There are 10,347 nonprofits in Los Angeles, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
Sahure Senior Villa Incorporated 510666913 $365,839 $9,897,326
Saidiner Family Foundation 954087471 $8,041 $124,569
Saint Andrews Outreach Ministries 954797757 $0 $0
Saint Columbkille Conference 270457428 $0 $0
Saint Emmery Benefit Society of Los Angeles 953913014 $950 $60,748
Saint Hillrie Church of God in Christ Incorporated 954622167 $0 $0
Saint John Spiritual Church of Christ Incorporated 237140276 $0 $0
Saint Justin Education Fund for Los Angeles 954453824 $450,485 $1,663,003
Saint Lucys Roman Catholic Church 953119093 $0 $0
Saint Mark Community Development Corporation 275277777 $0 $0
Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church of Los Angeles 237085945 $0 $0
Saint Mary of Egypt Coptic Orthodox Church 954816066 $0 $0
Saint Matthew Tabernacle of Praise Church 954774334 $0 $0
Saint Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church and Missionary Center 954816140 $0 $0
Saint Paul Baptist Church 956003975 $0 $0
Saint Reed Missionary Baptist Church 953214130 $0 $0
Saint Sophia Foundation 956100271 $0 $0
Saints Home Church of the Church of God in Christ 953536405 $0 $0
Saje 931226092 $573,799 $788,225
Salaam Foundation 651320305 $0 $0
Salesian Boys and Girls Club of Los Angeles 952430743 $876,448 $3,697,534
Salomon Foundation for the Childrenof Haiti 205652529 $0 $0
Salsa-solutions for Als Incorporated 760712861 $0 $0
Salt Air Club 951182715 $103,443 $155,247
Salter Family Charitable Foundation 953924344 $411,319 $5,780,464
Salud Foundation 952274464 $8,197 $256,811
Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund 954702001 $460,039 $141,944
Salvadoran Foundation for the Arts 452954154 $0 $0
Sam Ae Scholarship Mission 260630869 $31,955 $548,240
Samaritan Imaging Center 954252321 $4,340,740 $1,435,112
Sammy Davis Jr American Legion Post 784 954530139 $0 $0
Samoyed Rescue of Southern California Incorporated 330619583 $0 $0
Samra University of Oriental Medicine 953885946 $991,570 $1
Samuel a Fryer Yavneh Academy 952117190 $9,828,761 $16,102,973
Samuel and Latanya R Jackson Foundation 954774091 $65,325 $489,209
Samuel Goldwyn Foundation 956006859 $1,435,864 $13,493,736
Samuel Johnson Society of Southern California 270661164 $0 $0
Samuel Onuoha Ministries Incorporated 203553571 $107,126 $1
Samuelson Charitable Foundation Incorporated 954594473 $37,794 $839,571
Samuelson Foundation 916468179 $175,875 $6,028,383
San Antonio Guild of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 956121934 $23,680 $1,581
San Diego Insitiute for Community Development 262196766 $0 $0
San Fernando Valley Chapter-ca Association of Marriage and Fam Therapists Corp 954751452 $0 $0
San Fernando Valley Holdings Incorporated 562466658 $539,131 $12,816,723
San Gabriel Valley Society of Health-system Pharmacists 953542237 $20,840 $75,613
San Marino Learning Center Incorporated 954818419 $284,560 $143,579
San Miguel Arcangel 421648989 $0 $0
San Pedro Enterprise Community Incorporated 330835409 $0 $0
San Pedro House 651209276 $0 $0
San Pedro Wholesale Mart Charity Organization 461746749 $0 $0
Sanctuario San Rafael Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch 900338356 $0 $0
Sanctuary of Hope 273273118 $314,566 $129,130
Sandhill Group Home Incorporated 954392235 $429,993 $192,976
Sandol Mission 271486508 $0 $0
Sanford M Gage Foundation 954656529 $34,351 $929,566
Sang Lok Presbyterian Chruch 953909147 $0 $0
Sangsuri Presbyterian Church 954684598 $0 $0
Santa Cecilia Opera and Orchestra Association 364255580 $326,346 $184,386
Santa Fe Apartment Corporation 952751567 $574,724 $665,597
Santa Monica Bay Auixiliary of the Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 237293607 $28,038 $1,866
Santa Monica Bay Foundation 330420271 $1,794,061 $1,409,965
Santa Monica Foundation for Nutritional Research 202352138 $60,752 $2,946
Santa Monica Korean Church of Christ 953880521 $0 $0
Santa Monica New Hope Courtyard Apartments 954479136 $262,230 $3,115,898
Santa Monica United Football Club Incorporated 262533901 $427,126 $58,761
Santa Monica Youth Football and Cheer Association 912151991 $60,406 $0
Sante Dor Foundation 680547925 $152,817 $31,120
Sara Rachel Seminary 454714110 $0 $0
Sarang Mission Church 954781948 $0 $0
Sarch 202525750 $0 $0
Sargent Shriver Peace Inistitute 521482680 $2,251,906 $9,753,066
Sassoon Family Foundation 463872022 $0 $0
Sat Naam 205155659 $158,951 $70,374
Saul D Levy Foundation 954629086 $863,763 $426,242
Save a Heart Foundation 953475198 $77,688 $519,194
Save Our Music Education 4 Kids 465001506 $0 $0
Save the Sea 201556206 $0 $0
Save Westwood Village 954620291 $0 $0
Savinggracela 760820791 $0 $0
Sawchuk Family Foundation 954831929 $1,190,955 $3,238,636
Sawtelle Judo Dojo 510228431 $81,599 $70,322
Saya Foundation Incorporated 203343622 $513,366 $2,224,495
Scare Foundation 274550096 $58,898 $9,283
Scbwi Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators a Nonprof 300456551 $3,215,683 $967,375
Sccla Scholarship Fund Incorporated 954200531 $11,129 $89,225
Schachter Family Foundation 260652612 $18,860 $2,851
Scherrer Foundation 954806188 $1,227,193 $1,201,209
Schiller Charitable Foundation 461697657 $0 $0
Schlussel Family Foundation 954694644 $226,095 $1,896,843
Schoen Family Foundation 954564412 $36,500 $192,498
Scholarship America Incorporated 465043944 $0 $0
Scholarship America Incorporated 465221669 $0 $0
Scholarship America Incorporated 411775440 $0 $0
Scholarship Association for English As a Second Language Students 954151334 $0 $0
Scholarship for Advanced Guyanese Education 262081926 $0 $0
School of Alliance Francaise Incorporated 952283840 $0 $0
Schuman Foundation Incorporated 956029868 $104,723 $37,131
Schurgin Family Foundation 263096688 $12,503 $542
Schwartz Rosman Foundation 453933049 $68,710 $207,698
Science Fiction Research Association 363746349 $32,724 $68,398
Scientology Missions International 953739098 $0 $0
Scma Education Fund 208722577 $0 $0
Scorpion Benefit Corporation 956045363 $496,983 $2,909,456
Scottish Rite Cathedral Association of Los Angeles 951746920 $0 $5,780,973
Screen Actors Guild Foundation 953967876 $17,169,946 $26,754,044
Screen Actors Guild Incorporated 951202270 $53,477,405 $0
Screen Actors Guild- American Federation of Television and Radio 454931719 $0 $0
Scriptwriters Network Foundation Incorporated 753025405 $39,283 $52,497
Sea and Space Explorations 262288507 $0 $0
Seaman Trust Dated 122995 946696828 $596,857 $106,895,623
Search to Involve Pilipino Americans 952879339 $1,155,304 $1,331,955
Seaver Institute 956054764 $3,837,881 $27,123,041
Second Baptist Church of Los Angeles 956002905 $0 $0
Second Chance Foundation 800856861 $0 $0
Second Free Methodist Church of Los Angeles 912146510 $0 $0
Second Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles Cali 953090038 $0 $0
Second New Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 953120337 $0 $0
Second to None Community Development Corporation 743117850 $0 $0
Second Zion Travelers Missionary Baptist Church 954812090 $0 $0
Secret Place Ministries 912111743 $0 $0
See It Through Foundation 341978091 $0 $0
Seeds Global Incorporated 954853030 $0 $0
Seeds of Change 462882754 $0 $0
Seekers Unlimited 454861676 $0 $0
