There are 10,347 nonprofits in Los Angeles, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
Kelsey Family Foundation 954738164 $38,204 $115,775
Kelton Associates 912158575 $0 $0
Ken and Julie Moelis Foundation 256872022 $946,409 $3,537,731
Ken-mar Rescue 261427224 $83,171 $29,261
Kenneth and Elaine O Leventhal Foundation 453195090 $1,640,997 $3,438,120
Kenneth Glenn Family Foundation 954553018 $262,352 $536,147
Kenter Canyon School Parents Support Group 953981416 $1,114,845 $455,776
Kentwood Education Fund 954399208 $89,851 $114,645
Kentwood Players 952500919 $106,276 $242,677
Kerala Dance Theatre 954666802 $0 $0
Keren Chaim Yonah 113595241 $0 $0
Keren Menachem Foundation 274363325 $445 $24,085
Keren Shmuel Efrayim Orthodox Jewish Free Loan Association 262632645 $0 $0
Kerlan-jobe Orthopaedic Foundation 954707606 $984,425 $3,239,854
Keum Gang Temple 273697720 $0 $0
Keum-ran Senior Citizens Association Incorporated 953944073 $834,528 $857,732
Kevin and Suzanne Schon Foundation Incorporated 522254550 $217,619 $1,155,569
Kevin Marcel Morris Foundation 202009622 $1 $1
Khalsa Peace Corps 264601165 $208,881 $23,038
Khandakapala Buddhist Center 954707530 $0 $0
Khmer Community Services of Florida Incorporated 753096754 $1 $1
Khyungdzong Wodsel Ling 264636257 $0 $0
Kibi-america 260293334 $252,693 $26,747
Kid Flicks Incorporated 202321678 $0 $0
Kidney Care Institute Centers for Wellness and Research 273218193 $0 $0
Kids 4 College 262806772 $0 $0
Kids Are 1st 205836910 $60,199 $2,979
Kids Can Help Incorporated 461299894 $0 $0
Kids Enjoy Exercise Now 651262462 $43,603 $363
Kids Fitness Revolution 273259093 $0 $4,000
Kids in Sports 954460204 $1,122,621 $455,432
Kids Progress Incorporated 651169693 $170,394 $67,470
Kids Protectors of the Environment 954827852 $212,912 $61,612
Kids-net Los Angeles Incorporated 421738569 $0 $0
Kidswalk Incorporated 900595688 $61 $4,905
Kim Eung Hwa and Korean Dance Academy 954724483 $0 $0
Kim S Evangelistic Healing Crusade Incorporated 510226902 $0 $0
Kimet - Kuumba in Motion Expressing Transformation 455253321 $0 $0
Kind Campaign 264365882 $36,634 $30,142
Kind Hearts in Action Corporation 352316197 $0 $0
King Educational Foundation 270864845 $16,002 $499
King Size Ideas 954730227 $0 $1
Kingdom Builders Missionary Ministry 263208652 $0 $0
Kingdom Focus International Worship Center 611494175 $0 $0
Kingdom Interdenominational Community Church Incorporated 311681901 $0 $0
Kingdom Mission Association 464573321 $0 $0
Kingdom News Network 954508594 $0 $0
Kingdom of Heaven Ministries Incorporated 453765554 $0 $0
Kingdomworks Sdg Foundation 954714898 $584,046 $4,125,142
Kings Care a Safe Place Incorporated 954621398 $283,618 $123,943
Kinijit Los Angeles Support Anddevelopment Association for 205979436 $0 $0
Kinnara Incorporated 237158649 $0 $0
Kipp La Schools 261607268 $27,881,554 $16,169,287
Kirkeby Foundation 366050460 $587,156 $1,084,189
Kiryat Shemona Foundation Incorporated 352387453 $153,674 $11,187
Kiss-root Philippines Incorporated 753198216 $0 $0
Kite Key Foundation 061518993 $308,876 $445,825
Kitnick Alexander Family Foundation 953963894 $38,582 $2,314
Kitt Crusaders Incorporated 274007806 $0 $0
Kitten Rescue 954670174 $432,907 $549,067
Kitty Bungalow 271297223 $89,825 $43,158
Kiwanis Club of Greater Highland Park Foundation 273184303 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of Los Angeles International Airport Ca Foundatio 800463038 $82,391 $129,432
Kiwanis Foundation of Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Station 956076197 $213,456 $283,124
Kiwanis International 753064685 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 956076196 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 956093761 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 956099128 $40,033 $6,961
Klare Holdings 263878865 $878,501 $8,976,079
Klee Ministry 912159013 $125,104 $288,377
Klm Foundation 954682685 $11,774,573 $39,977,322
Kmc Society 462920523 $0 $0
Knapp Foundation 954416658 $156,811 $105,918
Knights of Columbus 464151553 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 743074210 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 800846774 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237142921 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 300580978 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 800824916 $0 $0
Knights of Vartan Incorporated 237616086 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 950948062 $1,120,518 $2,695,752
Knockstudy 452586511 $0 $0
Knowing Understanding and Serving Humanity Incorporated 352459679 $0 $0
Knowledge Foundation 800965022 $0 $0
Ko-so Foundation 366067643 $0 $386,862
Koa Dance Federation 431961784 $69,613 $22,608
Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation 141970205 $1,035,472 $665,500
Kodo Arts Sphere America 912159425 $111,632 $6,387
Koh Charitable Foundation 201281725 $88,191 $3,672,215
Kohl Feinerman Fam Charitable Trust 06232006 207010878 $72,117 $633,881
Kohn Family Corporation 846036244 $5,748 $300,535
Koinonia John the Baptist 202207140 $0 $0
Koinonia Mission Foundation 954330685 $7,181 $1,333
Kokua Youth Activities Council 760796236 $0 $0
Kol Israel 050625492 $0 $0
Kol Torah Center 462009856 $0 $0
Kol-pol Community Services Incorporated 954793424 $0 $0
Kolb Foundation 953582347 $3,520,532 $9,039,077
Kollel L Mechanchim Zichron Yaakov 954026923 $100,000 $5,000
Kollel-los Angeles 952906949 $1,212,497 $3,139,170
Kon Kuk University Alumni Association of Southern California 270811362 $0 $0
Kong Chow Benevolent Association of Southern California 952160266 $250,588 $1,217,195
Konko Church of Little Tokyo 953509678 $0 $0
Koram United Presbyterian Church Incorporated 953457560 $0 $0
Korea Academy for Educators 141959096 $88,000 $2,242
Korea America Peace Church 953891689 $0 $0
Korea Arts Foundation of America 954217438 $12,714 $102,406
Korea Basketball Association in USA 264411001 $0 $0
Korea Campus Crusade for Christ Incorporated 237097013 $3,536,917 $4,430,369
Korea Council Church in USA 954799779 $0 $0
Korea Creative Content Agency 331062468 $501,326 $143,818
Korea Pilates Instructor Association 453598539 $0 $0
Korea Sah Incorporated 953520816 $0 $0
Korea Special Airborne Combat Association of Southern California 263542994 $0 $0
Korea Town Senior and Community Center Incorporated 202761167 $53,400 $2,424,375
Korea University Alumni Association of Southern California 264343725 $0 $0
Korea Yoga Instructor Association 680678859 $0 $0
Korea-glendale Sister City Association Incorporated 264097978 $0 $0
Korean Acupuncture and Asian Medicine Association in USA 454127790 $47,927 $5,110
Korean Alpine Federation in America 954852552 $0 $0
Korean Alumni of Ucla 352344404 $18,590 $52,366
Korean Amateur Radio Association 954376942 $0 $0
Korean American Bar Association of Southern California 953920559 $89,883 $88,150
Korean American Buddhist Community Service Incorporated 953976262 $8,535 $872
Korean American Buddhist Society 270122986 $0 $0
Korean American Buddhistbroadcasting Service 208149561 $0 $0
Korean American Calligraphy Association U S a 260636686 $0 $0
Korean American Chamber of Commerce Foundation 461352450 $0 $0
Korean American Chamber of Commerce USA 300210554 $72,758 $5,831
Korean American Children Center 952152499 $0 $0
Korean American Coalition 953823437 $370,977 $268,274
Korean American Dance Association 680564114 $0 $0
Korean American Economic Development Center Incorporated 202271667 $132,775 $4,713
Korean American Education Foundation Incorporated 954611649 $790,383 $3,698,689
