Rise Financial Pathways a Non- Profit Public Benefit Corporation 954378092 $685,361 $2,736,561
Rise Up and Shout Incorporated 272032208 $0 $0
Rising Arc Foundation 954534379 $13,784 $48,263
Rissho Kosei-kai International of North America 261532477 $0 $0
Rissho Kosei-kai of Los Angeles 237197009 $0 $0
River of Eden Ministries 611453481 $0 $0
River of Living Water Church 954705139 $0 $0
Rivers of Living Water Church 412216981 $0 $0
Riviera Tennis Foundation 680561080 $0 $0
Rob Dyrdek-dc Shoes Skate Plaza Foundation 371470837 $66,845 $42,971
Rob Machado Foundation 223902362 $71,163 $146,214
Robert a Day Foundation 205171559 $5,643,986 $11,889,083
Robert and Beverly Collins Family Foundation 953169720 $853,939 $924,965
Robert and Elizabeth Lowe Family Foundation 954359864 $175,195 $910,887
Robert Chesley Foundation Incorporated 133682405 $20,216 $137,485
Robert E Benton Memorial Foundation 956132496 $1,649 $72,635
Robert Ellis Simon Foundation 956035905 $756,575 $3,117,128
Robert M and Lottie Q Gee Foundation 954781115 $53 $429,611
Robert M Sinskey Foundation 954628223 $4,723,020 $5,580,675
Robert Margolis Foundation Incorporated 954662710 $1,735,147 $3,433,414
Robert R Sprague Foundation 957052355 $652,083 $9,423,522
Robert Simmons Family Charitable Foundation 330852899 $340,245 $871,501
Robert Swartz Foundation 956325773 $5,571 $246,594
Robert T Blywise Family Foundation 956105009 $144,204 $693,304
Robert Zemeckis Charitable Foundation 954678226 $101,002 $288,767
Roberts Universal Education Health Education Fitness and Wellness 421751745 $0 $0
Robey Theater Company 954564423 $138,184 $20,255
Robin-hwajin Yoon Kim Foundation 275111135 $966,335 $5,954,349
Robinson Jeffers Association 954709270 $0 $0
Rochester Starter Foundation 943443042 $0 $0
Rock and Rescue Incorporated 272909216 $167,978 $13,494
Rock of Faith Community Baptist Church 953949356 $0 $0
Rocking4peace 454135368 $0 $0
Rod Dedeaux Foundation 204084224 $136,950 $107,425
Roennes School Incorporated 952970541 $282,027 $29,579
Rogue Artists Ensemble 113706211 $113,976 $47,124
Roklen Foundation 263897684 $173,073 $365,789
Rolland Rocky Miller Foundation 455601080 $0 $0
Roman Archbishop of Los Angeles a Corporation Sole 951642382 $0 $0
Ronald and Catherine Gershman Foundation 957075530 $8,363,049 $12,336,982
Ronald S Lushing Family Foundation 952471655 $78,818 $343,062
Ronald W Burkle Foundation 954664750 $1,259,511 $5,042,495
Ronny Turiafs Heart to Heart Foundation 460689440 $0 $0
Room to Change Incorporated 260308562 $0 $0
Roosevelt Jackson Ministries 954609826 $0 $0
Rosana Gamson-world Wide 911986400 $34,251 $35,043
Rosanne H and Barry F Silverman Md Charitable Foundation 954550121 $1,950 $25,335
Roscomare School Booster Club 953995859 $562,944 $175,368
Rose Hills Courts Resident Advisory Council 954742464 $0 $0
Rose of Sharin Incorporated 311812495 $0 $0
Rose of Sharon Missionary Baptist Church 953837352 $0 $0
Rose Scharlin Cooperative Nursery School 951858641 $134,863 $102,602
Rosemary Kraemer Raitt Foundation 954359155 $11,194,648 $12,052,290
Rosemead Spanish 954690376 $0 $0
Rosen Family Foundation 954619237 $354,839 $1,070,055
Rosewood Revitalization Group 202005989 $0 $0
Rosicrucian Order of the Hermetic Gold and Rose Cross 680664246 $0 $0
Rossana and Carlo Pedretti Foundation 954752918 $1 $1
Rossberg Family Foundation 954674154 $1 $1
Rotary Club of Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles Foundatio 463707749 $0 $0
Rotary Club of Koreatown 562633126 $42,902 $9,695
Rotary Club of Los Angeles Foundation 954479461 $955,207 $7,504,551
Rotary International 320212197 $0 $0
Rotary International 956057829 $79,002 $67,444
Rotary International 956095744 $0 $0
Rotary International 956095746 $84,286 $58,875
Rotary International 956095750 $0 $0
Rotary International 956095768 $100,796 $32,227
Rotary International 951165778 $552,119 $430,504