Seeking Other Alternative Resources 954643616 $0 $0
Seeking Peaceful Solutions Incorporated 260123750 $131,040 $16,862
Seeley W Mudd Foundation 956021273 $121,925 $422,524
Seidler Family Foundation 954635045 $113,768 $664,665
Seinan Senior Citizens Club 953194613 $74,848 $1,215,937
Seiu Local 6434 United Long Termcare Workers Union 260718017 $48,491,503 $39,677,325
Seiu Local 721 Training Fund Trust 203381371 $115,992 $111,777
Self Deveopement International Ministries 010935096 $0 $0
Self Realization Institute of Virginia Incorporated 953713380 $0 $0
Self-help Graphics and Arts Incorporated 237311837 $502,537 $478,824
Self-improvement and Alternative Measures Incorporated 953281212 $103,326 $22,313
Self-realization Fellowship Church 951942336 $0 $0
Sellecca-tesh Foundation for the Forgotten Generation 954556308 $15,445 $2,290
Selva International 262023845 $0 $0
Semel Charitable Foundation 954691748 $17,544,084 $14,857,043
Semiotexte Limited 134003149 $141,196 $116,655
Seniel and Dorothy Ostrow Foundation 956029169 $276,099 $559,588
Seniman Foundation Incorporated 562582114 $0 $0
Senior Living Coalition 462594055 $0 $0
Senior Veteran Foundation 451314779 $0 $0
Seomoon Baptist Church 954122356 $0 $0
Seomoon Church of Southern California 330665438 $0 $0
Seoul National University Alumni Association in USA 912165171 $72,387 $27,624
Seoul National University America Incorporated 264734720 $98,216 $4,366
Seoung Chon Presbyterian Church C/o Rev Eui Kyung Lee 754229670 $0 $0
Sephardic Jewish Community and Brotherhood of Los Angeles 951866096 $0 $0
Sephardic Talmud Torah of Los Angeles 953315536 $0 $0
Sequoia Housing Group 912193618 $0 $0
Seraphim Manor 020767158 $872 $0
Serene Haven Incorporated 273439758 $0 $0
Serenity with Effort 770694058 $0 $0
Serra Institute 954129779 $0 $0
Servants of Mary Ministers to the Sick 956054374 $537,550 $1,661,133
Servants of the Father of Mercy Incorporated 263855133 $47,646 $1,668
Service Employees International Union 274016819 $23,960,571 $10,260,671
Service Employees International Union 030464410 $1,978,683 $211,014
Service Employees International Union 371535315 $57,023,377 $47,610,626
Service Employees International Union 951627737 $15,477,673 $4,899,037
Servingunderserved Incorporated 262138019 $64,856 $94,267
Seth Landsberg Family Foundation 954206344 $120,966 $1,241,090
Seun Gak Sainc C/o Soon Park 954382992 $0 $0
Seventh Day Adventist Church West Los Angeles Japanese 953893167 $0 $0
Seventh Day Baptist Church of Los Angeles Incorporated 953866102 $0 $0
Seventy Fourth Street School Magnet Parent Association 954700811 $0 $0
Sewer Socialist Productions 273262867 $0 $0
Sexiest Non-profit Ever Incorporated 462795448 $0 $0
Seymour and Elaine Masor Foundation 954621783 $499,559 $749,345
Sfc Charitable Foundation Incorporated 650565248 $704,949 $534,540
Sha-la-dai Economic Development Corporation 954429063 $0 $0
Shaarei Torah California Rabbinical College Incorporated 952854287 $0 $0
Shabazi 205928327 $0 $0
Shadetree Multicultural Foundation 954618711 $108,902 $33,688
Shaghan Smile Incorporated 208792714 $0 $0
Shakela Foundation 452687452 $0 $0
Shalhevet High School 954330860 $8,288,659 $10,592,566
Shalom Center for T R E E of Life Therapy Research Education and 330786965 $177,647 $83,511
Shalom Community Church 954863768 $0 $0
Shalom Disability Ministries 330859696 $710,822 $1,615,233
Shalom Methodist Bible Class Incorporated 954801340 $0 $0
Shalom Methodist Church 412094779 $0 $0
Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board 954868091 $274,600 $212,069
Shanice Educational Learning Center Incorporated 800908073 $0 $0
Shannon Brown Foundation 271967999 $0 $0
Shaolin Buddhist Mditation Center 954180872 $0 $0
Share Your Share Incorporated 465083109 $0 $0
Share-ity 455205081 $0 $0
Sharespace Foundation 541897591 $25,000 $56,055
Shari Fololama Foundation 205162850 $20,000 $12,626
Sharing Caring Mission of Love Incorporated 954839895 $0 $0
Sharing Serving Church 611699467 $0 $0
Sharpe Choral Ensemble 237049916 $0 $0
Shayne Foundation 621540372 $1,646,605 $6,557,141
Sheen Educational Foundation 237359525 $188,073 $853,732
Sheila and Milton Hyman Foundation 954089049 $4,650 $189,667
Shekels Charitable Foundation 461614102 $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Shelbi Ranch Western Wear Museum Incorporated 311636703 $0 $0
Sheldon and Carol Appel Family Foundation 953190683 $697,093 $2,426,796
Shelter Animal Advocacy Fund Los Angeles 262837488 $0 $0
Shelter Partnership Incorporated 953976214 $10,720,972 $20,984,467
Shen Zhou Mission Church 954674342 $0 $0
Shenganvit Pentecostal Church 954521935 $0 $0
Shepherd International University 203979266 $690,229 $802,583
Shepherd Korean Church 953908066 $0 $0
Shepherd University 954758519 $9,065,138 $20,467,185
Sherman Oaks Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 954333910 $406,929 $5,216,951
Sherman Way Senior Citizen Housing Corporation 953866934 $831,345 $5,483,933
Sherry Lansing Foundation 954533113 $858,138 $608,102
Sheryl Weissberg Lymphoma Research Foundation Incorporated 202517063 $68,671 $88,518
Shiatsu Massage School of California 954437139 $345,581 $51,864
Shields for Families 954336420 $26,306,598 $7,153,958
Shields Housing Corporation 954516191 $745,337 $4,833,540
Shift Kids 451019807 $0 $0
Shiloh Church 954686632 $0 $0
Shiloh Mission Baptist Church 461426639 $0 $0
Shiloh Missionary Christian Church Incorporation 954174856 $0 $0
Shiloh the Glory of God Ministries 954747286 $0 $0
Shining Fellowship Church 461097171 $0 $0
Shirley and Burt Harris Family Foundation 954246144 $238,435 $3,958,357
Shirley and Stefan Hatos Neuroscience Research Foundation 954453702 $2,093,206 $4,200,406
Shirley H Kapland Charitable Trust 137158167 $15,839 $157,569
Shirley Mae Foundation 264352069 $0 $0
Shirts-n-skins 954410079 $0 $0
Shivyon Minyan 954786349 $0 $0
Shomrim Society of Southern California 953945574 $0 $0
Short Film Foundation 134184087 $208 $1
Shortys Charities Incorporated 300611944 $0 $0
Shoshanim 202259038 $0 $0
Shotokan Karate of America Incorporated 953214144 $458,498 $2,746,409
Show Box La 271851575 $0 $0
Show Me Campaign 463184790 $0 $0
Shravan Incorporated 953720739 $0 $0
Shree Radha Krishna Mandali Incorporated 263369375 $29,035 $59,114
Shriners International 952775759 $0 $0
Shriners International 953048203 $0 $0
Shriners International 953304812 $0 $0
Shriners International 953577768 $0 $0
Shriners International 953799595 $0 $0
Shriners International 953994551 $0 $0
Shriners International 954111226 $64,654 $99,232
Shriners International 330085497 $0 $0
Shriners International 954247064 $0 $0
Shriners International 954480052 $727,086 $7,033,336
Shriners International 611689442 $0 $0
Shriners International 770010020 $0 $0
Shriners International 237326167 $0 $0
Shriners International 237326172 $0 $0
Shriners International 237328173 $0 $0
Shriners International 237328682 $0 $0
Shriners International 237328686 $0 $0
Shriners International 237328688 $0 $0
Shriners International 237329066 $0 $0
Shriners International 237329126 $0 $0
Shriners International 237329783 $0 $0
Shriners International 237329794 $0 $0
Shriners International 237331636 $0 $0
Shriners International 237332046 $0 $0
Shriners International 237332056 $0 $0