Korean American Educational Research Center 954287080 $61,465 $565,260
Korean American Family Services Incorporated 953899329 $5,546,459 $1,522,803
Korean American Garment Ind Association 953759354 $145,363 $51,643
Korean American Gospel Broadcasting Company Incorporated 263518417 $0 $0
Korean American Insurance Professional Association 954587632 $62,505 $38,830
Korean American Leadership Foundation 204349451 $94,171 $516,057
Korean American Little Baseball Association 452676068 $0 $0
Korean American Museum Incorporated 954432022 $9,105 $53,916
Korean American Music Foundation 204544129 $38,140 $18,442
Korean American Network International 262557335 $850 $144,019
Korean American News Reporters Association 464407442 $0 $0
Korean American Pharmacist Association of California 954269496 $28,348 $480,473
Korean American Pharmacists Association 261876892 $308,420 $352,121
Korean American Presbyterian Church 953151889 $0 $0
Korean American Psychological Association 452815959 $6,430 $2,010
Korean American Society of Certified Public Accountants Incorporated 202319012 $0 $0
Korean American United Foundation 953663674 $405,659 $1,676,808
Korean American Womens Association 593782665 $138,291 $88,308
Korean American Youth Foundation Incorporated 237292240 $42,683 $206,869
Korean Antioch Christ Church 953105165 $0 $0
Korean Apparel Manufacturers Association Incorporated 954276029 $442,281 $83,351
Korean Ark Mission of Los Angeles 954590833 $0 $0
Korean Azusa Pacific Universityministries Assembly 205951996 $0 $0
Korean Buddhist Chogye Order of America Kwan Um Sa Temple Incorporated 237381352 $262,916 $2,305,319
Korean Buddhist Peace Temple 954042877 $0 $0
Korean Canaan Covenant Church Incorporated 953537176 $0 $0
Korean Catholic Association of Los Angeles 953581890 $355,154 $1,177,414
Korean Catholic Broadcasting Corporation 954691019 $40,640 $25,041
Korean Catholic Disabilities Mission of Southern California 311639779 $0 $0
Korean Central United Methodist Church 510205050 $0 $0
Korean Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles 953997999 $537,377 $243,185
Korean Chapel of Los Angeles 953689187 $0 $0
Korean Choong-shin Church 510166760 $0 $0
Korean Christain Bradcasting Network 954707065 $321,265 $1,274,182
Korean Christian Eden Holy Assembly American L a Eden Central Church 954438474 $0 $0
Korean Christian Mission USA 710897427 $103,706 $31,382
Korean Christian Nah Sung Church 953981089 $0 $0
Korean Christian Press Incorporated 954410864 $234,927 $1,645,043
Korean Christian Womens Federation Incorporated 953665054 $0 $0
Korean Chunbukyo Los Angeles Church 952667872 $0 $0
Korean Churches for Community Developement 030417254 $543,467 $201,373
Korean Community Lawyersassociation 208746656 $0 $0
Korean Covenant Church Los Angeles Ca 952662076 $0 $0
Korean Culture and Language for Hakwon Association in Southern Cal 274222011 $0 $0
Korean Culture Center Incorporated 237200417 $0 $0
Korean Desciples Community Church 954845818 $0 $0
Korean Emmanuel Mission 680580470 $0 $0
Korean Equestrian Association of America Incorporated 953736232 $0 $0
Korean Evangelical Bible Church Incorporated 237149652 $0 $0
Korean Evangelical Church of American 953819260 $511,541 $1,499,760
Korean Evangelical Zion Church 753160351 $0 $0
Korean Faith for Today 203365949 $95,412 $19,369
Korean Federation of Los Angeles 953842560 $461,327 $25,551
Korean Film Council of USA 510633348 $112,454 $8,594
Korean Friendship Bell Preservationcommittee 205017412 $0 $0
Korean Gospel Broadcasting Co 330451487 $3,292,391 $3,544,852
Korean Gospel Broadcasting Network 274710276 $1,271,750 $10,497,652
Korean Gospel Church of America 953465411 $0 $0
Korean Han Sung Church Incorporated 237376213 $0 $0
Korean Health Education Information and Research Center 954074660 $5,027,716 $6,277,715
Korean Heritage Scholarship Foundation 954459495 $15,827 $1,386,275
Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates of Southern California 954392004 $905,921 $375,407
Korean Institute of Southern California 953260609 $1,595,737 $1,910,272
Korean Investors and Traders Association 954576752 $99,215 $9,430
Korean Latino Community Association Incorporated 731720355 $0 $0
Korean Literature Society Ofamerica 208592467 $51,586 $2,559
Korean Love Mission Center 954295514 $0 $0
Korean Medical Association of Southern California 954450701 $78,855 $49,913
Korean Myung Sung Presbyterian Church of Southern California 954616977 $0 $0
Korean National Association Memorial Foundation 200356785 $38,256 $13,907
Korean Needy Children Supporters Association of Southern California 954247560 $64,319 $36,707
Korean New Life Wesleyan Church 954143692 $0 $0
Korean Organ Donor Program California 455615507 $0 $0
Korean Peace Presbyterian Church 311669314 $0 $0
Korean Philharmonic Orchestra Incorporated 954387428 $76,709 $13,182
Korean Real Estate Brokers Association 421583157 $90,924 $36,085
Korean Resource Center Incorporated 953879699 $681,759 $914,270
Korean Royal Church Corporation 237337263 $0 $0
Korean Sae Han Presbyterian Church Corporation 954188925 $0 $0
Korean School Association Incorporated 954655874 $128,675 $6,177
Korean Senior Citizens Association 237400296 $0 $0
Korean Senior Citizens Mutual Club 953786740 $174,364 $621,273
Korean Sung Ahm Presbyterian Church 953751381 $0 $0
Korean Sung Woon Church 953646289 $0 $0
Korean United Christian Church 956140809 $0 $0
Korean United Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles 953782165 $0 $0
Korean Welfare Organizations of America Incorporated 954860217 $0 $0
Korean Western Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles 237351689 $0 $0
Korean Young Buddhist Association of Southern California Incorporated 203826906 $13,104 $15,266
Korean-american Club Incorporated 262826946 $0 $0
Korean-american Presbyterian Church 953081125 $230,806 $201,481
Korean-american Presbyterian Church General Assembly 651232238 $0 $0
Korean-american Seniors Coalition 954763191 $0 $0
Korean-american World Mission 954543868 $0 $0
Koreatown Organizations Association Incorporated 954754419 $921,149 $5,493,460
Koreatown Senior Center 300009076 $204,512 $9,304
Koreatown Youth and Community Center Incorporated 953779389 $5,101,861 $4,310,615
Koreisha Chushoku Kai 952664143 $56,038 $1,127,147
Koren Gospel Light Church 953713407 $0 $0
Kornwasser Charitable Foundation 956091565 $262,178 $4,564,407
Koryo Health Foundation 952897049 $1,355,959 $234,691
Kosher Supervision of America 954563730 $1,522,509 $629,803
Kosmon Church of Religious Science Incorporated 953246596 $0 $0
Kouk Sun Do Incorporated 208655303 $31,825 $8,211
Kounkuey Design Initiative Incorporated 900599471 $636,946 $352,409
Kourt Krew 300644795 $33,243 $491
Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin of Los Angeles 956055879 $466,637 $3,245,350
Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Ensemble Incorporated 954572493 $25,684 $29,276
Krevoy Family Charitable Foundation 954635839 $1 $150
Krimson and Kreme Incorporated 954495388 $0 $0
Krishna Productions 954340878 $0 $0
Krupka Foundation Incorporated 203884554 $454,722 $1,441,332
Ku in Holy Presbyterian Church 954851945 $0 $0
Kujali International 264641235 $177,962 $11,212
Kum Kang Sah Temple Incorporated 954227987 $0 $0
Kung Shiau Cultural Foundation Ksaa Incorporated 161736731 $39,076 $18,391
Kurt Suzuki Family Foundation 454602882 $32,436 $13,236
Kurtzman Family Foundation 954684563 $1,466,025 $2,922,662
Kwan Sun Mu 830418321 $0 $0
Kwang Eun Christian Church 954583168 $0 $0
Kwanza Foundation 237441368 $15,873 $211