Rotary International 951605589 $180,694 $41,538
Rotary International 953131082 $89,125 $7,480
Rotary International District 5280 Charitable Foundation 954597691 $0 $0
Roth Family Foundation 880352682 $473,583 $13,054,709
Rothschild Family Foundation 954739446 $63,982 $649,247
Rowena Yarak Schaber Scholarship Foundation 455334006 $50,000 $47,000
Roxbury-beverwil Homeowners Alliance 273112846 $0 $0
Roy Eddleman Institute 274957776 $3,010 $5,541
Roy V Thompson Charitable Trust 416509754 $33,295 $48,922
Royal Arch Masons of California 237518819 $520,341 $839,768
Royal Home of Peace and Truth International Ministries 300712875 $0 $0
Royal Priesthood Palace Ministries 208269607 $0 $0
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Los Angeles Branch Incorporated 510205054 $0 $0
Roze Hospice and Palliative Carefoundation 205308963 $0 $0
Rsg Foundation Incorporated 454028068 $0 $0
Rubinstein Family Foundation 201886273 $1,035 $185,995
Ruby Family Foundation 261509899 $318,794 $7,340,939
Ruckusroots Incorporated 272875462 $0 $0
Rudy Regalado Foundation 463856709 $0 $0
Ruskin Art Club Incorporated 770637879 $0 $0
Russian Masters Theatre Projects 273292334 $0 $0
Russian Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord 952115793 $0 $0
Russian-american Business and Arts Council 770636416 $0 $0
Rustic Canyon Parents Cooperative Nursery School 951914194 $225,392 $96,769
Ruth and Herman Wilstein Family Foundation 954100520 $8,079 $183,069
Ruth and Sonny Singer Foundation 954364781 $1,209,149 $1,325,136
Ruths House Incorporated 861150486 $0 $0
Ruths Transitional Housing Incorporated 208394614 $0 $0
Rx for Reading 954240189 $4,199,443 $4,396,409
Ryan Seacrest Foundation Incorporated 271248091 $903,052 $993,597
Rykoff Family Foundation 954651913 $1,067,981 $1,030,015
Ryman Carroll Foundation 951051084 $1,506,461 $2,506,467
Ryo Cigar Association Incorporated 260209489 $163,000 $3,382
Ryokan College 953385517 $1,248,592 $1,947,457
Ryzman Foundation Incorporated 953653055 $8,631,315 $25,632,345
S a Y Foundation Incorporated 270224825 $0 $0
S B Community Homes Incorporated 953915630 $454,361 $2,308,374
S Enchill Wellness 460629964 $0 $0
S H S Scholarship Fund Incorporated 954271654 $0 $0
S M a S H Foundation 200515244 $0 $0
S M P S P Incorporated 954581553 $0 $0
S Makeupstudio 464873112 $0 $0
S Mark Taper Foundation 954245076 $19,882,612 $97,597,529
S O S Fund of Vera Alexeevna Jones Incorporated 956141036 $45,426 $255,142
S T E P S Youth Center 954696371 $0 $0
S W and Doris Caplan Foundation 341911676 $4 $18,281
S W and Eleanor Caplan Foundation 341265827 $4 $639
Sa Sang Constitutional Medicine Association of California 954826778 $0 $6,811
Saban Charitable Support Fund 680517051 $2,969,667 $6,741,141
Saban Family Foundation 954769273 $10,484,585 $1,242,106
Sabriya Ihsan Bakewell Castle of Fun Foundation 954426082 $2,057 $8,883
Sacred Chapel Church of God in Christ 912028882 $0 $0
Sacred Fools Theater 954619221 $197,369 $33,000
Sacred Heart Church 951781332 $0 $0
Sacred House of Al-islam 954077093 $0 $0
Sacred Renewal Ministry 680532383 $0 $0
Sadaa Foundation 870801339 $0 $0
Sadhana Temple of New York Incorporated 237447566 $24,970 $3,887,398
Sae Moon an Church 571170631 $0 $0
Sae Sam Church 161773979 $0 $0
Sae Services Incorporated 956059239 $166,501 $799,746
Sae Services Incorporated 956059241 $243,511 $622,605
Sae Soon Korean Church of Southern California 330561449 $0 $0
Saenoori Vision Presbyterian Church 912164888 $0 $0
Saessak Preschool 954773381 $195,847 $58,816
Safe 300802384 $0 $0
Safe Community Project 270967511 $263,354 $87,484
Safe Haven Family Shelter Incorporated 208455148 $0 $0
Saga Ski Club 953288824 $61,765 $44,943
Sages Education and Research Foundation 954689582 $1,985,376 $8,902,551
Sahana Software Foundation 270596562 $27,583 $6,907
Sahandaywi Foundation 954608299 $94,966 $3,047,123
Sahaya Foundation 260615533 $0 $0