Shriners International 237332064 $0 $0
Shriners International 237332498 $0 $0
Shriners International 237337650 $0 $0
Shriners International 237337652 $0 $0
Shriners International 237351165 $0 $0
Shriners International 237352843 $0 $0
Shtibl Minyan Congregation 261170017 $0 $0
Shuki Levy Foundation Incorporated 954618509 $447,833 $1,315,642
Shul Fund 453420970 $0 $0
Shurush 550835270 $45,000 $1
Sid and Jenny Craig Foundation 954344841 $901,930 $737,642
Siddha Yoga Dham of Los Angeles 953135472 $0 $0
Sidney and Jane Harman Foundation 456495102 $65,140,809 $34,197,052
Sierra Leone Nurses Association 770701197 $0 $0
Sierra Madre Chorale 954503222 $0 $0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 951222410 $544,264 $150,821
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 951782264 $733,611 $187,461
Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity 261100891 $400,866 $132,399
Sigma Chi Fraternity 951222430 $631,043 $17,814
Sigma Chi Fraternity 951716023 $571,475 $87,704
Sigma Delta Tau Society 320199065 $355,189 $52,465
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated 311227360 $0 $0
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated 311321651 $0 $0
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated 364093454 $0 $0
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated 260467512 $0 $0
Sigma Nu Alumni Scholarship Fund 956193282 $0 $0
Sigma Nu Fraternity 951667045 $486,545 $26,927
Sigma Nu Fraternity 952528365 $341,246 $26,111
Sigma Pi Fraternity International Incorporated 951786209 $338,511 $15,207
Sigma Theta Tau Incorporated 510232370 $0 $0
Sigma Theta Tau International Incorporated 900738348 $0 $0
Sigma Zeta Council of Southerncalifornia 205310766 $0 $0
Sign with Me Incorporated 020553177 $5,103 $470
Signet Circle Corporation 956059103 $169,860 $981,856
Sikh Dharma of Souther California 510167852 $0 $0
Sikh Study Circle 237275351 $154,316 $1,671,237
Silent Foundation for the Arts 954503789 $124 $6,017
Silk Rd Theatre Company Incorporated 954262409 $408 $1,402
Silkroad Cooperation 450525603 $0 $0
Silkroad Mission 954737613 $144,521 $12,715
Silly Sally Sea Shell 311772432 $0 $0
Siloam Global Cell Church 954711724 $0 $0
Siloam Healing Mission Center 463950354 $0 $0
Siloam Hope Church 954379032 $0 $0
Siloam Mission Supporters in America 263832665 $68,990 $31,529
Silton Family Foundation 263605273 $58,075 $119,784
Silver Lake Improvement Association 954419706 $0 $0
Silver Lake New Hope Courtyard Apartments 954479135 $159,759 $1,338,831
Silver Lake Reservoirs Conservancy 954199639 $0 $0
Silver Lining Legacy 454641377 $0 $0
Silver Lining of Hope Crusade Incorporated 270312938 $0 $0
Silverlake Chamber of Commerce 954630293 $0 $0
Silverlake Childrens Theatre Group 562291104 $49,767 $12,138
Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center 320003071 $1,613,171 $3,520,559
Simon Wiesenthal Center 953964928 $25,837,455 $72,283,842
Simon-strauss Foundation 260604831 $1,507,698 $6,440,000
Simply Help Foundation 954832383 $678,971 $720,887
Simxa Company Incorporated 954817456 $322,999 $17,425
Sin Fronteras 954823509 $0 $0
Sinai Temple 237380311 $0 $0
Sinai Temple 952103898 $0 $0
Sinder Family Foundation 954092908 $219,292 $2,163,629
Sing Childrens Song 270279599 $0 $0
Single Event Effects Symposium 521407343 $52,344 $55,968
Single Room Occupancy Housing Corp 953909215 $10,459,471 $23,288,336
Singleton Housing Project Incorporated 680627551 $578,115 $115,745
Sino American Buddhist Charitable Foundation 264787185 $1 $3,949
Sirrah Foundation 770652111 $0 $0
Sistahfriends 261402329 $0 $0
Sister Cities of Los Angeles Incorporated 954349027 $0 $0
Sister City Committee Beverly Hills Cannes 954120561 $0 $2,677
Sister Clara Mohemmad Schools National Alumni Association Incorporated 954420760 $0 $0
Sisters Involved in Linking Knowledge 311631175 $0 $0
Sisters of Bethany 956071426 $174,035 $621,250
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Mirinae 954378226 $297,217 $790,158
Sisters of the Sick Poor of Los Angeles 383677680 $0 $0
Skid Row Development Corp 953288131 $1,799,733 $3,482,333
Skid Row Housing Trust 954205316 $11,979,632 $92,459,598
Skills Elevation Learning Force 453240376 $6,200 $6,200
Skincare for Kids in Need 262466960 $3 $6,242
Skirball Cultural Center 954538371 $185,689,662 $390,730,929
Skull Base Foundation 954835218 $1 $1
Skylark Foundation 954525764 $755,052 $3,036,972
Skylight Theatre Company 954007314 $268,978 $26,862
Slack-legrande Alumni Club Incorporated 954307505 $0 $0
Slgg Charitable Foundation 205075098 $9 $80,516
Slootman Family Foundation 274288811 $945,632 $300,182
Small Wonders Foundation 542152575 $0 $0
Small World of Joy 454002649 $0 $0
Smits Foundation 956029665 $309 $3,776
Smothrich Family Foundation 911989466 $1,156,339 $2,699,567
Snoop Youth Football League Foundation 830406755 $328,262 $185,601
So Lim Temple 760486930 $0 $0
Soaring Eagle Education Foundation 954692591 $0 $0
Soaring with Love Family Foundation Incorporated 463291236 $0 $0
Sober Approach Incorporated 953994508 $477 $10,439
Sober Keepers Management Incorporated 911944563 $18,334 $1,996
Sober Life Incorporated 900438886 $114,936 $3,446
Sober Musicians Fundraiser 954379141 $1,685 $11,439
Socal Ballet 900353787 $0 $0
Social Action Partners 271689584 $303,918 $16,244
Social Betterment Properties International 861067526 $52,696 $39,647,311
Social Change Innovators 203875632 $0 $0
Social Change Institute 273947767 $351,603 $27,894
Social Impact Fund 461820448 $0 $0
Social Services at Blessed Sacrament Incorporated 203022534 $393,148 $115,350
Social Uplift Foundation 202006051 $8,602 $186,040
Socially Responsible Productions 954224860 $0 $0
Sociedad Mutualista Cinco De Mayo 954281270 $2,218 $20,850
Societa Garibaldina Di Mutua Beneficenza 951868145 $174,790 $173,295
Society and Order of St Laszlo 954622712 $0 $0
Society for Confucian Studies of American 743149587 $3,250 $2,681
Society for Positive Actions 912078820 $1,297 $1,297
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 953269500 $0 $0
Society for Technical Communication 956146393 $0 $0
Society for the Activation of Social Space Through Art and Sound 460471386 $88,294 $23,651
Society for the Preservation and Promotion of African American Cult 954451314 $205,050 $155,585
Society for the Study of Motivation Incorporated 208452461 $0 $0
Society Incorporated 260058492 $16,408 $1,046
Society of Allied Weight Engineers Incorporated 956095725 $337,907 $398,281
Society of Amer Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons Incorporated 521219359 $8,608,030 $8,472,418
Society of American Magicians Hall of Fame and Magic Museum 953565464 $0 $0
Society of American Military Engineers 956096021 $50,974 $87,800
Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California 956047923 $0 $0
Society of Fellowship 510152908 $0 $0
Society of Heritable Performers Incorporated 914760393 $17,021 $321
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 951644622 $31,892,765 $66,639,943