Kwanzaa Heritage Foundation 810605101 $0 $0
Kwjm 455303389 $0 $0
Kyma Life Foundation 462262488 $0 $0
Kyunggi Girls Alumnae Association of Southern California 272093102 $50,236 $46,129
Kyunggi High School Alumni Association of Southern California 743054128 $0 $1
L a Artcore Center 953576968 $143,964 $89,863
L a Asian Cultural and Performance Coalition 954798321 $0 $0
L a Buddhist Temple of the Jingaksect 954298583 $159,748 $1,048,390
L a Calvary Korean Church 954595909 $121,933 $19,847
L a Chinatown Firecracker Run Committee Incorporated 954440752 $329,708 $72,702
L a Chiropractic Charity Care Incorporated 461481436 $0 $0
L a Church of the Harvesting 954730436 $0 $0
L a Community Christian Reformed Church 953568493 $0 $0
L a Dance Invitational Incorporated 271378495 $2,795 $24
L a Freewaves 954476207 $184,703 $64,954
L a Full Gospel Central Church 954845821 $0 $0
L a Global Mission Church 043759012 $0 $0
L a Hope Church 954828215 $0 $0
L a Korean Smyrna Church 237429692 $0 $0
L a Mom and Dad Mission 208484019 $0 $0
L a New Beginning Presbyterian Church 273674845 $0 $0
L a New Covenant Church of Korean 954108669 $0 $0
L a New World Church 954450116 $0 $0
L a Open Blessing Church 330376897 $0 $0
L a Pilgrim Church 951683866 $0 $0
L a Praises of Zion Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 954290261 $0 $0
L a Rebellion Rfc Incorporated 204315355 $0 $0
L a Rivers of Living Water Church 330667983 $0 $0
L a S Best 954311058 $20,977,625 $13,088,182
L a Samkwang Evangelical Church 953971502 $0 $0
L a Senior Citizens Society 830413950 $0 $0
L a Seoul Chorale 954831435 $0 $0
L a Southeast Youth Athletic Foundation 261616788 $52,273 $4,892
L a Stage Alliance 510183348 $1,263,659 $386,348
L a Stock Co 953120804 $0 $0
L a Sung Ji Presbyterian Church 954446861 $0 $0
L a Swah School Foundation 954423966 $73,837 $60,100
L a U B Charitable Nonprofit Corporation 954643746 $0 $0
L a Voice 954781974 $724,482 $743,472
L a Works Incorporated 954329727 $438,282 $181,653
L a Worship Church 264007713 $0 $0
L Canon Club Apartments Corporation 311675721 $1,051,818 $5,841,029
L Cruz Foundation 954836173 $59,080 $366,190
L E a P Incorporated 330605493 $1 $1
L Ermitage Foundation 953873924 $53,235 $2,577
L Leroy and Ethel Bell Wright Foundation Und Wright Charitable T 457018121 $1 $1
L Peitzman Perpetual Trust Fbo Morris Animal Foundation 776226715 $276,723 $357,388
L-o Del Mar Holding Incorporated 954488745 $77,708,242 $2,520,350
L-o Mission Palms Incorporated 860693633 $4,871,670 $67,347,918
L-o Vail Holding Incorporated 954534191 $1,032,482 $37,848,353
L-o Westhaven Incorporated 841215162 $540,000 $8,967,294
La 4 Animals Foundation 455014421 $0 $0
La Adoracion Nocturna 912072589 $0 $0
La Antioch Temple Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 237367431 $0 $0
La Bethel Church 593838080 $0 $0
La Blessing Church 203865105 $0 $0
La Brea Community Church 272933970 $0 $0
La Brea-hancock Homeowners Association 954289208 $0 $0
La Charity Dodgeball Incorporated 270197072 $0 $0
La Cienega Lomod Incorporated 953024201 $587,410 $737,746
La Community Mikveh and Educationcenter 208895583 $0 $0
La Community Outreach Center 953710614 $0 $0
La Contemporary Dance 161728156 $99,992 $4,622
La County Fire Department First Reponders College Fund 260439042 $354,154 $450,699
La County Sheriffs Childrens College Scholarship Fund 205474384 $338,437 $350,455
La Crescenta Korean Foursquare Church 912166399 $0 $0
La Disciple Church 760741412 $150,172 $66,178
La Economia De Dios 954546108 $0 $0
La Familia Human Services Incorporated 953663178 $405,345 $236,175
La Flag Football 264605035 $0 $0
La Fundraiser the Reality Show 300485255 $0 $0
La Gloria De Dios Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostes 830370364 $0 $0
La Hansarang Church 912166335 $0 $0
La Health and Wellness Educational Initiative Incorporated 274644605 $0 $0
La Iglesia Sobre La Roca Incorporated 273188406 $0 $0
La Jesus Church 954117679 $0 $0
La Jesus Grace Church 262988562 $0 $0
La Jesus Village Church 731696267 $0 $0
La Jungto Society 954761958 $193,347 $778,374
La Kretz Family Foundation 954677000 $100,570 $4,542,506
La Le Sa Incorporated 455002488 $0 $0
La Maum Center 208720689 $192,608 $267,150
La Mission Chretienne Dhaiti 954433904 $0 $1
La Namseoul Grace Church 721584600 $0 $0
La Natural Health Association 461390088 $0 $0
La New Central Methodist Church 454354410 $0 $0
La New Times Western School Incorporated 912143472 $0 $0
La Nueva Jerusalem Asambleas De Dios 371520488 $0 $0
La on Cloud9 464560088 $0 $0
La Open Door Presbyterian Church 954418320 $0 $0
La Pena De Horeb-pentecostal Church 954207723 $0 $0
La Providencia Guild of Childrens Hospital of L a 956128178 $228,378 $40,445
La Reserva Forest Foundation 263595528 $0 $0
La Santa Cruz Lutheran Church 953912434 $0 $0
La Societe Francaise De Bienfaisance Mutuelle De Los Angel 950752720 $1,363,882 $21,134,085
La Soongsil Ob Mens Choir 043657291 $0 $0
La True Light Church 273258324 $0 $0
La Vision Church a Religious Corporation 272099623 $0 $0
La Western Church 203219869 $0 $0
La Woman Incorporated 383859607 $0 $0
La Woori Community Church 264530320 $286,013 $22,600
La-mas Incorporated 383886677 $0 $0
La84 Foundation 953792725 $12,168,523 $139,555,111
Laaco Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association Trust 954094336 $337,058 $324,528
Labc Institute 271485429 $329,200 $114,816
Labor Community Strategy Center 954201669 $2,330,823 $1,919,435
Labor Food and Emergency Program of Los Angeles Incorporated 954147259 $249,434 $248,381
Labor for Christ Ministry 951417375 $0 $0
Labor Management Compliance Council 611669367 $621,021 $393,353
Labor United for Universal Healthcare 010965467 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 950918060 $8,055,333 $24,128,415
Laborers International Union of North America 237261979 $1,747,897 $1,082,087
Laborers International Union of North America 521907036 $4,071,857 $2,572,934
Laborers International Union of North America 956120631 $885,581 $354,184
Laborers Local 300 Scholarship Fund 954618638 $74,491 $237,892
Labowe Family Foundation Incorporated 571236049 $2,000 $10,464
Lacer Afterschool Programs 953890819 $1,631,757 $421,254
Lacosepa 571153183 $9,066 $9,670
Ladderhouse Pharmacy Rx Incorporated 461723889 $0 $0
Ladera Heights Civic Association 954328191 $0 $48,372
Ladera Senior Association 460506006 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 953287210 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 954430158 $0 $0
Ladies of Charity of St Vincent De Paul 952385695 $145,012 $1,106,586
Ladies Rock Foundation 455330156 $0 $0
Ladiesoflosangeles Org 454036924 $0 $0
Lady Between the Lines Art Agency 954626073 $0 $0
Lady Bug Ministry 300248346 $0 $0
Lady Effies Foundation Incorporated 721589406 $0 $0
Lady Phantoms Cheerleading Team 262593883 $0 $0
Ladylike Foundation 611552251 $0 $0
Ladys Secret Foundation 306069840 $570,790 $875,540
Laemmle Theatres Charitable Foundation 954796405 $512,842 $1,395,708
Lagrant Foundation 954657088 $599,934 $2,099,312
Lahkff Corp 954757314 $881,253 $118,142
Lake Arrowhead Gallery and Museum of Art 208358010 $0 $0
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated 950920245 $458,254 $9,914
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated 951654769 $580,100 $64,433
Lambda Literary Foundation 521996380 $350,920 $55,031
Lamp Incorporated 953993742 $6,220,172 $6,068,938
Lamp Presbyterian Church of Southern California 274595268 $0 $0
Lamp-on Presbyterian Church 270778839 $0 $0