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 452913943 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 453062447 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 453251353 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 453602038 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 453831199 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 454828095 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 454898999 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 455535438 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 460859164 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 461117114 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 461390545 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 461886801 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 461900027 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 462489803 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 462822762 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 463474439 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 463580379 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 770471109 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 800464735 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 264406770 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 264742641 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 264764768 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 264774438 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270178216 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270212397 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270308554 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270614309 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270629921 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270637502 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270647704 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270647763 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270652011 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270654510 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270662980 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270697784 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270697904 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270710531 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270714136 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270745529 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270829971 $54,503 $14,777
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270829999 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270830582 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270830684 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270830808 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270830931 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270830952 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 270890839 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271002074 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271002251 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271098291 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271098712 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271098881 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271099039 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271099244 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271099402 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271099535 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271099972 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271100150 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271100342 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271100461 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271103460 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271103844 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271103973 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271104028 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271104410 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271121230 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271128235 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271254359 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271660964 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271792694 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271806960 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 271807559 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 272168890 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 272241932 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 272473087 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 272768437 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 272937599 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 275130288 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 450832584 $0 $0
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 452467593 $0 $0
Society of St Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 275325370 $0 $0
Society of St Vincent De Paul Council of Los Angeles 461005028 $0 $0
Society of Studio and Video Projectionists and Engineers 954701443 $0 $0
Society of the Lees of Virginia 237115411 $5,506 $495,643
Society of University Surgeons Foundation 911712473 $161,180 $146,810
Society of University Surgeons Incorporated 132903051 $226,785 $357,275
Society of Women Engineers 300592589 $0 $0
Society of Women Engineers 300609033 $0 $0
Society of Women Engineers 954246637 $0 $0
Society of Young Philanthropists 202079820 $25,536 $82,718
Society Players Incorporated 731702463 $0 $0
Sogetsu Ikebana Los Angeles Branch 272824259 $239,670 $166,510
Sojourn Services for Battered Women and Their Children Trust 02-00771 367367351 $1,559,941 $1,515,682
Sojourner Truth Industrial Club 953780331 $27,728 $124,302
Sol Institute for Civic Engagement 264290262 $67,882 $111
Solder Child International 954756671 $0 $0
Soldiers of the Lord Production Incorporated 954695794 $0 $0
Sole Brothers 462438117 $0 $0
Soledad Enrichment Action Incorporated 954399127 $16,220,179 $11,233,061
Solheim Lutheran Church 954472377 $0 $0
Solheim Lutheran Home a California Nonstock Corporation 951643384 $13,601,923 $11,861,809
Solid Rock Church of Southern California 954864116 $0 $0
Solid Rock Family Church 954663289 $0 $0
Solid Rock Humanity Ministries 912147043 $0 $0
Solomon Immanuel Mission Church 743014357 $0 $0
Solomon Leadership Foundation 830513566 $0 $0
Solomon University 954769318 $0 $0
Somang Presbyterian Church 954607837 $216,531 $86,681
Somb Foundation Incorporated 274837845 $0 $0
Someone to Care Mission Church Incorporated 237071926 $0 $0
Something from Nothing Foundation I Nc 800139603 $3 $10,353
Son of Semele Ensemble Incorporated 020560895 $73,377 $8,285
Sonance 953681587 $0 $0
Sondheimer Foundation 263060699 $62,346 $2,543,885
Song Buhl Sah Korean Buddhist Temple off America 953768958 $0 $0
Song of Solomon Charismatic Prayer Ministries 953675775 $0 $0
Song One Church 208502810 $0 $0
Songlim Jeongsa Open Temple 454486751 $53,322 $38,460
Sonja Greenwood Residential Care 453263026 $0 $0
Sonshine Christian Institute 352400311 $0 $0
Sonshine Outreach Group 261508341 $0 $0
Soo Yuen Fraternal Association of Southern California Incorporated 956060448 $86,357 $492,000
Sook Myung International Foundation 954597371 $104,913 $34,670