Landscape Irrigation and Lawn Sprinkl Industry Health and Welfare Trust Fund 954418990 $642,796 $2,400,599
Lao Lions Club Foundation 770624342 $56,132 $24,947
Lapd 77th Street Charitable Foundation 274045195 $34,000 $66,661
Lapd Community Youth Welfare and Education Fund 300655367 $604,625 $979,895
Lapd Cops for Tots 260621842 $371 $15,244
Lapd Newton Pal 352388426 $0 $0
Lapd Southwest Buisness Booster Association Incorporated 270889800 $8,860 $231
Lapt Incorporated 954800215 $0 $0
Larchmont Boulevard Association 956195771 $37,846 $83,412
Larchmont Schools 571206928 $9,988,514 $4,137,816
Larchmont Village Property Owners Association 954687714 $121,535 $45,782
Larry David Foundation Incorporated 262877564 $24 $289,889
Larry Elder Charities Incorporated 954695234 $0 $15,268
Larta Institute 954609347 $785,287 $1,535,185
Las Angeles St James Missionary Baptist Church Corporation 954087713 $0 $0
Las Angelitas Del Pueblo 953106656 $0 $0
Las Cienegas Projects 451451515 $14,100 $6,799
Las Familias Del Pueblo 953660735 $434,761 $329,383
Las Madrinas 951959907 $931,145 $618,475
Las Primeras Guild of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 956121928 $0 $123
Las Promise 204562686 $3,620,424 $575,302
Lashon Academy 901013840 $0 $5,236
Laskar Foundation Incorporated 274372973 $216,520 $348,211
Last Call La Incorporated 300534458 $0 $1
Last Chance for Animals 954013155 $1,746,793 $584,332
Lasting Actions 272527715 $0 $0
Lasung World Evangelical Church 954320590 $0 $0
Latin American Basketball League of Los Angeles California 953944854 $0 $0
Latin American Christian Missionary Incorporated 954235314 $0 $0
Latin American Council of Christian Churches 742193097 $0 $0
Latin American Law Enforcementassociation Laley Foundation 260647566 $3,002 $10,901
Latin Business Association Incorporated 953256245 $433,529 $5,364
Latin Business Association Institute 954666838 $10,000 $1,684
Latin Business Chamber of Greater Los Angeles 262949736 $20,929 $7,276
Latin-american Cinemateca of Los Angeles 954784470 $40,704 $6,781
Latina Dance Project 850326156 $0 $0
Latina Lawyers Bar Association 311602404 $89,628 $38,116
Latinart-com 200204818 $24,075 $2,302
Latino Business Chamber of Greater Los Angeles Foundation Incorporated 262949706 $444,702 $77,340
Latino Caucus for Public Health 272348081 $0 $0
Latino Comp 203935900 $86,577 $43,189
Latino Initiatives for the New Century Incorporated 800062567 $0 $1
Latino Museum History Art and Culture 954259970 $1,065,120 $1,542,086
Latino Producers Action Network Incorporated 261226155 $9,344 $39
Latino Social Justice Foundation 202559356 $108,637 $1,200,753
Latino Theater Company 954572361 $1,023,431 $6,097,764
Latinos for Dental Careers 261401476 $0 $0
Latvian Daugavas Vanagi of Southern Calif Welfare Association Incorporated 954240290 $0 $0
Launch Productions Incorporated 272633707 $154,169 $14,825
Laura and Harvey Alpert Foundation 205186485 $78,228 $78,862
Laurance Family Foundation 266005102 $666,247 $1,826,952
Laurel Place West Hollywood Incorporated 300234285 $229,550 $8,964,840
Lauren and Richard King Charitable Trust 266838523 $925,829 $1,008,934
Laurence Family Foundation 311705920 $11,781 $774
Laurie David Foundation Incorporated 262687531 $15,969 $365,957
Lavelle Youth Homes 912018634 $479,468 $4,773
Lawrence C Ng Family Foundation 271420338 $446,000 $455,442
Lawrence Gordon Family Foundation 954690513 $1,466,790 $1,397,101
Laws Support Center 010640452 $136,847 $1
Lawyers for Equal Justice 205337918 $0 $0
Laxart 202911916 $997,203 $196,633
Lay Mission Helpers Association 522407129 $580,337 $856,325
Ld Dyna Foundation Incorporated 455594580 $0 $0
Ldor Vdor 830442428 $225 $1,466
Le Lycee Francais De Los Angeles 952404136 $34,451,700 $83,151,115
Leaders Causing Leaders Ltd 272012894 $70,774 $338
Leadership and Education Fund for the Betterment of Women Incorporated 954736457 $0 $0
Leadership Education for Asian Pacific Incorporated 953879677 $1,194,323 $463,176
Leadership Excellence Accelerating Potential Foundation 261809669 $658,911 $231,024
League of Allied Arts Corporation 510172517 $18,954 $33,281
League of Women Voters of Los Angeles 951542406 $204,693 $262,126
League of Women Voters of Los Angeles Education Fund 953972988 $377,483 $384,113
Learning Enrichment After-school Program Incorporated 201734414 $1,742,828 $344,464
Learning Rights Law Center 830434929 $1,152,411 $539,346
Learning to Learn Incorporated 912145972 $0 $0
Lebanese American Foundation Incorporated 270974463 $0 $1
Lebanese American Foundation Incorporated 954766317 $334,771 $5,008,756
Lebanese Collegiate Network 743222273 $0 $0
Lebowitz Foundation 463125936 $0 $0
Ledes Oversight Committee 954851814 $0 $0
Lee and Herman Ostrow Family Foundation 010734263 $419,772 $1,757,139
Lee and Lawrence J Ramer Family Foundation 954203784 $1,089 $47,207
Lee Graff Foundation 954252561 $1,731,330 $2,830,071
Legacy Charter Schools Incorporated 202973666 $0 $113,088
Legacy La Youth Development Corporation 010960970 $492,056 $213,342
Legacy Preservation Foundation 300390346 $0 $0
Legacy Xxi Institute 113657257 $1 $10
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles 951684067 $19,350,475 $18,754,085
Legend Lady 330850503 $0 $0
Lennox Family Foundation 201886915 $1,702,920 $1,848,753
Lenny Kravitz Foundation 272984544 $0 $157,538
Lenny Krayzelburg Foundation 200037219 $11,169 $2,053
Leo Baeck Temple 951916026 $0 $0
Leo Sullivan Multimedia Foundation 800386029 $0 $0
Leonetti Oconnell Family Foundation 203889415 $6,659,030 $41,122,654
Leopold S Wyler Family Foundation 953188555 $101,185 $197,378
Les Amies Incorporated 562676806 $93,125 $26,891
Les Dames 330890576 $0 $0
Les Figues Press 204068256 $95,912 $65,997
Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association of Los Angeles 953958662 $69,399 $61,701
Lesbian and Gay Psychotherapy Association 911951837 $0 $0
Lesedi Wholistic Learning and Healing Environments Lwlhe 841641505 $0 $0
Leslie and Susan Gonda Foundation 954197904 $36,000 $4,492
Leslie E Learned Trust 41l001009 Kpmg Trust Tax Services 956060161 $113,952 $282,106
Lespoir Community Developement Corporation 453186261 $0 $0
Lets Play Hollywood Foundation 201185305 $0 $1
Levantine Center 912156607 $112,552 $1,800
Levin Family Foundation 113158926 $1 $1
Levite Line 800304275 $0 $0
Levitt and Quinn Family Law Center 954016750 $927,925 $894,649
Lewis and Muriel Jackson Family Foundation 954837466 $1 $218,650
Lewis Metropolitan Academy Incorporated 010615193 $0 $0
Leyte-samar Association 954515885 $0 $0
Lgbtq Youth Performances Incorporated 463523405 $0 $0
Lhundrup Choling Center 264228049 $0 $0
Liberal Arts 677 Benevolent Foundation Incorporated 952086794 $72,999 $109,100
Liberian American Community Organization Incorporated 954766647 $0 $0
Liberty Baptist Church 956102240 $0 $0
Liberty Church of God in Christ 953882753 $0 $0
Liberty Hill Foundation 510181191 $12,554,172 $14,305,772
Liberty Social Services 900776027 $0 $0
Liberty Worship Center Incorporated 954351799 $0 $0
Library Foundation of Los Angeles 954368250 $15,396,086 $35,261,266
Life After Uncivil Ruthless Acts Incorporated 900852292 $0 $0
Life and Light Church 954892656 $0 $0
Life Choir Incorporated 953618771 $0 $0
Life Community Service Center 954341744 $102,656 $435
Life Enrichment Worldwide Ministries 270955733 $29,826 $650
Life Group La Incorporated 260240301 $98,969 $65,325
Life Quality Resources 275319849 $0 $0
Lifedriven Foundation Incorporated 061789197 $104,794 $9,244
Lifelines for Charities Incorporated 113666485 $0 $0
Lifesigns Now 954044564 $2,695,223 $1,710,142