Soroptimist International of Los Angeles 956047937 $22,905 $168,647
Soul Deliverance Mission 954289828 $0 $0
Soul Enrichment Ministries Incorporated 208097399 $0 $0
Soul Save Our Universe with Love 461508514 $0 $0
Souls and Sounds of Watts 311692909 $0 $0
Sound Body Sound Mind Foundation 203604882 $248,923 $2,388,077
Sound of Joy Youth Choir 273574470 $0 $0
Sounds of Young Los Angeles 237069562 $0 $0
South African Well Project Incorporated 300620415 $3,879 $1,503
South Bay Auxiliary of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles 956118996 $138,119 $11,644
South Bay Falcons Fc 455002063 $8,609 $1
South Bay Westside Transportation Management Association 043832608 $133,419 $22,311
South Broadway Assembly Body of God in Christ Incorporated 954401473 $0 $0
South Central Family Health Center 953877793 $14,518,204 $7,527,792
South Central Farmers Health and Education Fund 205246114 $31,265 $124,074
South Central L a Reg Central for Dvlopmntly Disabled Persons Incorporated 953861159 $150,276,888 $19,714,835
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project Incorporated 954571388 $826,674 $100,531
South Central Prevention Coalition 954761546 $171,965 $17,106
South Central Residential Care Network 954659447 $88,302 $21,540
South Central Training and Research Consortium 550807466 $1,860 $4,906
South East European Film Festival 510618883 $0 $0
South Flower Street Historic Preservation Foundation 273481572 $0 $0
South La Home Ownership Center 954829474 $0 $0
South Los Angeles Baptist Church 953750249 $0 $0
South Los Angeles Economic Alliance 954647077 $34,500 $83,003
South Los Angeles Multiservices Incorporated 237417964 $1,200 $31,963
South Mar Vista Neighborhood Association 743240154 $0 $0
South of L a 454293380 $1,562 $1
South Park Stakeholders Group 954390079 $1,668,062 $936,512
South Robertson Neighborhoods Council 954756212 $0 $0
South Toward Home a Non Profitcorporation 204413835 $0 $0
South Traffic Advisory Council 272201453 $0 $0
Southeast Area Station Fund 953714463 $0 $0
Southeast Asian Community Alliance 452156435 $130,542 $50,731
Southeast Booster Association 954708790 $0 $0
Southeast Symphony Association Incorporated 953554978 $156,452 $293,294
Souther California Biomedical Council 954555008 $404,836 $89,645
Southern Area Community Outreach 954543212 $0 $0
Southern Area Youth Programs Incorporated 954549435 $215,073 $72,258
Southern Baptist College and Seminary 954465468 $45,079 $121,262
Southern Ca Pipe Trades Pensioners and Surviving Spouses Health Trust 274271742 $63,964,010 $15,808,041
Southern California Academy of Endodontics Al Frank and Dudley Gl 330323663 $19,157 $1,798
Southern California Academy of Sciences Los Angeles County Museum 956047942 $67,978 $432,191
Southern California Air Quality Alliance 201349062 $0 $0
Southern California Aquatic Masters Swimming Club 954328371 $632,717 $54,932
Southern California Arbeter Ring Educational Center Incorporated 952748100 $97,842 $178,055
Southern California Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous 954079659 $35,440 $36,937
Southern California Asian Emmanuel Church 237425638 $0 $0
Southern California Association Directors of Volunteer Services 953859633 $0 $0
Southern California Association of Law Libraries 953178143 $48,553 $44,897
Southern California Association of Non-profit Housing Incorporated 954019655 $539,980 $434,698
Southern California Blues Society Incorporated 953894409 $0 $0
Southern California Bnai Brith Youth House 952466239 $0 $0
Southern California Broadcasters Association Incorporated 951240003 $162,100 $317,170
Southern California Casualty Actuarial Club 203941977 $0 $0
Southern California Center for Nonprofit Management 953357253 $1,827,876 $585,784
Southern California Chinese American Environmental Protection 954420525 $80,269 $18,409
Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association 954290638 $75,600 $75,309
Southern California Church of Glory 954499089 $0 $0
Southern California Circuits of Jehovahs Witnesses 952553575 $0 $0
Southern California Cogic Economic Development Corporation 954522289 $0 $0
Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games 951240083 $107,500 $152,265
Southern California Conference of Community Churches 954253458 $0 $0
Southern California Conference on International Studies 237158191 $0 $0
Southern California Council of Camera Clubs 510151624 $0 $0
Southern California Counseling Center 952430665 $1,501,356 $1,243,641
Southern California Deaf Church 953565471 $0 $0
Southern California Development Forum 954835336 $172,156 $76,585
Southern California Drug Benefit Fund 956474516 $109,178,104 $40,546,992
Southern California Early Music Society 953555049 $0 $0
Southern California Ecumenical Council 951643385 $0 $0
Southern California Education Fund 953713168 $334,560 $318,400
Southern California Exhorter Chorus Foundation 300126402 $0 $0
Southern California Federation of Scientists 953896499 $0 $0
Southern California Foster Family Agency 954440220 $2,116,353 $860,490
Southern California Frequency Coordinating Committee 954148176 $11,622 $69,008
Southern California Fukinese Association 953617365 $584,001 $769,868
Southern California Gardeners Federation Incorporated 951941439 $194,827 $203,507
Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue 300454968 $344,388 $65,510
Southern California Good Friend Church 203227249 $0 $0
Southern California Grace Mount Church 954658347 $0 $0
Southern California Grantmakers 952831058 $1,382,298 $2,110,368
Southern California Great Hope Church 800080415 $142,267 $69,569
Southern California Han Vit Presbyterian Church 030401389 $0 $0
Southern California Hana Church 651163139 $0 $0
Southern California Hanah Church 208752886 $0 $0
Southern California Health and Rehabilitation Program 954482413 $10,420,439 $5,955,952
Southern California Housing Rights Center 952572642 $2,035,678 $1,395,303
Southern California Institute of Architecture 952789388 $22,333,287 $47,083,289
Southern California Junior Raiders Enrichment and Athletic Mentorship 954586546 $0 $0
Southern California Kai-ping Tan- Jiang Association 954810916 $0 $0
Southern California Korean American Food and Restaurant Association 452055826 $29,680 $17,739
Southern California Leadership Network 931055450 $520,120 $130,087
Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research 952488597 $76,528 $58,317
Southern California Minority Supplier Development Council Incorporated 953244344 $1,531,376 $1,558,524
Southern California Nikkel Golf Association 954664045 $105,870 $40,582
Southern California Operating and Maintenance Engineers 237061941 $1,843,549 $5,491,988
Southern California Peace Corps Service Council 237401380 $0 $0
Southern California Pipe Trades Christmas Bonus Fund 954349805 $4,643,726 $1,050,287
Southern California Pipe Trades Health and Welfare Fund 951867598 $323,269,912 $154,804,128
Southern California Pipe Trades Vacation and Holiday Fund 956097354 $31,476,202 $15,760,854
Southern California Planning Congress 956095495 $0 $0
Southern California Portuguese Water Dog Club Incorporated 810549665 $0 $0
Southern California Psychiatric Society Incorporated 952083669 $246,511 $283,721
Southern California Rheumatology Society 237205477 $39,023 $80,398