Lifespan Learning Institute 954428613 $165,047 $218,764
Lifeway Connection Center 452576545 $0 $0
Lifting Up the Name of Jesus L U N J 300231640 $0 $0
Light and Salt Church 202210404 $0 $0
Light House Church of Deliverance Incorporated 330294052 $0 $0
Light of Grace Mission Church 753107036 $0 $0
Light of Life Church 954860694 $0 $0
Lighthouse 510433227 $0 $0
Lighthouse Community Outreach Incorporated 953899609 $0 $0
Lighthouse Mission Church Corporation 953890459 $0 $0
Lights Camera Cure Corp 463005523 $0 $0
Lilac Ridge Incorporated 200368537 $0 $190
Lillian Mobley Multipurpose Center 953987555 $57,675 $1
Lillian Peitzman Perpetual Trust 776226716 $281,333 $358,080
Lillies Care Circle 274226592 $0 $0
Lilly Grove Full Gospel Church 311775839 $0 $0
Lily Pearl Foundation 205824277 $26,003 $1,271,292
Lim Ruger Foundation 870776905 $12,042 $9,594
Lime House Senior Housing Incorporated 954583274 $269,605 $2,887,745
Limmudla 260170470 $132,188 $34,656
Limpopo Art Lessons and Adventures 271230109 $0 $0
Lims Dream Foundation 276662545 $400,000 $1,058,090
Lincoln Family Life Center 954861868 $125,375 $66,906
Lincoln Heights Benefit Association of Los Angeles 611588413 $666,809 $810,603
Lincoln Heights Chamber of Commerce 953389180 $140,653 $44,605
Lincoln Heights Education Project Incorporated 453633205 $0 $0
Lincoln Heights Tutorial Program 954682502 $249,191 $3,754
Lincoln Heights Youth Association 954460000 $35,458 $1,598
Linda and Peter Schlesinger Foundation 203014455 $27,500 $1
Linden Center 953630047 $1,497,525 $286,109
Links Incorporated 953422352 $42,219 $49,549
Links Incorporated 956120490 $85,473 $33,251
Lionel Richie Foundation 273522456 $1 $103,497
Lippman Family Foundation 274204823 $4,101,512 $6,353,535
Lipstickangels 454295840 $57,421 $42,565
Lirios De Los Valles Asamblea De Dios 260074374 $0 $0
Lisa Tunstall Ministries Incorporated 270187406 $25,726 $1,124
Listen Dream and Think 421530446 $500 $175
Literary Pool Incorporated 912143627 $0 $0
Lithuanian Heritage Society 450934885 $0 $0
Lithuanian Melodies Incorporated 953061220 $9,742 $29,664
Little Chapel Community Church 953374319 $0 $0
Little Christian People Daycare 912054365 $83,302 $73
Little Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 954382793 $0 $0
Little Flower Center 956122864 $0 $0
Little Jesus Family L a Incorporated 954807905 $121,395 $410,120
Little League Baseball Incorporated 954719861 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 954402215 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 383853638 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237030947 $303,725 $87,477
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237252268 $108,445 $65,613
Little League Baseball Incorporated 956156383 $106,918 $21,751
Little League Baseball Incorporated 953514074 $37,442 $56
Little League Baseball Incorporated 953666845 $375,630 $276,090
Little People Big Dreams 453003394 $0 $0
Little People Day Care Center Incorporated 954864532 $15,877 $22,956
Little Red Violin Incorporated 455313117 $0 $0
Little Tokyo Businessmens Association 237211984 $408,281 $223,952
Little Tokyo Community Council 200258503 $0 $0
Little Tokyo Community Gymnasium 954589362 $0 $0
Little Tokyo Historical Society 453340448 $0 $0
Little Tokyo Nutrition Services 760794434 $250,752 $7,196
Little Tokyo Public Safety Association 954416163 $71,602 $45,763
Little Tokyo Service Center Incorporated 953451280 $355,868 $1,603,533
Little Village Nursery School Incorporated 951714019 $461,454 $544,100
Litus Foundation 270351837 $0 $0
Litvack Family Foundation 261366569 $130,347 $110,232
Live Arts Group 954310083 $0 $0
Live for the Cure Incorporated 900671729 $7,000 $7,000
Live to Love Foundation USA 263069538 $461,057 $1
Lively Stone Apostolic Church Incorporated 680318500 $0 $0
Living Advantage Incorporated 954447561 $92,692 $8,903
Living Arts Fund 273820856 $0 $0
Living Bread Co 461240149 $0 $0
Living Bread Mission 203767567 $0 $0
Living by the Word Ministries 954620432 $0 $0
Living Epistle International 204434770 $0 $0
Living Faith Presbyterian Church 461052062 $0 $0
Living for Christ Ministries 954545954 $0 $0
Living Fountains World Outreach Center 954585772 $0 $0
Living Gospel Church 952980567 $0 $0
Living Gospel Fellowship Deliverance Churches 237276317 $0 $0
Living Legends Foundation 954419514 $3,788 $119,079
Living Love Christian Science in Action Incorporated 273496127 $0 $0
Living Running Wells of Life International Outreach Ministries 330840092 $1,700 $1
Living Through Giving Foundation 800928421 $0 $0
Living Truth Christian Fellowship 954206704 $0 $0
Living Vine of Jesus Christ Ministries 320354153 $0 $0
Living Water Faith Center 954089918 $0 $0
Living Water Outreach Ministries 954700234 $0 $0
Living Water Presbyterian Church 020644487 $0 $0
Living Water Women Ministries 352217325 $8,503 $45
Living Waters Charismatic Outreach Incorporated 954214365 $113,453 $27,777
Living Waters- West L a 161766115 $0 $0
Living Way 860890471 $714,457 $93,369
Living Way Comunity Church 954791901 $0 $0
Living Way Faith Center Incorporated 953944151 $0 $0
Living Word Community Church 912002049 $0 $0
Lloyd E Rigler-lawrence E Deutsch Foundation 956155653 $14,563,590 $63,914,645
Local 47 Musicians Foundation 208651634 $70,174 $91,640
Location Managers Guild of America 320100226 $65,114 $122,513
Loft Ensemble 452390621 $57,442 $2,928
Logia Espana Branch of the American Theosophical Society 421710022 $0 $0
Logos Korean Methodist Church 954642790 $158,370 $50,331
Logos Mission Church of Koreans Incorporated 953477355 $0 $0
Logos Mission in USA 954707547 $0 $0
Lomod Bunker Hill Housing Development Corp 953340538 $0 $0
London Bridge Wellness Foundation 300596736 $0 $0
Long Beach Emmanuel Foursquare Church 953805567 $0 $0
Long Beach Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 760822807 $396,124 $14,480,993
Long-term Care Workers Health Trust Fund 204570305 $11,984,164 $11,563,843
Longoria Institute 954511488 $0 $0
Loong Kong Tien Yee Association 237442121 $120,907 $197,340
Lord Foundation of California University of Southern California 953168340 $1,723,314 $16,808,118
Lord Jesus Love Church 461059057 $0 $0
Lord of Harvest Assembly of God 954288980 $0 $0
Lords Church International Incorporated 522452124 $0 $0
Lords Gym at the La Dream Center Incorporated 432080621 $98,171 $2,708
Lords House of Prayer Reformed Baptist Church 954385229 $0 $0
Lords Willing Workers 900648052 $0 $0
Loretta Livingston and Dancers 953996049 $0 $0
Lorraine Sheinberg Foundation 954079661 $12,939 $74,605
Los Amigos of the East Los Angeles Library 272201293 $37,895 $13,003
Los Angeles 2020 462550594 $0 $0
Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise 542170689 $3,328,654 $1,278,776
Los Angeles Adventist Academy 951816027 $0 $0
Los Angeles African American Womens Public Policy Institute 204782980 $104,751 $68,269
Los Angeles Air Cargo Association 800490359 $64,265 $14,830
Los Angeles Air Cargo Service Managers Association 954249703 $0 $0
Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association 953798824 $828,720 $130,511
Los Angeles Airport Police Athletics and Activities League 900604757 $3,090 $5,424
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy 954459427 $4,220,817 $3,468,616
Los Angeles Alpha House Foundation 954178697 $0 $0
Los Angeles Alpha Tau Omega Building Association 956076229 $185,148 $539,836
Los Angeles Alumnae Panhellenic Association 320300572 $0 $0
Los Angeles Alumni Association of Grambling University Incorporated 461770863 $0 $0
Los Angeles Alumni Chapter Foundation Incorporated 274130146 $0 $0
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce 950947860 $6,045,580 $7,030,816
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation 952597392 $3,281,080 $1,261,704
Los Angeles Art Association 956072782 $402,808 $64,183
Los Angeles Arts Alliance 452936521 $0 $0
Los Angeles Arts and Athletics Alliance 271873120 $317,495 $2,979
Los Angeles Association of Black Personnel 954590611 $123,067 $664,358
Los Angeles Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors 950936030 $0 $0
Los Angeles Astronomical Society Incorporated 953304031 $0 $0
Los Angeles Audubon Society Incorporated 956093704 $478,988 $508,793
Los Angeles Ballet Incorporated 201819852 $2,468,695 $305,116
Los Angeles Bangjoo Church 330363094 $0 $0
Los Angeles Basketry Guild 954828281 $0 $0
Los Angeles Belmont High School Alumni Association 954397272 $19,283 $122,027
Los Angeles Bible Training School 956192418 $366,565 $1,045,462
Los Angeles Blood Bought Church 870743394 $0 $0
Los Angeles Boyle Heights Church of the Nazarene 953469151 $0 $0
Los Angeles Boys and Girls Club 237304197 $845,226 $1,686,540
Los Angeles Boys and Girls Club Foundation 953424497 $0 $534,025
Los Angeles Breakfast Club 950947510 $118,758 $200,662
Los Angeles Breakfast Club Foundation 237014792 $386,878 $678,503
Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade - Black United Fund Incorporated 952543819 $5,262,171 $3,902,254
Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation 510176314 $0 $0
Los Angeles Buddhist Coordinating Council 237070089 $63,004 $96,595
Los Angeles C a C a Community Action 421617205 $0 $0
Los Angeles Cable Television Access Corporation 954521370 $1,083,469 $563,650
Los Angeles Cares Mentoring Movement 510667718 $0 $0
Los Angeles Catholic Korean Apostolate 953724888 $0 $0
Los Angeles Center for Affordable Tenant Housing 954451061 $286,226 $112,830
Los Angeles Center for Economic Survival 953513925 $33,273 $362,495
Los Angeles Center for Independent Living Incorporated 953927732 $3,820 $1
Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice 952690540 $1,978,654 $884,328
Los Angeles Central City Church of the Nazarene 954382738 $0 $0
Los Angeles Central Methodist Church 954318466 $0 $0
Los Angeles Chairmen Adaptive Sports Foundation 113700657 $0 $0
Los Angeles Chamber Ballet Incorporated 953683452 $183,570 $90,140
Los Angeles Chamber Singers Incorporated 931092012 $44,243 $5,559
Los Angeles Changjeon Presbyterian Church 954454153 $0 $0
Los Angeles Channels Incorporated 954346746 $0 $0
Los Angeles Chapter 953030658 $0 $0
Los Angeles Chapter of Cpcu Society 954762171 $0 $0
Los Angeles Chapter of Lambda Alpha 237153271 $0 $0
Los Angeles Chapter of the Amer Prod and Invntry Cntrl Society Incorporated 953887655 $56,653 $64,609
Los Angeles Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrator 954626147 $309,436 $99,477
Los Angeles Chapter of the National Black Mba Association 954703044 $30,755 $25,649
Los Angeles Chew Lun Association Scholarship Fund Charitable Trust 956996098 $7,354 $168,885
Los Angeles Chew Lun Benevolent Association Incorporated 954360312 $22,733 $6,179
Los Angeles Child Development Center 953222295 $381,615 $446,248
Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic 951690974 $17,806,911 $27,332,922
Los Angeles Chinatown Business Council 951476343 $1,367,694 $151,410
Los Angeles Choreographers and Dancers Incorporated 953509028 $99,934 $4,598
Los Angeles Christian Health Centers 954315734 $6,141,925 $1,577,759
Los Angeles Christian Mutual Assistance Foundation 954588979 $1,740,912 $2,456,430
Los Angeles Christian Presbyterian Church 953090232 $0 $0
Los Angeles Church of Religious Science 954196668 $0 $0
Los Angeles Church of Shinshu-kai Kyodan Tenkokyo Mission 956116582 $0 $0
Los Angeles City College Foundation 956207819 $5,775,698 $8,902,796
Los Angeles City Employees Association 951667955 $13,704,097 $6,604,674
Los Angeles City Employees Charities 454735809 $0 $0
Los Angeles City Historical Society 510205396 $0 $0
Los Angeles Civic Center Public Partnership 954758060 $0 $0
Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator 454998717 $0 $0
Los Angeles Clippers Foundation 954493310 $1,501,860 $1,408,020
Los Angeles Club of the Deaf Incorporated 952262005 $0 $0
Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness 954304629 $69,170 $21,597
Los Angeles College Prep 900819656 $14,400 $5,782
Los Angeles Communities Advocating for Unity Social Justice and Action 320150097 $838,377 $241,947
Los Angeles Community Capital 460572689 $157,630 $871
Los Angeles Community Eruv 953287926 $70,269 $8,937
Los Angeles Community Garden Council 311734705 $128,719 $76,661
Los Angeles Compensation and Benefits Association 954160606 $0 $0
Los Angeles Computer Society 954392990 $0 $0
Los Angeles Conservancy 953273046 $3,421,078 $3,899,271
Los Angeles Conservation Corps 954002138 $24,531,371 $13,726,895
Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions Incorporated 953397305 $468,111 $155,384
Los Angeles Cotillion Charitable Trust 953325953 $256,833 $254,013
Los Angeles Council of Black Professional Engineers 237115842 $50,716 $55,800
Los Angeles Council of Korean Churches 954822611 $0 $0
Los Angeles Council of Ski Clubs Incorporated 953901992 $199,074 $79,663
Los Angeles Country Club 950948160 $20,861,776 $28,056,196
Los Angeles County African American Employees Association 264715547 $0 $0
Los Angeles County Alliance of Black School Educators 912144096 $0 $0
Los Angeles County Bar Association 950947340 $10,597,202 $10,954,442
Los Angeles County Bar Association Dispute Resolution Services Incorporated 954121211 $1,753,529 $90,484
Los Angeles County Bar Association Projects Incorporated 953998111 $782,341 $140,033
Los Angeles County Bar Foundation 952555546 $328,745 $1,667,192
Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition 954845170 $656,609 $176,347
Los Angeles County Business Federation 260295348 $803,350 $24,816
Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leaseing Corporation 953842689 $3,486,866 $81,891,370
Los Angeles County Chapter of the Assesing Officers 953887481 $0 $0
Los Angeles County Children and Families First-prop 10 Commission 954790146 $0 $0
Los Angeles County Developmental Service Foundation 953374648 $124,904,183 $16,011,610
Los Angeles County Education Foundation 954592684 $1,144,910 $3,944,358
Los Angeles County Filipino American Emp Association 510195484 $0 $0
Los Angeles County Fire Department Explorer Program 010861306 $71,441 $75,306
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts Alumni Association 200827875 $0 $0
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts Foundation 953938009 $3,234,543 $6,155,267
Los Angeles County Medical Association 950948250 $1,464,597 $4,036,501
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation 956132185 $92,796,696 $282,932,851
Los Angeles County Schools of Nursing Alumni Association 481270687 $0 $0
Los Angeles County Usc Medical Center Auxiliary 237036745 $1,532,751 $1,455,212
Los Angeles County-univ of Southern Ca Medical Center Foundation 954192908 $10,356,356 $9,715,705
Los Angeles Crime Stoppers 900451471 $0 $0
Los Angeles Dance Foundation 953203023 $0 $0
Los Angeles Deacons Charities 760761445 $0 $0
Los Angeles Demos Youth Sports Club Association Incorporated 352415944 $0 $0
Los Angeles Dental Society 950734614 $385,246 $833,426
Los Angeles Dental Society Foundation 954613314 $4,636 $83,875
Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys Foundation 271274137 $0 $0