Southern California Running Cougars 134234607 $32,918 $4,357
Southern California Siloampresbyterian Church 205982376 $0 $0
Southern California Ski and Snowboard Club 272442941 $0 $0
Southern California Society for Child Psychiatry 237428357 $0 $0
Southern California State University 455460170 $0 $1
Southern California Streets Initiative 273421838 $152,214 $140,216
Southern California Tennis Association 951243600 $4,215,162 $5,825,391
Southern California Tennis Association Foundation 954112667 $72,338 $390,353
Southern California Teo-chew Association 953641200 $1,882,935 $3,729,925
Southern California Tigers Youth Club 912152894 $386,411 $151,594
Southern California Triumph Owners Association 954538379 $8,481 $10,794
Southern California True Lightchurch 205866089 $0 $0
Southern California Yee Family Association 952691604 $45,247 $456,514
Southern California-nevada Rotary International Youth Exhange 954390621 $295,320 $42,728
Southern California-so Nv End-stage Renal Dis Ntwrk Coordnatng Council 953164597 $1,254,122 $925,287
Southern Missionary Baptist Church 953905153 $0 $0
Southern Trinity Church of God in Christ Incorporated 954065003 $0 $0
Southside Christian Palace Church W R Portee Evan World Outreach Incorporated 141987815 $0 $0
Southside Coalition of Communityhealth Centers 208892311 $600,245 $555,309
Southwest Carpenters Health and Welfare Trust 956042873 $315,356,501 $156,082,210
Southwest Carpenters Training Fund 952106266 $42,419,903 $34,394,471
Southwest Carpenters Vacation Trust 956042279 $6,223,485 $43,215,820
Southwest Community Association 953931378 $0 $0
Southwest Community College Foundation 953941686 $47,275 $311,110
Southwest Los Angeles Board of Realtors 952919465 $148,533 $91,088
Southwestern Law School 951246140 $47,879,857 $100,188,654
Sovereign Grace Church 204707591 $0 $0
Spaatz Association Incorporated 631183842 $58,381 $248,002
Space Constructors Incorporated 273330711 $307,016 $236,032
Spark Project 463469784 $0 $0
Spartan Patron Foundation 203182850 $1,294,976 $1,878,170
Spay4la Incorporated 452996980 $435,083 $32,772
Special Child USA 954748447 $0 $0
Special Needs Network Incorporated 050617904 $1,810,023 $1,386,065
Special Service for Groups Incorporated 951716914 $50,738,448 $15,039,613
Special Thoughts 954753530 $0 $0
Sperl Family Foundation 208398660 $279 $194,115
Spine Research Foundation 954815593 $356,903 $1,941,523
Spirit and Truth Ministries International 820566234 $0 $0
Spirit Child Development Center 200198700 $268,838 $32,360
Spirit Founded Religious Fellowship Center Incorporated 510197288 $0 $0
Spirit of America Worldwide 201687786 $1,749,988 $735,152
Spirit of Love Baptist Church Incorporated 237228779 $0 $0
Spiritual Alliance of Truth Seekers Incorporated 237047090 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Los Angeles 952705657 $0 $0
Spiritual Care Guild of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles 200872821 $80,819 $28,495
Spiritual Emotional Intensive Care Incorporated 954525115 $360,891 $3,619,082
Spiritual Freedom Church of Los Angeles 810656397 $0 $0
Spiritual Journey Foundation 271129612 $190,721 $289,456
Spiritual Ministry Association 030447835 $0 $0
Spiritualist Center 237261364 $28,007 $306,490
Spirituality Center 582681960 $0 $0
Spirituality for Kids International Incorporated 262224994 $4,490,162 $3,571,357
Spiritually Discern Ministry 274677121 $0 $0
Spogli Family Foundation 954726087 $133,849 $609,012
Sport and Art Educationalfoundation 260687512 $50,287 $61,461
Sports Club-la for Kids Only Foundation 954865162 $1,437 $30,110
Sports Explorer Incorporated 743024717 $0 $0
Sports Spectacular 237057687 $0 $0
Sports Travel Foundation 202924350 $663 $8,270
Spring Park Senior Villa Incorporated 454859261 $0 $0
Srht Property Management Company 954511231 $4,188,154 $1,406,759
Sri Lanka Foundation 061701803 $282,023 $6,237
St Agnes Church 951765166 $0 $0
St Andrews Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Los Angeles 237115689 $0 $0
St Ann Traditional Church 954754092 $0 $0
St Annes Foundation 951691305 $299,949 $3,259,754
St Annes Maternity Home 951691306 $18,445,404 $28,422,446
St Anthony Conference 271002053 $0 $0
St Anthony Medical Centers 954764981 $2,950,634 $519,228
St Barnabas Senior Center of Los Angeles 951641435 $4,764,889 $2,981,476
St Basil Korean Catholic Center 954282099 $0 $0
St Bede the Venerable Catholic Church 954747370 $0 $0
St Bernard School Foundation 562411153 $0 $0
St Brendan Basketball Association 273533409 $0 $0
St Bridgets Chinese Catholic Church 954323973 $0 $0
St Caecilia S Old Holy Catholic Church 462922543 $0 $0
St Camillus Center for Spiritual Care 953363136 $0 $0
St Christopher Orthodox Spiritual Church Incorporated 953275907 $0 $0
St Columbans Foreign Mission Society 952290337 $0 $0
St Elmos Village 237213122 $155,154 $861,884
St Eugene School 951975730 $0 $0
St Frances Cabrini Church 953518693 $0 $0
St Francis Center 954479271 $3,297,794 $1,295,191
St Francis of Assisi Conference 271002079 $0 $0
St Garabed Armenian Apostolic Church of Hollywood 237060115 $0 $0
St James 4 and 7 Missionary Baptist Church 954576713 $0 $0
St James Episcopal Church a Corp 951643357 $0 $0
St James Foundation 900621981 $150,000 $15,000
St James Inn 954573028 $866,452 $1,689,029
St James Manor 953821593 $943,052 $3,342,951
St James School 952858022 $0 $0
St John Christian Assembly Apostlic Faith 953939134 $0 $0
St John First Holiness Church Incorporated 237169790 $0 $0
St John of God Retirement and Care Center 951660824 $18,286,897 $31,702,493
St John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church 953889049 $0 $0
St Johns Well Child and Family Center Incorporated 954067758 $32,528,207 $27,704,299
St Joseph Conference 264742993 $0 $0
St Josephs Health Support Alliance 940831115 $5,947,777 $12,621,196
St Lawrence School 951831080 $0 $0
St Louise De Marillac Conference 270269745 $0 $0
St Luke Restoration Christian Center 912129480 $0 $0
St Madeleine Conference 010923187 $0 $0
St Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church 952377609 $0 $0
St Mary Magdalen Conference 800404767 $0 $0
St Marys Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Los Angeles 954355347 $0 $0
St Maximilian Kolbe Conference 271002101 $0 $0
St Paul Lutheran Church 952623335 $0 $0
St Paul the Apostle School Foundation 953711771 $273,015 $3,362,759
St Philomena Conference 271021748 $0 $0
St Raphael Conference 270502108 $0 $0
St Rest Baptist Church of Los Angeles St Rest Missionary Church 953451545 $0 $0
St Sebastian Conference 270713623 $0 $0
St Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society 953797903 $244,853 $301,467
St Thomas Baptist Church of Los Angeles 953808822 $0 $0
St Vincent and the Grenadines Outreach Organization Incorporated 201293169 $1 $12,042
St Vincent Conference 270708155 $0 $0
St Vincent Dialysis Center Incorporated 953749293 $4,955,858 $2,490,484
St Vincent Foundation 953922511 $2,214,239 $11,372,443
St Vincent Medical Center 912154438 $213,513,504 $149,218,846
St Vincent Senior Citizen Nutrition Program Incorporated 953696693 $8,668,001 $21,594,862
St Vincents College of Nursing 956116558 $0 $0
Stable Foundation Incorporated 043178007 $56,862 $505,317
Stafford Society 203953318 $0 $0