Los Angeles District Disaster and Emergency Relief Association 954460463 $1,636 $84,858
Los Angeles Dong San Church Corporation 954413453 $0 $0
Los Angeles Downtown Arts District Space 470939543 $135,209 $261,248
Los Angeles Drama Club Incorporated 273546756 $88,030 $8,570
Los Angeles Eagle Rock Church of the Nazarene 952880863 $0 $0
Los Angeles East Spanish Church of the Nazarene 954714991 $0 $0
Los Angeles Echo Park Church of the Nazarene 953893156 $0 $0
Los Angeles Education Partnership 953909218 $4,926,815 $1,598,085
Los Angeles Educational and Sports Enterprises Incorporated 412098174 $0 $0
Los Angeles El Sereno Spanish Church of the Nazarene 953247846 $0 $0
Los Angeles Elysian Park Spanish Church of the Nazarene 954714949 $0 $0
Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation 263378460 $0 $0
Los Angeles Family Law Help Center 261252578 $12,050 $0
Los Angeles Family School 952825348 $1,254,788 $931,650
Los Angeles Faro De Luz Foursquare Church 911925868 $0 $0
Los Angeles Federal Bar Legal Education Foundation 954326224 $0 $0
Los Angeles Federal Bar Medal of Valor Foundation 954326223 $0 $0
Los Angeles Film Society 841639868 $0 $0
Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation 272007326 $786,239 $629,183
Los Angeles Fire Department Historical Society 954680410 $287,584 $2,463,972
Los Angeles Fire Department Scholarship Fund 205474305 $334,225 $403,355
Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association 951647833 $108,447,557 $134,149,791
Los Angeles First Bulgarian Foursquare Church 542073610 $0 $0
Los Angeles First English Church of the Nazarene 951744355 $0 $0
Los Angeles First Preschool Education Center Incorporated 954601865 $905,682 $164,192
Los Angeles Foundation on Aging 134334980 $84,195 $462,992
Los Angeles Free Clinic 952539105 $19,556,501 $21,799,555
Los Angeles Free Clinic Hollywood Center Endowment Corporation 954323238 $405,677 $1,185,611
Los Angeles Friends of Tibet 954367399 $0 $0
Los Angeles Frontrunners 953613187 $0 $0
Los Angeles Fund for Public Education 452443162 $1,338,312 $1,769,504
Los Angeles Garden Club Incorporated 208463446 $0 $0
Los Angeles Geeta Ramayan Mandali 954219129 $43,596 $435,455
Los Angeles General Police Officers Association 263476811 $97,850 $125,429
Los Angeles Golden Church 237172311 $0 $0
Los Angeles Grace Assembly 953658547 $0 $0
Los Angeles Grace Church of the Nazarene 952498625 $0 $0
Los Angeles Grace Mission Korean 954682958 $0 $0
Los Angeles Great Faith Church La Gfc 272078536 $399,183 $188,142
Los Angeles Great Presbyterian Church 954827351 $0 $0
Los Angeles Greater Holy Tabernacle Church in Christ 953891348 $120,802 $0
Los Angeles Greater New Bethel Church of God in Christ Mission 953800530 $8,000 $1,968
Los Angeles Headquarters City Development Association 953415625 $90,670 $4,026
Los Angeles Hepatitis Foundation 464328507 $0 $0
Los Angeles High School Alumni Association 237048953 $26,480 $39,490
Los Angeles High School Historical Society 010938209 $9,234 $1,249
Los Angeles Highland Park Church of the Nazarene 953024741 $0 $0
Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation 954164089 $18,679 $15,022
Los Angeles Home Church 954634556 $0 $0
Los Angeles Hope Presbyterian Church 870730901 $0 $0
Los Angeles House Church of Christ Incorporated 953499040 $0 $0
Los Angeles House of Ruth 953411454 $849,369 $1,133,125
Los Angeles Housing Partnership Incorporated 954238596 $677,064 $17,530,334
Los Angeles Immanuel Mission Church 460493135 $0 $0
Los Angeles Indonesian Foursquare Church 912155448 $0 $0
Los Angeles Infrastructure Academy 260746719 $1,000,103 $275,394
Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies 952873479 $479,015 $226,574
Los Angeles Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous Incorporated 954129283 $77,602 $89,144
Los Angeles International Charter High School 721567349 $1,892,928 $1,000,172
Los Angeles Iowa Club 954072954 $0 $0
Los Angeles Islamic Center 753264539 $0 $0
Los Angeles Jets Track Club 953555059 $218,344 $2,495
Los Angeles Jewish Fund 954519638 $401,449 $3,484,294
Los Angeles Junior Chamber of 956051006 $172,520 $900,570
Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce 950949880 $25,830 $236,726
Los Angeles Korean 1st Presbyterian Church Corporation 954296709 $0 $0
Los Angeles Korean Central Church 260415694 $0 $0
Los Angeles Korean Church of God 954600314 $0 $0
Los Angeles Korean Methodist Church Incorporated 953510737 $0 $0
Los Angeles La Puerta Abierta Foursquare Church 954402952 $0 $0
Los Angeles Ladies Bikur Cholim 953120316 $76,259 $12,446
Los Angeles Lawyers Philharmonic 300607559 $103,541 $37,036
Los Angeles Ldc Incorporated 953532380 $238,422 $5,385,714
Los Angeles Leadership Academy 954862553 $7,696,090 $9,992,369
Los Angeles Leather Coalitionincorporated 208354710 $25,243 $1,200
Los Angeles Lgbt Center 953567895 $69,373,678 $57,522,532
Los Angeles Lomod Corporation 953033333 $393,478,936 $28,120,784
Los Angeles Lomod Owensmouth Incorporated 953024203 $0 $1
Los Angeles Lomod South Incorporated 953024192 $8,614,152 $22,259,193
Los Angeles Lomod West Incorporated 953024184 $0 $1
Los Angeles Master Chorale Association 952315682 $5,728,481 $4,872,956
Los Angeles Medical Center Foundation 061701801 $1,400 $425
Los Angeles Meeting Rooms Incorporated 954456677 $0 $0
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Association 954597155 $3,014,648 $1,260,222
Los Angeles Metropolitan Debate Commission 273388731 $124,481 $34,295
Los Angeles Metropolitan Hispanic Foursquare Church 900546765 $0 $0
Los Angeles Metropolitian Churches 954547514 $118,945 $39,559
Los Angeles Minerva Foundation 954694129 $60,389 $746,212
Los Angeles Mission Church of Hope 954508597 $0 $0
Los Angeles Mission Incorporated 953134049 $12,286,841 $32,985,449
Los Angeles Model Railroad Society 954547529 $31,361 $145,084
Los Angeles Mongolian Association 205123258 $0 $0
Los Angeles Multi-purpose Program 954382104 $0 $0
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Associates 953131408 $21,110 $31,788
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Martyrs Memorial 460503824 $2,621,899 $20,184,784
Los Angeles Music and Art School 956001948 $706,320 $2,494,958
Los Angeles Musical Salon 320247413 $0 $0
Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative 954481955 $2,365,619 $1,745,493
Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust 383687836 $2,435,482 $2,722,915
Los Angeles New Life Center Incorporated 912027691 $319,489 $5,935
Los Angeles New Times Presbyterian Church 954233758 $0 $0
Los Angeles Nomadic Division Land 270250572 $1,013,409 $301,116
Los Angeles North Spanish Church of the Nazarene 954714942 $59,865 $414,125
Los Angeles Onnuri Church 770598072 $0 $0
Los Angeles Opera Company 952096402 $53,745,312 $62,626,099
Los Angeles Opportunities Industrialization Center Incorporated 954461584 $351,514 $391,794
Los Angeles Organization Ofultimate Teams Incorporated 203948006 $0 $0
Los Angeles Orthodox Visitors to the Elderly and Sick 953877618 $6,282 $26,728
Los Angeles Orthopaedic Hospital Foundation 951644029 $27,836,976 $177,889,185
Los Angeles Paralegal Association 953302452 $142,606 $60,083
Los Angeles Parks Foundation 262358338 $2,038,665 $1,527,691
Los Angeles Philanthropic Committee for the Arts 953402421 $246,955 $271,634
Los Angeles Philanthropic Foundation 956048122 $1,437,775 $3,645,786
Los Angeles Philharmonic Association 951696734 $117,459,760 $205,220,764
Los Angeles Philippi Presbyterian Church 954357652 $0 $0
Los Angeles Pilgrim Presbyterian Church 453822446 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Academy Revitalization Alliance 263288990 $90 $16,789
Los Angeles Police Academy Trust 956053401 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Command Officers Association Incorporated 330013253 $362,222 $740,153
Los Angeles Police Department Family Support Group 954758815 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Dept Northeast Area Non-budgetary Station Fund 953239186 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Dept Southeast Division Police Activities League 272367499 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society 954730316 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums Incorporated 273941723 $0 $0
Los Angeles Police Foundation 954700442 $4,079,510 $5,051,083
Los Angeles Police Historical Society Incorporated 954264361 $642,834 $2,691,009
Los Angeles Police Memorial 237208448 $1,549,738 $10,392,945
Los Angeles Police Protective League 950949173 $12,130,436 $9,898,317
Los Angeles Police Protective League Benefits Trust 616402285 $18,063,059 $9,643,694
Los Angeles Police Relief and Assistance Foundation 800174731 $42,694 $1,166,323
Los Angeles Police Relief Association Incorporated 951660854 $230,060,237 $150,849,816
Los Angeles Police Reserve Foundation C/o Paul Favero Treasur 953900093 $94,403 $336,833
Los Angeles Police Retirement Benefit and Insurance Association 956048123 $24,583,979 $19,349,665
Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club Incorporated 951686994 $5,062,447 $3,760,171
Los Angeles Pool League 954119954 $0 $0
Los Angeles Poverty Department 954174562 $180,879 $53,448
Los Angeles Pregnancy Services Incorporated 800182069 $265,522 $61,694
Los Angeles Presbyterian Church 954187987 $0 $0
Los Angeles Presbytery 870709457 $0 $0
Los Angeles Prespytery of the Korean Preseyterian Church in Amer 820563952 $0 $0
Los Angeles Press Club 010761875 $255,907 $161,416
Los Angeles Primera Church of the Nazarene 953469156 $0 $0
Los Angeles Printmaking Society Foundation 954093691 $0 $0
Los Angeles Professional Managers Association 954322052 $184,325 $214,617
Los Angeles Public Library Docents 954050388 $0 $0
Los Angeles Queen of Angels Foundation Incorporated 273414501 $39,979 $11,548
Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation 204666808 $0 $0
Los Angeles Regional Homeless Restoration Advisory Coalition 273379689 $23,280 $982
Los Angeles Regional Planning History Group 953905831 $0 $0
Los Angeles Repertory Theater Incorporated 954258662 $70,000 $8,754
Los Angeles Residential Community Auxiliary 952389314 $220,019 $86,022
Los Angeles Review of Books 900977045 $0 $0
Los Angeles River Artists and Business Association 954556739 $0 $0
Los Angeles River Revitalization Corporation 272245545 $819,232 $4,884,600
Los Angeles S P C a 951738153 $10,732,292 $32,334,774
Los Angeles Sa Rang Community Church 205879375 $0 $0
Los Angeles School Police Activities League 542076445 $0 $0
Los Angeles School Police Management Association Incorporated 462692260 $0 $0
Los Angeles Second Baptist Homes Incorporated 953227543 $369,211 $526,339
Los Angeles Section 8 Apperson Lomod Corporation -4 953826698 $68,650 $196,650
Los Angeles Section 8 Browning Lomod Corporation -3 953826696 $80,362 $173,782
Los Angeles Section 8 Coronado Lomod Corporation -2 953826692 $84,237 $280,603
Los Angeles Section 8 Jefferson Lomod Corporation 953826703 $93,118 $228,039
Los Angeles Section 8 Juanita Lomod Corporation-8 953826716 $89,103 $284,452
Los Angeles Section 8 Manhattan Lomod Corporation -5 953826711 $96,571 $244,846
Los Angeles Section 8 Simpson Lomod Corporation -6 953826714 $89,247 $291,498
Los Angeles Seh Il Presbyterian Church 273401941 $158,432 $105,848
Los Angeles Senior Citizen Housing Corp 953866933 $605,147 $1,561,313
Los Angeles Skill Builders Unlimited Incorporated 020761178 $0 $0
Los Angeles Soccer Academy 800789285 $0 $0
Los Angeles Soccer Association 463386995 $0 $0
Los Angeles Society of Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology 954581592 $77,630 $103,107
Los Angeles Society of Pathologists 237140026 $37,424 $12,032
Los Angeles Society of Plastic Surgeons Incorporated 237446997 $48,569 $21,122
Los Angeles Southwest College Nurses Alumni Association 954120564 $18,536 $17,383
Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment Commission 954541188 $2,260,295 $1,544,584
Los Angeles Sports Council Foundation 954306740 $521,668 $164,193
Los Angeles Sports Council Incorporated 954201530 $583,515 $64,984
Los Angeles Story Works 721586474 $0 $0
Los Angeles Streetcar Incorporated 270732846 $732,692 $267,582
Los Angeles Superior Court Judges Association 954663773 $85,028 $111,765
Los Angeles Team Mentoring Incorporated a Delaware Corporation 954443617 $898,491 $614,497
Los Angeles Tennis Association 954364518 $126,996 $19,453
Los Angeles Tennis Club 950951420 $2,908,818 $6,662,273
Los Angeles Theatre Academy Incorporated 262916252 $0 $0
Los Angeles Theatresports Incorporated 954374643 $230,168 $0
Los Angeles Times Foundation 956048125 $0 $0
Los Angeles Tourism and Convention Board 953165255 $32,858,950 $13,740,476
Los Angeles Tourism Marketing District Corporation 453080034 $16,295,978 $7,866,962
Los Angeles Toy Doll and Amusements Museum 954795193 $0 $0
Los Angeles Trade Technical College Foundation 953813527 $1,282,998 $6,347,116
Los Angeles Training Consortium 270579751 $128,960 $148,443
Los Angeles Transition Center 954589251 $144,903 $132,631
Los Angeles Travel and Tourism Education Foundation 431949454 $2 $15,423
Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Charities 205658982 $72,604 $39,170
Los Angeles Turners 956094124 $75,955 $2,538,692
Los Angeles Unified School District Education Foundation 680503221 $208,113 $166,539
Los Angeles Unified School District Jrotc 311742194 $141,277 $66,288
Los Angeles Unified School District Peace Officers Association 953872187 $625,680 $433,088
Los Angeles United Methodist Museum of Social Justice 460857454 $117,549 $19,226
Los Angeles Universal Preschool 223902958 $67,644,718 $13,697,558
Los Angeles Urban League 951691288 $6,450,004 $4,244,665
Los Angeles Urban Renewal Network 270584116 $171,480 $121,026
Los Angeles Venture Club 953980495 $318,097 $37,731
Los Angeles Viking Charities 261316464 $134,431 $152,539
Los Angeles Water and Power Emp Association Incorporated Mutual Insurance Plan a 237082277 $599,807 $3,782,714
Los Angeles Water and Power Employees Association Incorporated 950952235 $673,803 $2,637,722
Los Angeles Week in Hong Kong Incorporated 954356619 $0 $0
Los Angeles West Chamber of Commerce 951366460 $949,955 $300,181
Los Angeles Western Lions Club Foundation 900357887 $27,207 $17,392
Los Angeles Wheelmen 953895589 $0 $0
Los Angeles Wings of Faith Incorporated 954483004 $110,405 $6,751
Los Angeles Women in Music 954204195 $0 $0
Los Angeles Women Police Officers and Associates 263700881 $82,326 $23,153
Los Angeles Womens Transportation Scholarship Foundation 264825270 $69,238 $225,394
Los Angeles Workers Educational Society 201954165 $0 $0
Los Angeles Yewon Church 030418452 $0 $0
Los Angeles Youth Network La Youth 953953979 $3,603,965 $2,406,080
Los Angeles-beirut Sister City 830457952 $0 $0
Los Angeles-bombay Sister City Affiliation 237212077 $0 $0
Los Angeles-mexico City Sister Cities and Harbor Committee 954722891 $30 $848
Los Angeles-word of Truth 204308100 $0 $0
Los Feliz Charter School for the Arts 203001046 $4,469,848 $3,411,249
Los Feliz Cooperative Nursery School Incorporated 952321582 $104,444 $100,906
Los Feliz Estates Owners Association 956109265 $0 $0