Stage 52 Playhouse Incorporated 300138002 $0 $1
Stage of the Arts 954255548 $0 $0
Stamps Youth Foundation Incorporated 330630398 $0 $0
Stand Straight 912020390 $0 $0
Stange Ministries Incorporated 205968414 $0 $0
Staples Center Foundation 954675402 $467,447 $106,299
Star Christian School 954850341 $639,887 $58,621
Starfish Animal Rescue 208663331 $0 $0
Starfish Stories Incorporated 261856754 $228,966 $43,324
Starlight Childrens Foundation 953802159 $5,624,060 $5,054,042
Stars for a Cause Incorporated 208668922 $1,000 $162
Stars for Hope 462636147 $0 $0
Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium 912158378 $1,136,725 $3,706,120
Stay Free Adp Counseling Services 320292777 $0 $0
Stay Free Ministries 870812747 $75,259 $18,874
Stefan Adelipour for Lifefoundation 208997372 $352,120 $378,503
Stella B Gross Charitable Trust 237142181 $1,920,061 $5,456,078
Stennis Family Foundation Incorporated 300069621 $0 $0
Stentorians African American Firefighters 953929919 $68,350 $43,877
Stentorians Los Angeles County Black Firefighters 954346267 $351,409 $199,866
Step Up 4 Vets 830508885 $2,818 $9,404
Step Up Womens Network 954701468 $1,891,202 $1,940,162
Stephanie and Peter Nolan Foundation 461583912 $11,355,625 $11,395,000
Stephen E and Deborah May Scherer Foundation 273585804 $0 $0
Stephen Mission 954748140 $0 $0
Stephen Si Wise Temple 956087552 $0 $0
Stepping Forward 320336923 $0 $0
Steve Perry Foundation 334547025 $20,000 $20,770
Steve Y Kim Foundation 954748701 $250,726 $16,033,653
Steven and Ellen Jackson Foundation 954663604 $1 $69,806
Steven Ly Memorial Scholarship Trust 277138677 $1,272 $1,828
Steven S H and Sohyun Park Lee Foundation 272493884 $1 $1
Stevens Family Foundation 521234974 $54 $87,520
Stevens Family Foundation Incorporated 461618021 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
Stevie Nicks Band of Soldiers 204805205 $5,040 $4,216
Stevie Nicks Foundation 208198095 $1 $1
Stiller Foundation 800535887 $307,278 $990,118
Stitches Technology Sewn Products Training Centers Incorporated 954687088 $0 $1
Stock Family Foundation Incorporated 454113404 $250,096 $350,096
Stokes Foundation Incorporated 200599140 $0 $0
Stolaroff Foundation Incorporated 953925627 $668,174 $2,817,748
Stop Cancer 954167790 $2,621,869 $2,855,440
Stopsham Foundation Incorporated 461359866 $100 $127
Storrow Fbo Six Charities Tgc-45w001024 912127302 $235,667 $420,921
Story Project 954684376 $0 $0
Stovall Development Corporation 952542353 $1,864,499 $8,824,399
Stovall Educational Uplift Foundation 954688420 $0 $0
Stovall Housing Corporation 953853446 $1,046,087 $5,803,112
Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education 954635737 $2,873,911 $2,246,346
Stray Cat Alliance 954787231 $1,007,515 $150,135
Street Poets Incorporated 202268493 $509,614 $279,709
Street Symphony Project Incorporated 451990766 $0 $0
Strengthening Our Lives Through Education Community Action and Civic 203580833 $2,093,253 $161,686
Strickly Business 954819587 $0 $1
Strider Charitable Foundation 270947175 $10 $10,630
Strive Foundation 330411257 $351,306 $817,295
Strong Food L a Kitchen 461639779 $1,227,144 $689,280
Stuart a Ratliff Educational 952554360 $0 $0
Student Alumni Association 465767344 $0 $0
Student Athletes Rising to Success Sports Academy 462999457 $0 $0
Student Athletics for Education Incorporated 510573415 $0 $0
Student Body Scholarship Association 900741118 $0 $1
Student Health Svcs Support Fund 954262448 $654,806 $502,191
Student Voice Project Incorporated 205151204 $71,025 $29,889
Student Volunteer Optometric 330836375 $0 $0
Students Do 273210583 $0 $0
Studio Club 371486926 $0 $0
Studio for Southern Californiahistory 260781693 $200 $1
Study Zone and Resource Center 010722302 $0 $0
Stv America Incorporated 954679132 $18,119 $6,377
Style for Smiles Foundation 954807886 $0 $1,951
Success and Deliverance Evangelical Ministry 954467404 $0 $0
Success Through the Arts Foundation 954796383 $116,881 $0
Successful Youth Los Angeles 451307256 $0 $0
Successfull Opportunities Unpriviledge Life 352341634 $91,208 $105,464
Sugar Brown Enterprises Incorporated 463587824 $0 $0
Sugar Ray Robinson Youth Foundation 237049934 $197,916 $1,009
Suh Doh Sah Incorporated Buddhist Temple of America 953076590 $0 $0
Suitcase Party Incorporated 453809652 $121,771 $5,288
Sullivan Foundation 916318390 $4,627 $74,933
Sumanda Incorporated 300160857 $908,520 $377,275
Summa Group Childrens Foundation 571222563 $95,000 $87,142
Sun Rising Presbyterian Church 954339374 $0 $0
Sun Yat Sen Chinese School 954066022 $0 $1
Sundance Institute California Incorporated 753036011 $0 $1
Sung Bok Church 954723858 $0 $0
Sung Ji Korean Baptist Church 954834689 $0 $0
Sung Lim Korean Presbyterian Church 953850468 $0 $0
Sung Lim Methodist Church 953757551 $0 $0
Sung Sam Korean Catholic Center 953954543 $0 $0
Sung-do Church in Southern California 954699354 $0 $0
Sungbulsa Buddhist Temple 753122904 $0 $0
Sungeun Presbyterian Church 203226316 $0 $0
Sunghwa Foundation 451208257 $0 $0
Sungsamyi Presbyterian Church 954473349 $0 $0
Sunnyside Baptist Church 951652918 $0 $0
Sunnyside Presbyterian Church 412064267 $0 $0
Sunrise Community Counseling Center 953128532 $1,007,027 $223,109
Sunrise Community Outreach Centerinc 208444001 $211,250 $71,149
Sunset Apartments Housing Corporation 954582657 $673,844 $2,817,431
Sunset Hall Incorporated 951856333 $1,181,119 $1,517,629
Sunset Junction Neighborhood 953648263 $315,607 $0
Sunset Memorial Temple of Christ Incorporated 953228747 $0 $0
Sunset Silverlake Charitable Foundation 453128297 $155,125 $11,374
Sunshine Foundation for Prosthetic Eye Care 261716911 $0 $0
Superet Light Doct Church Prince of Peace Movement Holy Land Mother Trust 951997059 $0 $0
Support the Cure 260824176 $0 $0
Supporting Cast Foundation 841671468 $0 $0
Supreme Sunshine Modeling School Production Company-talent Mgmt 954440321 $0 $0
Survivor Mitzvah Project 364630389 $441,951 $263,331
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation 954474965 $0 $0
Survivors Truths 270324963 $0 $0
Susan Harris Foundation 954646729 $0 $7,167
Susskind Family Foundation 954655122 $351,349 $251,274
Sustainable Communities Fund 261383313 $51,938 $404,632
Sustainable Economic Enterprises of Los Angeles 954597000 $1,699,433 $497,996
Sustainable Streets 271101481 $120,814 $83,715
Suzanne Somers Foundation 462895612 $0 $0
Swansea Development Corporation 271350044 $0 $0
Swc Museum Corp 954786388 $7,211,448 $51,784,621
Sweet and Hot Music Foundation Incorporated 954584439 $20,823 $16,950
Sweet Baptist Church 204608018 $0 $0
Sweet Hour of Prayer Mission 953782836 $0 $0
Swim Torrance 204486267 $296,412 $28,097
Sword of the Spirit Power Ministries Incorporated 651218218 $0 $0
Sycamore Park Foursquare Church 953066307 $0 $0
Sydney T Levenson M D Foundation 956196026 $79,414 $179,944
Symphony in the Glen 954412770 $106,152 $7,426
Synchromy 455591264 $0 $0
Synergy Academies 200672173 $10,584,176 $7,388,546
Synergy Community Development Corporation 203145206 $0 $0
Sytamar Foundation 274363634 $246,722 $3,185,632
T H E Clinic Incorporated 237351622 $8,997,768 $4,445,928
T Thel Foundation 510580862 $0 $0
Tabernacle Community Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 954704563 $0 $0
Tabernacle Miracle Center 940212033 $0 $0
Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church 956005973 $0 $0
Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center 421559099 $0 $0
Tabernaculo Biblico Bautista Amigos De Israel Valle De San Fernando 454568218 $40,126 $3,461
Taebah Mission 208200314 $36,663 $38,730
Tahl Mah Sah Buddist Monastery and Temple of America 237286832 $120,183 $960,575
Tai Won Suhr Foundation 953976254 $9,510 $152,978
Taikoproject 262035981 $257,095 $27,059
Tails of the City Animal Rescue 800215249 $52,717 $1,421
Tailwaggers Foundation 463148361 $0 $0
Taipei American School Foundation 510255746 $59,719,675 $133,787,620
Taiwan Christian Church Council of North America 362929213 $0 $0
Take Action Hollywood 912143893 $3,150 $5,081
Taking the Reins 954688657 $409,914 $2,519,745
Taliesin Nexus 274737588 $100,229 $4,813
Talk to God First Ministries 260189133 $0 $0
Talking Teaching Foundation 452624520 $290,402 $58,955
Tamkin Foundation Incorporated 237018415 $334,294 $2,728,510
Tarble Foundation 203510478 $24,675,026 $48,985,866
Tassel Incorporated 460825424 $0 $0
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 237315327 $0 $0
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 956191854 $0 $0
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 956191856 $0 $0
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 956099053 $0 $0
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 461083709 $0 $0
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 951655182 $649,900 $91,737
Tau of Pi Lambda Phi Alumni Association 946104214 $124,565 $1,014,690
Tavis Smiley Foundation 954770291 $142,474 $51,816
Taylor Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 237250790 $0 $0
Tc Village Incorporated 205213031 $3,378,405 $48,351,839
Teach Incorporated 954856901 $2,405,551 $568,030
Teachers Documentary Project Incorporated 954773483 $3 $28,079
Team Heal Foundation Incorporated 330954775 $282,090 $128,083
Team Prime Time Incorporated 954846644 $808,977 $182,887
Team Safe-t Incorporated 371510113 $0 $0
Team Tassy 900803852 $76,258 $11,670
Team Trakr Foundation 271495317 $0 $0
Technolink Association 954631628 $0 $0
Tee Masters Golf Club 953214457 $30,115 $4,675
Teen Action Program 330969094 $0 $0
Teen Discipleship a California Non-profit Corporation 273406910 $0 $0
Teenangels La 870718516 $0 $0
Teens for Teens Incorporated 451266137 $0 $0
Teens Happy Homes Incorporated 954382775 $2,978,859 $558,456
Tehillim Ministries 371491917 $0 $0
Teichman Family Charitable Foundation 953710911 $1,126,933 $2,497,374
Telacu Affordable Housing Ii Incorporated 800062565 $54,984 $203,105
Telacu Community Capital 954738172 $537,103 $8,550,885
Telacu Education Fountation 954384333 $3,353,895 $2,374,218
Telacu Hacienda 061833880 $479,905 $11,880,940
Telacu Homes Incorporated 311625931 $514,106 $3,337,557
Telacu Housing - Alhambra Incorporated 954625777 $442,133 $4,238,367
Telacu Housing Baldwin Park Incorporated 311580938 $412,053 $4,600,469
Telacu Housing Commerce Ii Incorporated 954434736 $242,851 $1,235,758
Telacu Housing El Monte Ii Incorporated 311580904 $402,264 $4,578,173
Telacu Housing Hawthorne Incorporated 954266977 $949,046 $3,512,758
Telacu Housing Pomona Incorporated 300156392 $454,023 $8,208,442
Telacu Housing Rialto Ii Incorporated 264590332 $1,015,808 $15,081,762
Telacu Housing Rialto Iii Incorporated 273924066 $0 $0
Telacu Housing San Bernardino Iii Incorporated 300156249 $452,796 $7,911,851
Telacu Housing-el Monte Incorporated 954497978 $435,106 $3,386,573
Telacu Housing-los Angeles Incorporated 954523486 $485,370 $4,480,416
Telacu Housing-monterey Hills Incorporated 954437762 $623,086 $6,096,518
Telacu Housing-monterey Park Incorporated 954576213 $467,589 $4,632,044
Telacu Housing-moreno Valley Incorporated 954266975 $999,723 $2,934,719
Telacu Housing-national City Incorporated 954397222 $730,870 $3,983,977
Telacu Housing-pacoima Incorporated 954574466 $635,818 $4,880,351
Telacu Housing-pasadena Incorporated 954507153 $461,560 $4,399,496
Telacu Housing-pico Aliso Incorporated 311634556 $463,755 $4,754,319
Telacu Housing-pico Rivera Incorporated 311741502 $418,918 $5,729,154
Telacu Housing-pomona Ii Incorporated 412205332 $411,231 $9,907,169
Telacu Housing-rialto Incorporated 300232524 $473,302 $8,675,441
Telacu Housing-riverside Ii Incorporated 061803140 $528,461 $12,872,143
Telacu Housing-riverside Incorporated 300232525 $477,110 $8,665,188
Telacu Housing-san Bernardino Ii Incorporated 300046645 $452,657 $6,476,576
Telacu Housing-san Bernardino Incorporated 311741743 $454,191 $5,469,423
Telacu Housing-san Bernardino Iv Incorporated 061803137 $490,027 $15,862,258
Telacu Housing-whittier Incorporated 954627700 $484,904 $4,570,833
Telacu Manor Incorporated 954072123 $808,402 $1,432,386
Telacu Residential Management Incorporated 954524072 $3,691,476 $2,903,517
Telacu Senior Court Incorporated 954099273 $989,473 $2,739,570
Telacu Senior Housing Incorporated 953913987 $803,892 $1,537,823
Telacu Senior Housing of Los Angeles County 954108620 $815,828 $2,232,414
Telacu Senior Manor Los Angeles 954198493 $832,363 $3,096,402
Telecommuting Research Institute 952649145 $0 $0
Teles Foundation 461488805 $0 $0
Telic Arts Exchange 721602871 $41,956 $22,391
Temecula Korean Adventist Church 205064386 $0 $0
Temple Baptist Church of Los Angeles California 951664125 $0 $0
Temple Beth Am 951656370 $0 $0
Temple Beth Am Endowment Fund Incorporated 954306662 $1,935,230 $6,660,520
Temple Bnai Jacob Synagogue 953854159 $0 $0
Temple Hospital Medical Staff 956069344 $0 $0
Temple Israel of Hollywood 237383024 $0 $0
Temple Jeremiah 956193705 $0 $0
Temple of Diana Incorporated 392024654 $0 $0
Temple of Divine Attribution of God Incorporated 510195098 $0 $0
Temple of Emmanuel Ministries 203729369 $0 $0
Temple of Praise Christian Fellowship 953981115 $0 $0
Temple Shir Shalom 953917185 $0 $0
Temple Yesod 954626125 $0 $0
Temple-westlake Neighborhood Development Corporation 954402727 $24,411 $213,366
Templo Belen 581788786 $0 $0
Templo Cristiano Nueva Uncion 273191816 $25,581 $3,019
Templo La Hermosa Asambleas De Dios 274845816 $0 $0
Templo La Hermosa Ministerios Tiempo De Restauracion 273534852 $36,500 $805
Templo Pentecostal La Puerta Estrecha 954468071 $119,721 $346,040
Tena Adam Organization 912081770 $15,078 $56,669
Tenasco De Arriba International Benefit Organization Incorporated 510677954 $0 $0
Tenemos Que Reclamar Y Unidos Salvar La Tierra-south La 421687057 $214,066 $970,879
Tenrikyo California Church 953691283 $0 $0
Tenrikyo Hollywood Church 953464674 $0 $0
Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America 237115693 $0 $0
Tenrikyo Terminal Church 953443228 $0 $0
Tenrikyo Westside Meikyo Church 954257734 $0 $0
Tenshinkyo Honcho of California 930736074 $0 $0
Tenth Councilmanic District Womens Steering Committee Incorporated 953985227 $0 $0
Tenth Muse Films Incorporated 203359563 $56,295 $22,532
Terasaki Family Foundation 954249502 $101,854,820 $77,018,894
Terralucent Incorporated 271124698 $0 $0
Tesfa in Los Angeles 954639596 $0 $0
Tesla Foundation Group 462358576 $0 $0
Tessie Francisco Cancer Foundation 680576866 $0 $0
Testimonial Cathedral Church of 953557039 $0 $0
Testimonial Community Love Center 954376926 $736,462 $773,247